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BF4 Beta feedback


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I just assumed that the scar sights were horrible when I tried to use them! They weren't solid for me but they did block a lot of my view meaning it was difficult to find targets.

I don't know if anyone else was having the same issue, but I literally couldn't see through the iron sights sometimes as they were solid.


When they were ok they were pretty good.

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I had the problem with the solid sight as well. It seemed to take a couple of seconds before it corrected itself. It almost seem like a laggy response from the graphics engine. It has to draw the solids first and the hollow out the sight. It was just to slow to do it properly. I did not see it on the PC however. 

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I had the problem with the solid sight as well. It seemed to take a couple of seconds before it corrected itself. It almost seem like a laggy response from the graphics engine. It has to draw the solids first and the hollow out the sight. It was just to slow to do it properly. I did not see it on the PC however. 

Ok, so it wasn't just me. It's starting to make wonder how good the game will be on this gen's consoles though.

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Mkay, I'm in love. No two ways about it. Those who reckon it's BF3,5 can kiss my arse, it's a whole different game. First off, I didn't enjoy it at first because I was having framerate and lag issues. The last update seemed to fix it, so I'm running buttery smooth on Ultra apart from the odd packet loss due to my shitty WiFi card. The vehicles I've used so far (ground only) handle much more responsively than their predecessors. The new mode, Obliteration is awesome sexy fun. 


The map is amazing. Honestly, the size, scale, the height of some of the buildings, it's just phenomenal. If the console guys are having the same experience as me, then this is an all round very solid success. 


Now all I need to do is die less and kill more. I also need a new WiFi card as this thing is actually costing my a fight now and then. 



Battlefield's done it again, except this time, I'm here from day one. Roll on.


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Got say I'm loving it!! Haven't played anything other than the Beta since it started, and really looking forwards to trying the new game mode out. I've pre ordered for the PS3 as I'm not sure when I'll be able to afford a PS4 right now, the joys of home ownership are eating funds like no tomorrow at the moment! :(

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What graphics card are you using Dave? I find that running mid is perfectly fine (too much detail distracts me) and it runs pretty smooth. I am capable however of running Ultra with the Radeon 7850. I suppose if I crosssfire it, it would be awesome but I don't feel like spending the money for 1 game.


I have a pre-order on the PS3 which I am likely to cancel. The experience on the PC is much better. I just need to learn on the play properly on a PC. Also the TVs keep getting commandeered so I am probably better off on my PC. It's also located where my router is so it's wired rather than wireless. 


I can't say I am in love with it however. I just hasn't hooked me, but no game has lately so maybe I'm just tired or FPS. 


The game also seems to be more popular with Europeans. There seems to be lots more people on the Euro servers that NA. It's probably just as good for me to play with Western Europe as it is the US west coast. 

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I'm running a gtx770 superclocked. I'm still having issues though, but I think it could well be my antique hdd starting to give in. I'm looking at getting a Kingston SSDnow soon, and I also need to look at networking solutions. I might just start drilling and feed an ethernet cable through my ceiling if I can. Not sure how well a signal will transmit through home plugs in my place.


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I'm running a gtx770 superclocked. I'm still having issues though, but I think it could well be my antique hdd starting to give in. I'm looking at getting a Kingston SSDnow soon, and I also need to look at networking solutions. I might just start drilling and feed an ethernet cable through my ceiling if I can. Not sure how well a signal will transmit through home plugs in my place.


My SSD is probably;y my favourite part about my build, ridiculously fast.

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Tried to play some Domination. Got put in a game that ended two minutes later. When the next game started my system froze. Restarted, got in another game that just ended. New one starts, system froze.

I don't think I like it but it's tough to tell when I can't actually play.

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I gave up too. On PC at least, it's unplayable atm. I have since found out that it's because I'm running Win7 when the game is optimized for Win8, which is understandable. The game will run perfectly smooth, but as soon as I fire a shot / scope in or whatever, it grinds to a slide show which get me killed. I just hope that this is resolved before the final launch.


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I've had a few freezing issues, but nothing too frustrating thankfully. Here are a few observations:


The game sound as you spawn at the start of a game takes a few seconds to kick in. Not a game breaker, but you almost find yourself thinking "hope the sounds starts up soon".


I've often spawned (typically at the start) without a gun to be seen, same issue that BF3 had at one stage. Need addressing.


Gun play is actually quite good, although I've been playing mainly as Assault and Engineer class.


Dick head Recon's who are still intent on sitting it out as far away from the flags as possible despite the fact they now have C4 and a portable soflam. I knifed 2 of these idiots yesterday while they were laying prone on the buildings near "A". easy kills for me, but must've been frustrating for the opposition to have these guys in their team.


Not sure I like the bullet trails from the sniper rifles.


Main rounds from a tank should have far better splash effect on infantry, I think I've got one kill from my main gun with a tank. These should kill anyone within a 2m radius. Maybe it will be better in HC.


Carbines are godly :)


Bullet drop doesn't seem to be a feature when sniping anymore :( This should be present.


Scope glint seems to have been toned down a little.


Suppression feature seems to be a bit skewed. I have got the drop on quite a few people, but when they start shooting at me it sends my aim right off due to this.


Pistols are good.


I like the knifing animations, still not as good as KZ3 (no game I have played is as good as this), but better than BF3.


Don't like the new grenade animation, looks almost cartoon like and is now far too obvious.


All in all I have enjoyed it, but am keen to see what the other maps bring, plus I'm itching to play HC in this game. Will it be better than BF3? It certainly has the potential, but that will also be down to those playing the game.


My main concern is that this game potentially being the biggest Battlefield game yet, it will attract too many people (I was going say kids, but that would be unfair) who won't play the game in the manner it should be played in. This has already been highlighted by Dave in an earlier post. I just hope it's popularity won't be it's downfall.


I also hope that DICE/EA have more of their own servers. The one thing I have noticed is the inability to play a lot of maps in the game modes I like in BF3 due to admins preferences.


I would like to be able to play CQ, Rush et al on ALL maps, not just a select few.

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The sound thing is the same on PC, now sure what that's all about.



Tanks spawn in with AP rounds in the beta hence why they're so weak against infantry. In the full game, you'll have HE rounds which will make a massive differences.


Bullet drop is present, it's just not half as much as BF3 which does suck as getting it right in BF3 was ever so satisfying.


Not gonna comment on the snipers / campers, my views on those are fairly well documented.


Scope glint has definitely been toned down a bit, and I like the new spotting thingy. I love playing counter sniper so seeing them stick out like sore thumbs on top of buildings is a huge help, especially as once the building's gone down, the map is covered in floating dust.


Not sure about the console, but on PC, if you press T, you can zoom in with it, and with the default sniper too. Only discovered that yesterday, made a huge difference.


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We've got one on the PC, don't you have it on the consoles?

Not that I can find, maybe it's there but being old and senile it's escaped me.


The reason I commented was because last night I had a kid in my squad who would not shut up about wanting to get into a tank or a heli, he was doing my head in.


Ordinarily I woudl have left the squad, or reduced the chat volume on my headset, but the game was full my headset was on charge so wasn't using it. If I'd turned the volume on the tv down I wouldn't have been able to hear the game!


He was EVERYTHING that people complain about with kids in MP games!


Anyway, rant over......and calm :)

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I'd fucking love to man, but I just don't have the house to myself any more. I get too frustrated when I try and record and my housemate walks around, she makes one little sound and then spends half an hour apologizing loudly for making that sound.



Shame, she's a lovely girl but intelligence just isn't her thing.


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