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Insomnia..you bitch!


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Okay it's only 1am here so no Insomnia yet ;)  But it's just a couple hours away.


I have been this way since my late 20's...Insomnia like a SOB. I have SOOOO much trouble just shutting my mind down. I actually have read/studied about this and there are actually people that for whatever reason experience over active brain wave length and they seriously have issues "shutting their mind down"... I really think after decades of issues, that's me :wacko:


You guys all know I never pull any punches, I and 100% honest, and I am up front about my past with being a recovering alcoholic. Part of the reason I was a drinker in my 30's was because it helped me to get to sleep. Without it I laid in bed 2/3/4/5 hrs a night unable to sleep. I've noticed now the past year or two my Insomnia is getting worse again. Last thing I ever want to do is go back to drinking, even though that option has crossed my mind lately due to lack of sleep :blink:


Anyone else ever deal with Insomnia or have any things you do to help?


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I don't sleep much at night, as you can probably tell from my activity on here.

The bar and beer business makes me have a weird schedule. When I get home at night at say 3 am or later I often have to open the store the next day on a few hours of sleep. Blah blah blah.

Tldr. I can't sleep for Shit and do that feel like complaining about it.

Have you tried reading? When I really need to get to sleep I'll read some civil war history or a slower novel. Or I put a movie on that I've seen many times, typically a classic like treasures of the Sierra Madre or cool hand Luke and that helps me fall asleep.

Sleep with a fan on? That helps me also.


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And yeah I bet the "jasin" is the owl ;)  because Jay and I both have had issues in addiction in the past and have talked about them together, and seriously I want very much to hear what he can say here maybe. But I do welcome all help/replies is all. So any help with any sleep disorders, hell post away.


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Dude.... 1am and you#re posting on the internet. No wonder you can't wind down. Put all the tech away, grab a magazine or book or something (relaxing, not pr0n you filthy bastard) and read that with a nice cup of tea. I suffer from it occasionally too, for me the best solution is to wind down as much as I can in bed, no telly, no radio, n internet, nothing, and when the time is right, I usually nod off anyways.


Start drinking again and imma come kick your ass old man.


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I don't suffer with insomnia as a rule, but when I travel to China for work I really struggle. The biggest issue for me, is the fact that I get myself wound up because I can't sleep and it just ends up as a downwards spiral meaning I end up not sleeping at all.


However, I can safely say that staring at a screen, whether it be online or a tv is the worst thing you can do!  A friend gave me some Melatonin before one of my trips and that seemed to work well.

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Dude.... 1am and you#re posting on the internet. No wonder you can't wind down. Put all the tech away, grab a magazine or book or something (relaxing, not pr0n you filthy bastard) and read that with a nice cup of tea

Seriously bud, not the reason lol. I can try to sleep at 11pm, 1am you name it, just does not work for me bud. Not saying late night porn is not an issue though :D



Start drinking again and imma come kick your ass old man.

I know bud, and I would never even think of that, but when you get so deseprate to just play SLEEP like I am every night, all sorts of shit rushes through your mind. Thats seriously been one man. I just am at the end of my rope with this insomnia man, it's seriously killing me. You ever try to run a business, or even function on 2 hrs sleep per night? :o  sucks man. And seems like it gets worse all the time. I'm about to give up man. I'm to the point I dunno what to do anymore man.


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Being cold always helps me.

Nothing is better than cocconing-up in a thick blanket when the night air can freeze your balls right off.

Try going out for runs.

Dangle has taken up running and it has worked wonders for him.

You also get the added benefit of keeping some of those extra pounds off.



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How is your sleep pattern Steve? Have you tried the same sleep times for a week or two to see if that helps? My sleep pattern at the moment is all over the place and I'm always tired or unable to sleep. When I take a week or two off work I try and maintain a steady sleep schedule, which really makes a noticable difference.


Have you sought medical advice for this at all?


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Dave seriously...my sleep pattern SUCKS man.


I try to sleep at midnight, 1am, 2am....I usually don't sleep till at least 4am. Last week or so it;s been 5am. And it don't matter what time I lay down either. I just have the worst time shutting my damn head off is all. Perfect example, it's 3.30am now....I am not the least bit tired. Yet "IF" I lay down, I'll lay there thinking of all sorts of stupid shit. Just stuff where I can not shut my head off at all for whatever reason.


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Have you tried ambien or some other sleep aid. I swing shifts so my sleep pattern sucks. I bounce from 12hr day to night every two weeks.my biggest problem is sleeping when I'm on days. Night shift I sleep great.i have taken Ambien CR and it helps,non-narcotic so non habit forming.

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I suffer from mild insomnia. Nothing like you suffer with though. In fact, It's bullshit to say I suffer at all compared.

What helps me is turning on the most boring documentaries on the PS3 youtube app. I take off my glasses so I can't see the TV and the strain on my eyes forces me to close them, I then also have the white noise that ain't so white if ya get me.


My other technique is having a joint but that's only on the odd occasion that I actually have stuff. I'm not recommending starting that though. That just works for me.


Alcohol always worked but I've cut down on that this year because I was becoming dependent again. I don't know if you remember me saying but years back I was a bit of an alcoholic, I didn't realise at the time because I was very young and Irish. I was led to believe that's what the Irish do so I done it. Nearly got kicked out of my house because of it. I was 16-17.


All of this post is random mutterings except for the first paragraph. I highly recommend falling asleep with a big ol' boring doc. Boring is different for everyone so just pick a subject that you were never interested in. Algebra for me. I find most docs interesting so that's what I go with.


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Alcohol always worked but I've cut down on that this year because I was becoming dependent again. I don't know if you remember me saying but years back I was a bit of an alcoholic, I didn't realise at the time because I was very young and Irish. I was led to believe that's what the Irish do so I done it.



Cal, I'm a still recovering Alcoholic, guess what my family/moms madin name is .....Murphy. I'm 50%/60% Irish myself ;)  were' a bit dispositioned to having issues aren't we? lol


Not that has anything to do with the issue at all.


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That's racist and I love it! Hahahaha!


I jest. It sucks not being able to sleep though. You should give the YouTube thing a try though. Even watch minecraft comms.




I always go to sleep listening to this fucker, He's not boring but he has a soothing voice, even when he's swearing xD


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What works for me is reclining the lazy boy and shutting my eyes while listening to the news. The news is not particularly visual like a TV show and it just puts me out. I actually find it very relaxing. Try to somewhat listen to what they are saying so that your mind relaxes a bit.


I find that exercise wakes me up so I don't do it past 8pm. Also eating too late is not good for me. 

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*flap flap flap*



What's this... How may I be of assistance?



So, not really my area of expertise, all I can say is that melatonin has done wonders for me. I've never used any other kind of sleep aid. Also, darkness. Darkness is what tells your body to produce melatonin on its own. Staring into a bright monitor with the lights on just before going to bed won't do you any favors.


I take 3mg of melatonin 1 hour before bed time, not every night, just nights where I anticipate difficulty falling asleep. Sunday night especially; I fuck up my sleep patterns on the weekend. Other than that, I haven't done any real research on the subject; I'm sure you know more than I do. Definitely don't recommend drinking though!!!! We both know what lies at the end of that path, death in a pool of vomit or crumpled car, you're far too awesome to go out like that. <3

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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