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Yeah baby, dooo eeet!



Trust me, you think Destiny is a timesink? WoW will eat your soul.


that's what I am afraid of...:) But, my brother in law loved WOW... used to rave about it all the time... I have always wanted to try it out...




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It's great. It's as big as it is for a reason, the amount to do is just mind blowing. What PC have you got now? If it's not an ancient machine you can try WoW for free at trywarcraft.com


Just come back to Destiny with us, not everyone has a gaming PC, so you'll still need to hang out with us!


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I am mentally incapable of playing WoW anymore. 

What they did to the game in MoP is horrible. What they are doing to the game now just expands on the ass reaming. Blizz Dev's literally have no idea what they are doing at this point, which is why they make changes, and then roll them back the next week.


Seriously, if Bungie takes a page from Blizzard about how to handle expansions then the game will only get worse with teh Faction grinds, odd currency's that are only good for that expansion, and the gear that becomes redudnant. Let alone the completely arbitrary reworking of Talent tree's. I'd rather avoid my Titan Defender becoming a pure DPS class with zero defense abilities when the next Expansion comes out; but if they follow Blizzards lead, then thats what will happen.


TL;DR - Fuck Blizzard, they have destroyed their game with every expansion since WOTLK

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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