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Head transplant


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Didn't see that one coming at all lol!


I wonder if when it gets closer to operation time if he has the ability to see a lineup of dead people before he picks which body he wants.  Or does he just get whatever the doctor ordered?  I mean it's his choice at the end of the day.  He's in no hurry he can go under the knife whenever he wants....once the doctors get to the 99% mark as they say, then this dude should be able to pick his body wouldn't you think?  What if he wanted a woman's body? I assume it would theoretically work either way, man or woman body.   WTF would we call that anyway?  


In the future, instead of sex changes people could just play mix and match with their heads and bodies like legos and maybe then Lady Gaga will get her wish of worldwide androgyny!



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The part I don't quite understand is that if the person is dead there is something wrong with that body anyways. If it can be repaired why wouldn't they save the person who owns the body? Unless it's a head injury of course. 


Also given how fucked up that guy is, I really don't think it's a vanity thing and or your sarcasm being particularly funny

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From what I have read about this, it will not end well for him, but there will be some decent medical/ science information learned

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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This is a joke right? Taking a decomposing cadaver and attaching a freshly severed head to it  :lol: Futurama's idea of heads under glass in robot bodies is probably more realistic. I've seen head transplants done on animals. They don't survive long after the surgery or die during. We wont see this type of thing for many years. Probably as many years as it will take Ray Kurzweil to achieve hybrid humans and immortality. :ph34r:


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Hahaha I just urban dictionaried that shit:

Any woman fitting the definition of a completly hanous raging bitch, who, upon picturing naked you envision the depths of nothingness encapsulated by the most disgusting hairy herpes infested vagina EVER!

A thunder cunt is when a female has such a large vagina that is slaps against her thigh making a very low frequency sound similar to thunder… it is said that rhinos and elephants can hear it from miles away. 

An example of a woman with a thunder cunt would be for instance… 

- Rosie O’Donnell 

- Monique 

- Any woman on the biggest loser

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Wow, imagine if it is successful. That would be the weirdest thing in the world to experience I would think. Just think about it for a second. Everything you are, your arms, fingers, legs, the lot, all different. That must have a very severe mental impact. Good luck to him, but I have my doubts.


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Wow, imagine if it is successful. That would be the weirdest thing in the world to experience I would think. Just think about it for a second. Everything you are, your arms, fingers, legs, the lot, all different. That must have a very severe mental impact. Good luck to him, but I have my doubts.


So thats one of the biggest problems here, your nerve endings and how they connect to your spine and how they route through your body are completely unique to you. You can't just splice two nerve bundles together as if they are speaker wire.


There is a very real possibility that this guy will be driven insane because of the misaligned nerves, or have a totally new body that can't be used at all. There are so many downsides here its not even funny. 


Honestly, like was mentioned above, I think the Futurama head in a jar thing would be more realistic

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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