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BF4 Beta


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I'm so fucking pissed off right now it's not even funny. The GAME dude at Eurogamer said if I pre-ordered BF4 there and then, I'd have a code sent to my email with the code for the Beta access. Nope. 


I get a physical disc sent to my house on the 1st of November, and I got a code to unlock everything for the air vehicles in BF3. 


What a dick, I'm not impressed. 


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Traffic, kids, the missus and fucking tv programmes conspired to stop me even getting a fucking single game in after downloading this last night, as you can probably tell I'm NOT FUCKING HAPPY!!


@ Euan, yes you can call me a grumpy bugger this time!

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Try finding out you have to wait a MONTH to play.

Yeah I read that, what a git for telling you what you did! I've got £40 of Amazon vouchers from Father's Day that I've been keeping for this game, so once I've had a go on the Beta I'll be placing my pre order. The only trouble is, it will be for the PS3, can't see me getting a PS4 in the near future and I really want to play this game.

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You don't have to wait a Month, open beta start in a few days. Early beta only gets a 3 day head start. 


Also if you paid with credit card, just cancel the sales. The did not deliver the product, declare fraud and pre-order somewhere else.

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You don't have to wait a Month, open beta start in a few days. Early beta only gets a 3 day head start. 


Also if you paid with credit card, just cancel the sales. The did not deliver the product, declare fraud and pre-order somewhere else.

Not sure what you're saying there Patrick. I've got access to the Beta already being Premium on PS3, just haven't played it yet.

I've £40 worth of Amazon gift vouchers waiting to be spent. I know what i want, but just wanted some game time on the Beta before spending them. I know I won't get the disc until release day in Europe at best, which incidently is after the US (not sure about Canada), so I'm all good really. 

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Downloaded the PS3 beta just because I had access to it from Warfighter. Got to play one game last night, after about a billion updates. Had to update my PS3 system software, then PSN store, then download and install the beta. What a PITA.


Game was fun. Went 5-17. Dual analog is for the birds. Also, there's a crap ton of controls, which I didn't bother to look at first. Took me half the match just to figure out how to run. :D


I think I'm really going to like this game. Wishing I knew more people playing on PC though.

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Not sure what you're saying there Patrick. I've got access to the Beta already being Premium on PS3, just haven't played it yet.

I've £40 worth of Amazon gift vouchers waiting to be spent. I know what i want, but just wanted some game time on the Beta before spending them. I know I won't get the disc until release day in Europe at best, which incidently is after the US (not sure about Canada), so I'm all good really. 



Hi, responding to dave who said he had to wait a month because of his problem

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You don't have to wait a Month, open beta start in a few days. Early beta only gets a 3 day head start. 


Also if you paid with credit card, just cancel the sales. The did not deliver the product, declare fraud and pre-order somewhere else.



Sorry I completely missed this post. I don't mind waiting, I've got GTA5 to tie me over until then in the times I manage to pull myself away from BF3 long enough to turn on my PS3. I'm assuming you have to have bought the game for the open beta?


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I was a premium PS3 owner so I have it for PS3. I will download it on the PC for the open beta and try it. I have a feeling that my keyboard + mouse skills will be an impediment in this case. The game is already very fast on the PS3 (at DOM is). I have not tried conquest yet.

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