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Goodbye big aquarium


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Well after 5 weeks of up and running the tank started leaking again late last night. This has been over two years I have been working on this project, and the 3rd time it leaked on me. This was the final straw. I've put so much effort into this tank yet it just seems that it is not going to stay leak free no matter what I do. And I just simply can't continue to deal with the work/money/headaches/stress from it. Tonight I ripped it all down and will be busting the tank up and getting rid of it shortly.


As much as it really breaks my heart, I just have no other choice. I can;t keep throwing good money after bad, as well as keep working so hard for something that is just simply never going to work.


To make the best of a bad situation I will go forward with expanding the rod shop/fishing themed man cave in place of the tank and rock wall. Trying to look at the bright side, it will give me double the room for the man cave now.


Rock wall is all but a memory now....






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Sometimes you have to admit you're throwing good money after bad.  Can  you recycle the background into a new tank?


Yep that's my thoughts too Doc. I tried 3 times to make it work so at least I know I did everything I could. But at a certain point the definition of insanity holds true. (doing the same action over and over and expecting a different outcome).


It does suck, bad, but I am getting some money back out of it at least. I sold some fish and equipment already this weekend. A guy came today to buy some stuff and he saw my 10" Champsochromis which is a bit of a rare fish to find at that size. I was going to keep that fish because I liked him. The guy offered me $120 for him today though (I originally paid $40 from a friend) so I could not turn down $120. At least I know if someone is willing to pay that much then they will for sure take care of him.


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