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Benchmarks and GPU Temp Concerns


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So I discovered a GPU benchmark program called Valley Benchmark, the basic program is free and simply tells you in real-time how your GPU is performing. I installed it and ran it, my results are:


Fullscreen, 1920 x 1080p

Settings: Extreme HD

Min FPS: 26.2

Max FPS: 71.9

Avg FPS: 41.8


However, during the benchmark my GPU went up to 80 degrees Celsius. I have a GTX 680, and I'm wondering if that dangerously close to overheating or not. I have several games in my case, but I'm not sure how hot GPUs can get without overheating.


Any tips would be appreciated, and if anybody wants to test their rig with the Valley Benchmark, feel free to post your results below.

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I don't quite understand the idea of wanting to stress test your PC?  Should you just trust that the temp shouldn't be above X and just monitor it?  Why stress it out to see how high it can go?  Can these stress tests over-stress your PC?  Any danger in running them? 




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Stress tests are useful if you are overclocking your components. You need to know if your system is stable under load and a set of repeatable tests are the best way to do this.

Apart from this benchmarks such as valley/heaven are about comparing different components against each other and epeen and seeing who's system can obtain the highest score.

If everything is at stock there is no need to test the temps as no manufacturer worth their salt would produce a card that hits the thermal limits at stock!

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I have some options in my "AMD Vision Engine Control Center" to overclock.  


Performance > AMD Overdrive > Enable Graphics Overdrive (box checked).


I haven't bumped it up, just left it on.  The settings are at:


High Performance GPU Clock Setting = 900 MHz

High Performance Memory Clock Setting = 1200 MHZ


Enable Manual Fan = Unchecked box.  


Would I be safe to bump it up a little bit or should I just leave it alone?  :)  




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You can max those out all the way. Leave the fan alone and just crank up the GPU clock and memory clock to the max. That piece of software won't even let you come close to doing any damage, I max it out with my card all the time.


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So... I cranked it up.  Started Skyrim, loaded, black screen, only music.  Couldn't figure out how to restart or get out of it.  Shut it down.  


Restarted.  Tried playing Crysis 3 instead.  Updated Origin, black screen.  Froze again.  


Restarted.  It's fine, but I'm going to turn the settings back until I know what's up.  ?????




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I tried it one more time, this time I only bumped it up a little bit.  I got the black screen of death again.  I set it back to default and resumed the LoL game that I dropped out of.  Finished w/o a hiccup.  I don't get it.  Guess I should just leave it as is, or could it be a driver or something?  




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I know I'm an idiot for not knowing how to do this, but what's the quickest, easiest way to update my drivers.  I assume you're talking about my graphics card drivers specifically?  Or drivers in general?  Are there any free programs that helps with driver updates for my entire system? 




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What You can also try is the following (assuming win7)

Go to the start bar and right click on computer

Select properties 

Select device manager

Select the device you want (in this case display adapter)

Go to the drivers tab and select update drivers

Pick the web option and it will look on the web and update automatically. 

The advantage of this is that it works for any driver on your system The disadvantage is that it does not always work if you had OEM drivers loaded (for example the ASUS driver rather than AMD driver).


I know that it works like a charm my systems.



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I just did that and it said that the best drivers are already installed.  


Any other ideas why bumping up my overdrive even a little causes these problems?  


It's not that big of a deal really.  My PC runs everything great.  So no big deal, but if it would help my performance, I'd love to do it.  




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What PSU have you got in the system? Certain that Diddums will have specc'd a powerful enough one for the system but with the overclock on too it might be struggling. As long as it's a decent brand 600w there should be no problem powering the overclock. Less than 500w and that might be the problem.

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I just did that and it said that the best drivers are already installed.  


Any other ideas why bumping up my overdrive even a little causes these problems?  


It's not that big of a deal really.  My PC runs everything great.  So no big deal, but if it would help my performance, I'd love to do it.  



Like I said if it's OEM drivers it might get confused and see nothing or you do have the best drivers. I don't know why you would have that problem to be honest. I also have a HD-7850 and I can do that fine. I must have different memory however because my mem clock is 4800 and works fine. I do have a version of the card that can be overclocked. Some cannot, that could be your problem.

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Mkay, I haz a bit moar tiemz. 



First off, not every GPU is created equal, which is why some overclock well and others don't. It's why GPU manufacturers also only overclock a tiny bit. You might have a GPU that simply won't OC, although that seems unlikely. 


If you're certain that you have the right drivers, then crank up just the GPU by the smallest increment possible and see how it goes. 


If it fails, we'll go from there. If it doesn't fail, then do the same with the memory clock. If that fails, then it could be the memory. 


Let me know   





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