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Corey's GoWiPe Clash of Clan's Guide

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Corey’s GoWiPE Clash of Clans Guide


Before I start this guide there are few things I want to say:

  1. Everyone has their unique variations of this style of attack, I have people in my clan that use different styles. There is not necessarily a ‘best’ option but I feel this is the most optimal.

  2. Following on from the first point; the most important thing is to make the attack your own. Find out what works for you and enjoy yourself coming up with different options.

  3. Think of this guide as a starting point!

  4. Although this is written from a TH9 perspective the same basic principles can be applied to TH8’s and TH10’s.


The basics of the GoWipe


Troop composition:


3x Pekka (75)

16x Wizards (64)

8x Wall breaker (16)

5x Archer (5)

2x Golem (60)


1x Golem in Clan Castle (30)


Total = 220/220 Army camp, 30/30 Clan castle


  • Alternatively if you don’t have 30 spaces in clan castle you can train an extra golem yourself in place for 1 pekka, 1 wizard and 1 archer. Request for a pekka in your war clan castle.  

  • For a TH8 Gowipe you will want to run 2x Pekka, 17x Wizards, 8x Wall breakers, 6x Archers, 2x Golem with an extra pekka in clan castle.


Spell Composition:


There are four general spell composition I run; it depends on the base I am attacking…


Low TH9’s/Potential 3 Stars:

3 rage, 1 heal, 1 poison OR 4 rage, 1 poison


Solid TH9’s w/ large sections of defences:

3 rage, 1 heal, 1 poison


Solid TH9’s w/ multiple small sections of defences and/or gaps:

2 rage, 1 heal, 1 jump, 1 poison OR 3 rage, 1 jump, 1 poison


Generally, I prefer the use of the jump spells in the GoWipe but if you are going for 3 stars or the enemy base is open in terms of walls it is sometimes better to run directly offensive spells instead.

If you are a TH8 use 2 rage, 1 heal and 1 poison

If you are a TH10 I would personally use a freeze spell as the extra spell. Save it for when you pekka, king and queen are in the centre and try freeze the inferno towers. 


Attacking with the GoWiPE


First steps:

  • Ideally you want to attack in the direction that gives you the quickest, clearest route to the enemy TH. However, in saying this you want to attack on the side with the queen; this is because the queen has a tendency to drag troops* - so by attacking in her direction you can solve this problem easily. You also want to be trying to avoid the clan castle at first as this is a high HP structure that can distract troops for a considerable amount of time.


*Dragging troops is when the queen will hit your troops from behind a defence and stop the troops attacking that structure (perhaps townhall) and make them move to her which can be detrimental to the attack.






As you can see in this example I am attacking on the side of the queen and avoiding the clan castle.


Beginning the Attack:

  • The first step is to place the golems, this should be done in a line with relatively even spacing between them

  • The second step is to place the wizards behind the golems to take out the structures. Place them in a line similar to how you did with the golems. Try and save 2-4 wizards for clean up later in the attack.

  • The third step is to place a rage spell on the central golem and wizards, try and just clip the edge so a lot of the rage spell is within the base.

  • The fourth step is to begin to place the wallbreakers. They should be placed in groups of two in 2-3s intervals. This tries to make sure that you get the most value out of them. If they are placed too late they will run to the side walls but if they are placed too early they will all go after the same wall.




In this example the yellow numbers represent the golems, the red line represents where the wizards should be placed and the purple circle is the placement of the rage spell. The white star represents where the wall breakers should be placed.



The Middle of the Attack:

  • This is the most important part of the attack. Correct placement of the pekkas and heroes can make or break the attack.

  • After the first line of defences has been destroyed you should ideally have a hole in the side of their base - this is where you want to place your big chickens.

  • The king should go down first, followed quickly by the pekkas.

  • Hold on to the queen for a bit, survey if she is needed immediately or can be withheld and placed somewhere else for better effect. Most of the time though she should be placed behind the king and pekkas.

  • The usage of spells is explained in the example. However you will want to place the poison spell on their clan castle troops when they have stopped moving and begin to attack your troops. Usually it is good to draw these troops out but the GoWiPE needs all the time it can get so clearing the CC troops while attacking is needed. IMPORTANT: For a TH8 GoWipe composition it is important to draw out the CC troops first.

  • The archers should be used to destroy structures in the corner and others that are not in the range of defences. This should net you an extra ~6%






  • In this example the black X’s represent structures that should ideally already be destroyed. The letters represent the relative troop (K=King, Q=Queen, P=Pekka).

  • Placement of the spells can vary a lot of attack to attack. Ideally you want to use your second rage and/or first heal on the middle section of the base.

  • The jump spell should be used to allow access to the centre area of the base, if wall breakers managed to breach the center save the jump spell for when the troops try to leave the centre area.

  • The white represents examples of buildings where archers should be placed.


During the Attack


  • The placement/usage of the remaining spells is rather subjective for the rest of the attack. Rage when you think your troops need a boost and heal when you do. Make sure to wait on the king to get lower on health so you can take advantage of his healing ability - he is a great tank for your pekkas and queen.

  • The usage of the Queen’s ability is crucial so make sure you only use it when her death is 100% definite - try and hold on to it for as long as possible.


Final Comments


  • I may add more on to this guide in the near future but for now I think this will do. I did it in a bit of a rush so if I made any errors feel free to point it out.

  • The format of the writing is a bit weird as I copy and pasted from google drive but hopefully you don't mind it too much.

  • If you have any questions also feel free to ask and if you want me to make a guide for another sort of attack I will also endeavour to make it.

  • Practice makes perfect, this attack takes patience and it may not go your way initially but after some time I promise you will be kicking butt in no time.


Kia Ora. 

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Good guide...

I don't like P.E.K.K.As, they are just too unpredictable... If you don't clear outside buildings quick enough they will spend the whole raid outside of the base...

Sometimes I take 1 if I'm feeling adventurous, but generally I use 2-3 golems with 6 witches or all wizards depending on how tightly packed the base is...


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That's a great guide , thanks for all the effort. I gave up on CoC mainly as I was pretty crap at attacking, might dust off my village and have another go.

Thanks! And I'd say it is worth it, the game is fun to play every once in a while. I'd say just experiment with stuff; I've had heaps of fun doing that - try earthquake spells; they aren't the best but they are awesome to use [emoji16]

Good guide...

I don't like P.E.K.K.As, they are just too unpredictable... If you don't clear outside buildings quick enough they will spend the whole raid outside of the base...

Sometimes I take 1 if I'm feeling adventurous, but generally I use 2-3 golems with 6 witches or all wizards depending on how tightly packed the base is...


Yeah I get what you mean, can be very demoralising when they decide to go on a merry-go-round. I've only used the witches strategy a few times although I've been wanting to give it a go more lately. Just scary when a wayward giant bomb takes a bunch out.

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Kia Ora. 

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One thing to add here - when you drop your wizards, start from the far left and far right of your center golem and then place your wizards behind center golem. You need to create a funnel and if the buildings behind your center golem are the last to be destroyed, you guarantee your pekkas and heros will follow the center golem into the base. The building right behind your center golem should be the last one destroyed

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One thing to add here - when you drop your wizards, start from the far left and far right of your center golem and then place your wizards behind center golem. You need to create a funnel and if the buildings behind your center golem are the last to be destroyed, you guarantee your pekkas and heros will follow the center golem into the base. The building right behind your center golem should be the last one destroyed

Thanks for that Nasty! I actually haven't done that myself before but sounds like a much better way to get them going middle [emoji16]

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Kia Ora. 

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