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PS3/PS4 Question

Plumbers Crack

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This may have been asked and answered before. If so, I'm sorry for not searching hard enough but can you help with the following questions

If I buy a PS4 and link it to my PSN account can I still use my PS3 on that account (not at the same time)?

If so, specifically on CoD:Ghosts would my stats, weapon unlocks, etc. update between machines?

I'm thinking if I do buy a PS4 I want to keep the PS3 for gaming with friends who don't update. I realise I would have to get two copies of the game


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Yes. Confirmed during the MP reveal.

All your stats and progressions will carry over (provided your GT is linked with ELITE/whatever it will be called.

You can go 360-->One or PS3-->PS4.



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Thanks guys but what happens if I want to play with PS4 friends one night then PS3 friends the next night? Is your game account interchangeable between the two or is it once you've transfered it to the PS4 you can't go back?


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I'm pretty sure the stats are shared with both. One of Swords, Activision's community manager, had a blog post about it yesterday that you could search for. It also talked about being able to get the PS4 version for $10 after buying the PS3 version. Heading to bed or I'd link it for you.

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I'm pretty sure the stats are shared with both. One of Swords, Activision's community manager, had a blog post about it yesterday that you could search for. It also talked about being able to get the PS4 version for $10 after buying the PS3 version. Heading to bed or I'd link it for you.

Thanks man, I've read the article and it looks like it's good for me. :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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