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Insomnia..you bitch!


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Hey Drifter, I have a couple things that might work for you.  I see you're doing the running but I also wanted to add


1. Hit the weights. I have been sleeping like a baby ever since I started doing that.


2. Use meditation to clear your mind and then it should be easier to go to sleep after.  Here is the link that I made for Dattebayo; ignore the ponies and just throw on some headphones and do what he says every night before you go to sleep.


Keep calm and question nothing.

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I've always found that punching myself in the balls really hard takes my mind off insomnia.  It won't help you sleep, but you won't be so worried about not sleeping any longer.


In all seriousness, I seldom suffer from the inability to sleep.  When I do its usually because some priority run has jacked my sleep schedule by keeping me on the clock well past my usual bed time.  Melatonin has worked well for me with both shift issues and with jet lag.  Adult "activities" also help.


I quit drinking for a couple of years because I was having issues with quantity control, but now that I'm older I find I can drink as little as I want with no issues.  You know you better than I know you and should make that decision carefully, but a glass of wine also helps me.  It also often transitions into those adult activities, so win-win there.


Again, no real claim of expertise here and I seldom have what would be termed insomnia.

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I only have problems sleeping when I am worried about something. When my grandmother was dying I couldn't sleep at all. So I took (melatonin) what Jason suggested and it worked like a charm. Now i'm worried about my mom and all with surgery, so I'm taking it again. Damn restless mind.


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I think when there is something like that going on it's "normal" to not be able to sleep. However when it happens all the time it's a problem because it's all the time. 


Just relaxing with the news on and closing my eyes works for me. I just fall asleep and people at home know that I am not to be disturbed when I am doing that. It probably works because it allows me to focus and relax my mind on something else. If you can find something similar it might help

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[quote name="Dattebayo" post="8965" timestamp="

Try going out for runs.

Dangle has taken up running and it has worked wonders for him.

You also get the added benefit of keeping some of those extra pounds off.

This. I am a total insomniac when I don't exercise. I'm out like a light when I exercise regularly.

BTW - working towards a half marathon his spring and a full by the end of next year if I can stay healthy!

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What others have said, reading a book before bed helps a ton...some nights I hop on bed after staring at the computer screen for hours and I'm screwed, can't sleep at all. But if I read a book for 30 mins before going to sleep I'll pass out easy.


Also If you are a midnight snacker, try not to be...eating keeps me up if I do.



PS: Fuck my neighbors, they bought some loud talking Halloween decorations that go off 20 times during the night. No way to sleep around that!

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