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Another VoG hidden chest


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Didn't we already assume this? I'm sure there's a way to get one to spawn on that far off platform just after the jumping puzzle. I'm also sure it requires some incredibly difficult and arbitrary requirements. Like you have to get the first secret chest to spawn by preventing the templar from teleporting, you have to let three vex sacrfice themselves on the left conflux, no one in the party can die, one minotaur has to be killed be being punched to death by three Titans while blinded inside a bubble of blinding, the third Gorgon on the right must then be killed using 5 Corrective Measures and 1 Bad Juju, once dead, the gorgon will birth a miniaturized Phogoth named Phigit that has 57 thousand million hit points, he is to be led to the jumping puzzle and pushed off the ledge, this is why the pushing mechanic exists in the first place, as he plummets to his doom his bowels release in fear which allows a ancient ghost to escape from his colon. In gratitdue, this ghost will transmat a chest on the aforementioned sacred mountain. It will only stay for 90 seconds, which isn't enough time for anyone to make there, and even if you did, it contains only 2 Ascendent Energies. Thanks for playing Destiny.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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We really need to find another game to play together. Any word on Mass Effect 4 release

Not soon enough man. There's no date, seems like 2016 at the earliest. FML


You don't have a PS3 do you?

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Didn't we already assume this? I'm sure there's a way to get one to spawn on that far off platform just after the jumping puzzle. I'm also sure it requires some incredibly difficult and arbitrary requirements. Like you have to get the first secret chest to spawn by preventing the templar from teleporting, you have to let three vex sacrfice themselves on the left conflux, no one in the party can die, one minotaur has to be killed be being punched to death by three Titans while blinded inside a bubble of blinding, the third Gorgon on the right must then be killed using 5 Corrective Measures and 1 Bad Juju, once dead, the gorgon will birth a miniaturized Phogoth named Phigit that has 57 thousand million hit points, he is to be led to the jumping puzzle and pushed off the ledge, this is why the pushing mechanic exists in the first place, as he plummets to his doom his bowels release in fear which allows a ancient ghost to escape from his colon. In gratitdue, this ghost will transmat a chest on the aforementioned sacred mountain. It will only stay for 90 seconds, which isn't enough time for anyone to make there, and even if you did, it contains only 2 Ascendent Energies. Thanks for playing Destiny.

Ok looks easy enough, let's do it

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