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Drifters weight lose/diet


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I had this post on the old MW2 site 2 years ago if I remeber correct (mw2 site uhg!) anyway figured its time I started a new one here now.....


Started 2/2/12 at 6'6" 400lbs ( :ph34r: )


2/7/13 was 6'6" 250 lbs


last month 8/1/13 was 259 lbs (I slipped on the diet a bit)


 9/24/13 I've been walking 3 miles per day, eating only 1000 calories per day, and weight trainging 4 days per week, now today I'm 262lbs. I think some of the weight is from working out now though because I have been strice on the diet and working out so I'm thinking maybe its a bit mass/muscle because I know that few lbs cant be gained weight/fat. (sure specter might "weigh" in on this)? ^_^


Anyway thats where I am today far as my weight lose/diet. My goal is 230 lbs by Dec 31st. 2013 Which may be a bit low for my height but we'll see.


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We don't want you wasting away to a shadow Steve!


Is 230lbs the optimum weight for your height and build? Do you feel comfortable where you're at right now? Bottom line, losing the amount of weight you have is nothing short of amazing. You must have the strongest willpower of anyone I've come across, what with quitting tobacco and staying strong on the alcohol front as well as your diet.


I tip my hat to you sir, bloody well done!

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Uber first off, thanks bud. I am not the strongest person I know when it comes to will power because it took me years to finally quite some of my bad habit for good. I finally was able too though at least for the time being, I'll never say "for good" though because as an addict you never "win" you just deal with. Anyway thanks bud.


Far as 230... These BMI charts say for 6'6 and 42 yrs old I 'should" weigh 210-215lbs. IMO that is BS, those BMI charts are way off base if you ask me. I really think at my age and height I should be 230-240lbs IMO. So thats kind'a where I want to be by the end of the year. I think I can do it if I keep at it. like I said ... I got up this morn and walked 1.5 miles, then at 5pm I jogged 1mile, then this evening I walked about .5 mile. And I work out 3-4 tims per week now. So long as I keep at it I think I can be were I want my Dec.


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One of the best things I did was to get a dog, makes me get up and walk. Being sat at a desk all day for a living is not good for your weight control. Since getting the pooch I've shed 20+lbs and kept it off without any changes to my diet.


Now Stoptober (quit smoking campaign in the UK starting in Oct)  is nearly upon us I'm aiming to give up the smoking once and for all also.

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I wish I could offer you help on that uber, but you know as well as I....it takes quitting from within and nothing someone else can offer. I wish you the best and offer my prayers that you can quit bud. Trust me I will tell you this, it's the best thing I ever did for myself in my life. I hope you can do it too bud.


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I wish I could offer you help on that uber, but you know as well as I....it takes quitting from within and nothing someone else can offer. I wish you the best and offer my prayers that you can quit bud. Trust me I will tell you this, it's the best thing I ever did for myself in my life. I hope you can do it too bud.

Cheers that man :)

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I'm no expert, I can only tell you what's worked for me in the past.  1,000 calories a day isn't enough.  Lose weight too quickly and you're losing more muscle than fat, plus your body doesn't like those rapid changes and will fight harder to get the weight back on.


Something like www.myfitnesspal.com will track your calories.  Shoot for a 500-750 calorie deficit per day when you're losing weight and a 300-500 calorie a day surplus when you're bulking.


Basically when you're gaining weight you want a little surplus so your body says "hey, we're in good times so we can afford the metabolic effort to repair and build muscles."  Its inevitable you will gain some fat as well, though.  So then you cut, but not too fast, so you lost fat faster than muscle.


I was 283 lbs when I decided I was going to get back in shape and be a security contractor.  I got down to 250 when I left.  I'm 245 now, 8 years later.  My body composition has suffered though, and since the end of July I've been losing weight to get my fat content down.  Once I hit about 220 I'll start bulking again, and repeat until I settle in at about 230 with the body fat percentage I want (and can reasonably maintain.)


Again, not a nutritionist or expert, I just know its worked well for me in the past.

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considering you have lost a lot of weight now, you may be due a stall.

intense exercise (weights) on 1000 cals isnt enough.

it might be worth looking into having surplus on non training days and a deficit on training days, but with the overall trend being that you are in a calorie defict for the week.

i would also look into the types of foods you are eating, because if its carb heavy that can also stall fat loss







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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dropping a line to subscribe. Don't know how I missed this thread.


Keep up the good work man.  You start those weights yet? I know you said you had some stuff in your garage. You'd be surprised how much you can do with so little equipment. What have you got?

Keep calm and question nothing.

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Been working on clearing out a 8ft x 8ft area behind the wall I built in the downstairs office to use as a workout area. I use to have a ton of stuff, probably around 800-1000lbs in free weights and all sorts of curl, tricep bars, dumbells etc etc but over the years after my dad passed I lost some of it during moves and sold some when I was not using it. So now I probably have a round 250-300lbs of free weights and a few sets of dumbells and bars left.


Hope to have the area cleaned up and usable before winter but rod building work, aquariums and other projects are making it a slow go.


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If you have the funds, I'd recommend getting a smith machine. That way you can use it for leg press, squats, deadlift and bench press.  It works out good for me since I lift alone. That way you are much safer too.  The set I bought was 300 and it has a low and high pulley as well.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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Yep same here, when I use to lift I always was alone. Been more than once I had to roll the bar down the chest/stomach to get out from under it when benching alone and trying to push out a few extra :blink:  And that was when I was in my 20's....now at 42 if I did that again I'd probably be dead lol


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@drifter - once you get used to lifting, you know when you have reached your muscle failure and know when to rack it.   Plus the smith machine has several slots to rack it where you're at. 


ps  - they call it "The loneliness of the long distance runner" for a reason. ;)

Keep calm and question nothing.

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