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Discuss the operators - Valkyrie


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This series has been re-created to facilitate the gameplay, metagame, and strategy discussion that often gets buried or lost in the abundance of others posts that flood this sub.

The goal of this series is to not only give new players a primer on an operator, but also for midlevel or competitive players a chance to share the knowledge that they have accrued in their experiences and maybe let people know something that they did not know before.

Today's operator is Valkyrie.

The community has outlined a couple of things that they want to converse about with every operator, but feel free to branch out should you feel a piece of information warrants its own discussion.

  • The operator’s primary or ideal role in the team. (DISCLAIMER: Operators can be played in a number of different ways. There is no single way to play an operator. This is probably the most subjective segment of the discussion series, and hopefully will spark debates or help us learn things we did not know before.)
  • The operator’s gadget and how it will help the team achieve its goals. Please share any tidbits you may know to help expand discussion.
  • The operator’s loadout, and how best to optimize it. This includes primaries, secondaries, and secondary gadgets.
  • What maps and game modes does this operator do well on?
  • What maps and game modes does this operator struggle with?
  • What teammates synergize well with this operator?
  • What opposing operators check or counter this operator?
  • What strategies have you adopted while playing this operator? What is something that a new player should know * when playing this operator, or what is something you know that would help a veteran player take that next step?
  • What is your overall opinion of this operator? Where would you rank them among the other operators?

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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Valkyrie is a must pick imo. The intel you can get from the extra cameras is super useful especially when a lot of people know the standart camera locations and destroy them right away. Her kit is also pretty good with a (sniper) shotgun, c4 and 2 armor 2 speed which allows her to roam easily or stay in objective room if wanted. A very flexible character and useful even after dying (assuming she placed her cams)

  • And after the shotgun nerf gets rolled out, people will remember about the MPX, which is basically the best SMG that can't use an acog.

General Tips:

  • With good communication, she's a fantastic bonus to her team, even when dead.
  • Don't mark/spot with cameras unless you have a very good reason to do so. You get them destroyed.
  • Her MPX is a great SMG, with a high rate of fire and great accuracy; it's ideal for headshots and drone-hunting. her shotgun is not quite as good as Frost's Super 90, but it's pretty decent too.
  • You always want to be running nitro cells with Valkyrie, both for shield operators, but also for camera-based ambushes, and wallbang traps.
  • Put cameras in unexpected or camouflaged(Neon lights nearby are good. Colourful eye-candy like decorated xmas trees are too.) places so they don't get noticed, but ideally have a good field of view. Don't put them in overlapping or too-close-to-each-other locations, as this just makes them redundant. (Covering the same room from multiple angles CAN be useful, but putting two cameras next to each other is just silly.)
  • You also want to generally have cameras be outside of the areas you want to defend, looking inwards. This leaves them at the backs of attackers generally, and makes them more difficult to notice and riskier(having to turn away from defenders) to deal with.
  • Get your cameras up before the prep phase is complete, but try to avoid getting watched by drones as you do it.
  • Unless you have a good spot in mind, consider reserving 1 camera for your own use: you can plunk it down to cover your rear, or to watch around corners or setup traps. Ideally don't throw that one too high, so you can recover it and move on afterwards.
  • Valkyrie traps. Besides knowing where someone is, and then running up to flank them with gunfire or a nitro, you can also fire through walls similar to how Pulse operates. or lay a nitro somewhere you figure someone will be walking, watch on camera, and then detonate when they do. (The best way of doing this is to put the nitro on the ceiling below the floor you expect someone on, and watch them on camera for someone to walk over it. Detonate for 1+ kills.) Walls work too, but are less likely to have someone up close to the blast, though you can definitely catch people trying to plant breaching charges this way.
  • Valkyrie's cameras can also be thrown outside the interior of buildings, so you have more visibility outside. This cannot be done in prep phase however, as the red walls make your camera's bounce off.
  • If you see Valkyrie has ripped open a window somewhere, do not re-barricade it unless she's ran off elsewhere as prep phase ends, as she's wanting to throw a camera outside.
  • Valkyrie is also really good in combination with certain operators, namely Tachanka and Caveira.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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