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The screen tearing when I watch YouTube videos is horrible. Just watched the Fallout 4 trailer and the panning of the rooms in the beginning just showed off how bad it is.


But LoL seems to be working fine, so that's good. So many things to sort out with this thing. I have Batman Arkham Orgins installed so I wanna give that a go and see how that looks.


So far I gotta get the hard drive sorted, Windows 8, and fix the screen tearing.


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So are you saying that you have now Installed windows 8? The DxDiag that you ran showed Windows7.


You might gave to re-install you graphics/Video drivers if you installed another operating system. Those are often customized to operate on a specific operating system


Run the diagnostics again if you upgraded the operating system

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The tearing had been resolved I thought. At least it was when Sam and I tested it.


I guess the question would be, what happened between then and when it started again. Virus protection update? Windows update, Graphics card update? etc...



Honestly though, at this point, if it was me, I would rebuild from square one and test each component one at a time.


This is a great learning experience for you. 

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Also, do NOT take this to some PC repair shop


they will fucking rape you with charges and still not fix your shit.


90% of my side weekend work, sadly, is fixing shit that those shops break. (only 10% is actual sql work sadly)


If you lived down here I would just grab it from you for the weekend and fix it. I'd even waive my $55/hour "Friends & Family" fee  :D

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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So are you saying that you have now Installed windows 8? The DxDiag that you ran showed Windows7.


You might gave to re-install you graphics/Video drivers if you installed another operating system. Those are often customized to operate on a specific operating system


Run the diagnostics again if you upgraded the operating system


No I didn't update the OS. I'd like to update the OS.


The tearing had been resolved I thought. At least it was when Sam and I tested it.


I guess the question would be, what happened between then and when it started again. Virus protection update? Windows update, Graphics card update? etc...



Honestly though, at this point, if it was me, I would rebuild from square one and test each component one at a time.


This is a great learning experience for you. 


The game lag was resolved, but the screen tearing still isn't. I really don't have the time to rebuild at this time.


Also, do NOT take this to some PC repair shop


they will fucking rape you with charges and still not fix your shit.


90% of my side weekend work, sadly, is fixing shit that those shops break. (only 10% is actual sql work sadly)


If you lived down here I would just grab it from you for the weekend and fix it. I'd even waive my $55/hour "Friends & Family" fee  :D


Shit, i'll just pack it up and ship it to you. lol


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So when I trouble shoot stuff like this, I work in this order








so, have you checked all the connections? for Screen tearing, I would check the connections from video card to monitor. Then I would swap out to a different monitor, then I would swap out monitor cords.


then I would reseat the video card, and verify that it is solid and dust free


Then I would uninstall the drivers completely, let windows manage the device as a test, watch some videos, and then I would google whatever video card you have, and "Stable Driver"

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I can try and check the connections. However, I don't have another monitor or monitor cords to test these things on.

The rest I'd have to look into.

I still want to update my OS and figure out what's wrong with my hard drive. The start up with the hard drive constantly popping up is annoying. The screen tear for YouTube is annoying but I usually watch videos on my phone anyways. The main problem I had was with the laggy games and that's been resolved.


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Yank the graphics card out of the system for a few days and run on the motherboard video connector. If the tearing stops, it's the graphics card. If not, it's time to dig deeper. 


Also, open up the case and take tons of photos of the motherboard and post them up here. Motherboards will have the brand / model on them and if not I'm a member of a forum full of geeks who will more than likely be able to recognize it. 


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Oh one more thing, EVGA have the best warranties in the PC game so hopefully it's the GPU and we can RMA it. Given that the 660 is so old, you may even get a 760 or if you're very lucky a 960 in return, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Tommy made the final purchase so he will have to get involved but we need to move quickly.

Pull the card out and see if that sorts the problem. Play LoL for a few days, granted the settings will need to be cranked down but we need to stress the system the same way you do with the card in it. Watch loads of youtune stuff. If you're busy, google some random documentary and play it in the background with the sound off. Full screen. Check on it occasionally to see if it's tearing. Hopefully not, then we know the gpu is borked. If it is, we'll have to look further but this is screaming faulty gpu to me.

A new motherboard will cost less than a night at the pub so don't sweat it. Ram is cheap as chips too. The only other thing that I'd be remotely concerned about is the cpu but again I'd be extremely surprised if it isn't the gpu.


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Just looked it up, that motherboard doesn't have onboard VGA hookups/abilities




which pretty much cripples any of these tests.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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