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BF4 Beta feedback


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I thought I'd put this in place ready for next week's start.


One interesting thread I read on Battlelog yesterday. He made the point of saying that playing Conquest 12 v 12 on a big map, that has primarily been designed for next gen and pc with 32 v 32 might not be a good advert for the game.


He suggested that Rush might've been the better game mode as it would've concentrated the action more and not run the risk of BF4 being perceived as being boring by potential new comers playing on current gen consoles.


Got to say I think he made a good point. A lot of people think that Battlefield is "boring" compared to CoD. Ok they're entitled to their opinion, but they are 2 very different animals in the way they play. However, maybe CQ was not necessarily the right choice of game mode to show off how good Battlefield can be on consoles.


That aside, I'm really looking forwards to playing the beta when it starts next Tuesday. The aim of this thread is for those playing it to give their feedback and experiences from the game play. I know it'll only be on the one map, and for console users only 12 v 12, but all the same, it should be a good taster for the main event in little over a months time.


Looking forwards to seeing what people think. And for those who have never played Battlefield and usually play CoD as their primary fps, please go into it with an open mind, you never know you might enjoy it ;)

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I have a feeling that 12 x 12 in Beta with everything being unknown could be rather dull in conquest. Lots of people will just sit back and snipe. Hopefully the map is not too large.  I prefer DOM anyways.


Did you see if BETA will have vehicles? That could be a reason for choosing that game mode. 


Anyways I'm probably going to try the initial beta on my PS3 (where I am a premium member) and then try the open beta later on my PC and see. 


I'm gonna be getting that game. I'm still undecided on which platform. I'll probably go premium once I do so the pre-order does not matter since Premium gives you all the pre-orders stuff anyways.

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Conquest is considered the core game mode by many BF vets, but I see your point. Personally I prefer playing Conquest to Rush, so it doesn't worry me that much anyway.

What got me into BF:BC1 (and by association, Battlefield in general) was Gold Rush.

What an exciting premise! What face-paced action! Nail-biting tension!

With Conquest, you can always tell when the match is FUBAR, but in Rush, last minute bomb plants are a commonplace and tides can be turned with one good push. They also make better use of a large map, like you implied in the OP.



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I don't understand what anyone is talking about, but I'm still excited for the beta. It'll give me a chance to get used to playing a FPS on PC. Get my controls set up and whatnot. Really hoping I can get my PS3 Nav controller to work. That would be sweet.

stick with the mouse and learn to use it otherwise the PC players will shit all over you

you can aim so much faster with a mouse than a controller. just grind away and youll get used to it







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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stick with the mouse and learn to use it otherwise the PC players will shit all over you

you can aim so much faster with a mouse than a controller. just grind away and youll get used to it


I was gonna replace the keyboard with the Nav and use a mouse. I don't mind using a mouse, it's the damn AWSD that I can't get used to. Plus the Nav has extra buttons. The keyboard obviously does too, but I always end up hitting the wrong keys. I suck. However, I found some software called Motioninjoy I think. Looks promising. I'm hoping it'll let me use the Nav instead of keyboard. Of course, I have no idea if it'll actually work with BF4. I haven't tried the software on any other games either. I should probably get on that.

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Motioninjoy is mainly for the PS3 joystick. I've used it, it's pretty good actually.


You need to get used to WASD. Once you've overcome that hurdle, you'll have the most versatile control systems at your fingertips.


Of course you could always get one of these, it helps!




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Another issue is that the PC does not use Auto -aim an therefore it's much harder to get hits initially. I have the same problem you do. I fumble all over the buttons. A gaming mouse with programmable buttons has help somewhat. I use the corsair FPS mouse.


There aren't too many gamers older than me on this site so that should not be an issue. :)

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I've got a Logitech G700 I think. It's sweet and definitely does help with all the buttons. It's nice being able to program all the commonly used things onto a close button.


If the Nav doesn't work out, I think I'll be ok with keyboard. I'm pretty sure no matter what, the game is going to be hard for awhile. There's going to be a lot of people who are pros with keyboard + mouse. Oh well. I'll just get in a fighter jet and crash into them or something. Or grab an ATV. How fun will those things be?!

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Or camp like a little girl and minimize the problem. If you have to move its a lot easier. 


I played assault on the PC a lot. It allowed me to get a gun that is decent and then stick to it (the m416) so I could level it up. The nice thing about the game is you can contribute even if you aren't a killing machine. Drop med kit or ammo for example. Ammo gets you the most points quickest I found. Everyone (even the best of players) will need ammo.  Also suppressing fire can sometimes get you almost as many points as kill. 

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If it's anything like the BF3 Beta, stats are reset before the game is launched. Not a bad thing in some ways imo.

It takes a hell of a long time to level up anyway

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PS3 VS PC + other random thoughts:


Huge difference


For one, the central building on PS3 never once collapses


Time feels off on Parachute jumps on PS3 as well


Lag was easier to manage, but was tricky at times. (This isn't really a concern of mine though as its a beta)


They changed the controls up completely, annoying, I actually prefer the Mouse and Keyboard this time around.


The Commarose (The Gimme health/ammo button) is pointless (both systems)


Dude! Where's my ammo! (Seriously, where is my ammo you fuckers, why am I equipped with a PDW and only like 80 units of fire? I waste that on walls and sidewalks most fights)


Elevators are horrible death traps, and the Chopper crews need to get their shit together to keep the roofs clear and STOP WORRYING ABOUT CAPPING FLAGS!! The rest of us can do that if you just kill those damn snipers! (Also, chopper crews, grats on your roadkill..... Why are you "teabagging" the poor sod now? thats just begging for an RPG round....)

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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