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Health / Armour/ Shields


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Just a small thread to explain the difference between white, yellow and blue health.

Health - White

Standard health that does not regenerate and takes 100% of all damage dealt

Armour - Yellow

Armour does not regenerate. But negates 5 points of damage for each tick of damage dealt by an enemy. So helpful against somebody like soldier who does 28 damage per ticket but less so against high impact shot like Pharah’s Rocket at 100 damage on a direct hit.

Shields - Blue

Shields take 100% of damage like standard health but will begin to regenerate after 3 seconds out of combat at a rate of 25 per second back up to 100% of their original value

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Nice :)

I would add to it that damage and healing follows a specific order.  Any damage received will first damage shield (blue) until empty, then armour (yellow) and then health (white).

Obviously any character with a barrier ability (Reinhardt, Zarya etc) the barrier will take a certain amount of damage before breaking and then it follows the above order.

As you said above shields regenerate if you get out of combat.  However it is possible to have your shields healed also.  Though any healing is done in the reverse order to damage.  Healing will therefore fill health until full, then armour and finally shields.  No characters healing, regular or special abilities can heal a barrier.


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