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I've tried being nice, I've tried being polite, I've tried subtle hints, and people are still arguing. 


Enough is enough. From now on, I expect people to start using the report button if posts annoy you. I expect to see reports every day, and I expect people to either learn to have a civilized discussion, or you will be shown the door. 


I worked my fucking arse off to get this place to where we are today, and unfortunately giving people the freedom to say what they want results in nothing but arguing. This is now being revoked. 


I'm on red alert. You've been warned. Keep it civil, or I'll crack the whip. 


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the problem on the old forum wasn't censorship, it was basically one dude who wasn't kept on a short enough leash (but who ultimately meant well . . . kind of a shame). i liked the rules about civility then, but i'm also enjoying calling people on bullshit when they're being bullshitty now.  and problems still come up, rules or no rules.  we've seen that.  if you want to set up a system where you're saying if you do _____ then your punishment will be _______, i say go for it, couldn't hurt.  that said, i think a lot of people migrated because they didn't want a babysitter, and you were one of them.


for my part, i'm happy to keep disagreements and issues in PM.  where they belong.  where they don't bother anyone else.

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That's fine. Everyone disagrees. We all have our moments and our arguments, but certain folks aren't able to address these as civilized people and that's where I get annoyed. 


Posting PMs in public to prove a point is also just being petty. You know who you are. Don't let it happen again. 


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it is if people start playing nice

I thought that was the whole point of this new forum? You all pretend to be nice and stab each other in the back. I became active in the middle of your drama 2 forums ago. It's still going on  :huh:  I don't want to fight or get stupid PM's because I shared my opinion and someone doesn't like it and never had the balls to confront me when it happened.


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Diddums there must have been times in the last few weeks of mayhem when you must have thought 'why did I bother?'

I'd just like to say thanks for bothering , the place is really important to me. You're running round sorting all the crap out, i am sure many of us really appreciate it, I know I do .

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I have been in contact with some forum members and I'll be completely honest, the arguments going on here is turning me off from visiting. Like I've said to some members, we all have problems in real life and we don't need the drama on the internet as well.


In the end, I know that there is no way I'd ever leave this community. But it's ultimately causing me not to post as much.


If Dave is putting his foot down, then I guess I'll have to as well. Ninja style.  :ph34r:


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I thought that was the whole point of this new forum? You all pretend to be nice and stab each other in the back. I became active in the middle of your drama 2 forums ago. It's still going on  :huh:  I don't want to fight or get stupid PM's because I shared my opinion and someone doesn't like it and never had the balls to confront me when it happened.


Calm down there satan (this was a joke), you are making a few generalizations that are not necessary, or valid, for a large portion of this forums population.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Calm down there satan (this was a joke), you are making a few generalizations that are not necessary, or valid, for a large portion of this forums population.

Black hearted angel fallen from grace. :angry::lol: You are absolutely correct it isn’t everyone and that’s what fucking pisses me off. The people who serve to supplant those who are not to their liking are allowed to do so unchecked. I’m mad because this is a wonderful community and a ton of you are very nice people who I enjoy gaming and sharing ideas with. I’ve never attacked someone here for sport. Others have and have been successful in picking off those who won’t stand up for themselves. Bullying members to leave because you don’t care for them based on their opinions, what they enjoy, their lifestyle, etc... is a problem. I think all of you who care for this community should fight against people pushing members away. Fight for each other and the whole.


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Calm down there satan (this was a joke), you are making a few generalizations that are not necessary, or valid, for a large portion of this forums population.


unless my memory's hazy, i'm pretty sure the whole point of the new forum was to have a place for Diddums (and Co.) to say whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted to.  so, kinda like the exact opposite of playing nice. 


(i'm cool with "nice," just making sure no one's rewriting history here.)

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To that I say this.


Use the /Ignore feature


Seriously, it will help you out

Thank you but I'm not blocking anyone.


unless my memory's hazy, i'm pretty sure the whole point of the new forum was to have a place for Diddums (and Co.) to say whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted to.  so, kinda like the exact opposite of playing nice. 


(i'm cool with "nice," just making sure no one's rewriting history here.)

In the interest of prosperity I'd like you to know don't hold any ill will against you. I just hope you'll handle your business differently in the future. If you don't agree with me tell me. I don't need an intelligently typed story to let me know I'm an asshole. I'm aware. :)


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Can someone else word this better than me? I'm struggling to find a way to describe this to fully grown people who should know better.



i dunno . . . i think what you're trying to avoid is having issues between members affect other members who have nothing to do with it.  you have guys like Mike who don't want to read it (obviously he's not the only one, just an example from this thread), so their activity-level goes down.  that's bad (although i bet you could make an argument that this shit boosts traffic a little too, but whatever).


issues happen.  no amount of policing will prevent that.  what we can prevent is spillage into the forum-at-large that taints the experience for everyone else.  spillage has consequences for other forum members who don't want to be subjected to it, so spillage should also have consequences for the culprits (temp bans, whatever).


settle it in PM and then either use ignore or don't use ignore.  done?

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Thank you but I'm not blocking anyone.


In the interest of prosperity I'd like you to know don't hold any ill will against you. I just hope you'll handle your business differently in the future. If you don't agree with me tell me. I don't need an intelligently typed story to let me know I'm an asshole. I'm aware. :)


alright how can i be mad at this.  it's both a compliment to me, and self-deprecating to you.  we're good man.  well-played.

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Thank you but I'm not blocking anyone.


Thats your choice and what not.

But I will say this, as I have gotten older, I have realized that some folks just don't have dick thats worthwhile to listen to.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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