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New vendor armor, weapons, and exotics, and how they compare to existing gear

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(Note: to get the most out of this post, you'll want to grab the DestinyDB Plugin[1] put out by the DestinyDB team.)

This post is only as accurate as DestinyDB's current listings - if any update occurs between now and the release of TDB then all information is subject to change.

As some of you may know, all of the weapon types in Destiny break down into subtypes, wherein all the weapons share similar Rate of Fire, Impact, and rough magazine size. Destiny uses these subtypes to try to normalize Time-To-Kill as well as damage potential per mag -- in general a harder-hitting gun will shoot slower and hold less ammo. What I find interesting is the new subgroups that upcoming content will be adding to the game. So let's take a look at the weapon groups. New weapons from the upcoming expansion will appear in bolded italics.

How to get the most out of this post

Right now, you are holding some legendary weapons you enjoy. Since the current vendor inventory is being wiped and replaced, Consider reflecting on those legendaries you like and find them in the tables below. Then, find a new weapon in the respective subgroup with similar stats - that will be the weapon most similar to your legendary that you can "upgrade" to.



Class 1: Hand Cannons[2] Weapon  |Acquisition | Impact | RoF  | Mag Size | Stability | Range

Low-Impact Subgroup

Word of Crota[3] Crota's End Raid 68 32 12 45 25

Jewel of Osiris[4] Trials of Osiris 68 32 5 41 17

The Devil You Don't[5] Vanguard 68 32 5 41 17

The Last Word[6] RNG 68 32 8 31 14

Thorn[7] Exotic Bounty 68 32 9 22 38

Mid-Impact Subgroup

Red Hand IX[8] New Monarchy 81 22 10 50 21

Venation III[9] Dead Orbit 81 22 8 44 24

The Chance[10] FWC 81 22 6 43 25

The Devil You Know[11] Vanguard 81 22 12 42 25

Fatebringer[12] VoG Raid 81 22 12 32 40

Lord High Fixer[13] Crucible 81 22 11 36 38

Merciful[14] Queen's Wrath 81 22 12 37 28

TFWPKY 1969[15] Crucible 81 22 10 37 28

Hawkmoon[16] RNG (PlayStation) 81 22 13 51 38

High-Impact Subgroup

Timur's Lash[17] Iron Banner 94 15 7 15 48


As you can see, the Raid Handcannon "Word of Crota" will probably be our first look at a legendary version of The Last Word, depending on if Trials of Osiris ever shows up. It's also interesting to note that Timur's Lash is the only offering in the high-impact group, where nearly all guns in the game right now fall into the mid-tier. This means the perks of the individual gun will make the largest difference in its enjoyability. Note too that "Field Scout" on all hand cannons brings the capacity to 13.


Class 2: Scout Rifles[18] Weapon Acquisition Impact RoF Mag Size Stability Range

Low-Impact Subgroup

B-Line Trauma[19] Crucible 35 52 19 46 51

Vex Mythoclast[20] * VoG Raid 35 40 21 64 54

Crypt Dweller SR1[21] Dead Orbit 38 42 13 44 59

MIDA Multi-Tool[22] RNG 38 42 21 49 58

Mid-Impact Subgroup

Crusader I[23] New Monarchy 48 37 14 46 75

Cryptic Dragon[24] Crucible 48 37 19 49 64

The Calling[25] FWC 48 37 16 44 77

The Satereinne Rapier[26] Crucible 48 37 13 52 74

Pallas Regime[27] Queen's Wrath 48 37 15 52 71

Another NitC[28] Vanguard 48 37 20 50 63

Fang of Ir Yût[29] Crota's End Raid 48 37 15 49 75

Vision of Confluence[30] VoG Raid 48 37 19 57 59

High-Impact Subgroup

A.1F19X-RYL[31] Vanguard 61 27 16 40 77

The Scholar[32] Trials of Osiris 61 27 15 29 61

Aries Nemesis X4[33] Crucible 61 27 12 31 61

Proxima Centauri II[34] Vanguard 61 27 14 24 61

Gheleon's Demise[35] Iron Banner 61 27 16 29 84

Badger CCL[36] Vanguard 61 27 14 40 77

Fate of all Fools[37] unknown 61 27 13 24 94


Yes, I know it's not really a Scout Rifle, but its damage model places it closer to here than to Fusion Rifles.

Interestingly, unlike the hand cannons, the "low-impact" group of scouts is underpopulated, having only the exotic MIDA and the Dead Orbit models. That being said, the high-impact group does seem to be the most popular among users here. Note that with the "Field Scout" perk, all scout rifles go to a 27 round mag.


Class 3: Auto Rifles[38] Weapon Acquisition Impact RoF Mag Size Stability Range

Low-Impact Subgroup

Unwilling Soul-09[39] Dead Orbit 2 100 72 22 23

Doctor Nope[40] Vanguard 2 100 72 32 17

Atheon's Epilogue[41] VoG Raid 2 100 70 34 15

Silmar's Wrath[42] Iron Banner 2 100 66 36 14

Hex Caster Arc[43] Crucible 2 100 66 21 24

Payback SOS[44] Vanguard 2 100 64 31 17

Eidolon Ally[45] TDB 2 100 66 42 19

Necrochasm[46] TDB 2 100 66 46 19

Low-Mid-Impact Subgroup

Up For Anything[47] Vanguard 8 88 38 70 27

For The People[48] Crucible 8 88 34 66 30

Do Gooder V[49] Crucible 8 88 29 42 22

Abyss Defiant[50] Crota's End Raid 8 88 23 60 25

Hard Light[51] RNG 8 88 40 69 28

Monte Carlo[52] RNG (PlayStation) 8 88 36 55 46

High-Impact Subgroup

Her Vengeance[53] Queen's Wrath 28 77 27 50 26

Grim Citizen III[54] Crucible 28 77 26 39 42

Shadow Price[55] Vanguard 28 77 25 56 37

Vanquisher VIII[56] New Monarchy 28 77 23 54 32

SUROS Regime[57] * RNG 28 77 33 82 40

Stats reflect an un-upgraded SUROS


What's fascinating is that the upcoming raid AR will have a unique damage model, with an impact of 12; while there are some unconfirmed legendaries sharing the Hard Light/Monte Carlo damage model, nothing shares Abyss Defiant's. Also odd is the exclusion of a Trials of Osiris AR.


Class 4: Pulse Rifles[58] Weapon Acquisition Impact RoF Mag Size Stability Range

Low-Impact Subgroup

Skorri's Revenge[59] Iron Banner 4 77 30 58 30

Praedyth's Timepiece[60] VoG Raid 4 77 30 64 25

Oversoul Edict[61] Crota's End Raid 4 77 30 62 33

Coiled Hiss 1919[62] Vanguard 4 77 30 55 33

123 Syzygy[63] Crucible 4 77 30 64 25

Low-Mid-Impact Subgroup

The Conduit[64] FWC 7 73 18 59 35

Time on Target[65] Vanguard 7 73 21 59 35

Bad Juju[66] Exotic Bounty 7 73 24 55 33

Mid-High-Impact Subgroup

Bad Seed Down[67] Vanguard 14 66 30 59 44

Strange Suspect[68] Crucible 14 66 30 71 34

The Ninth Edict[69] Queen's Wrath 14 66 27 64 40

High-Impact Subgroup

Red Death[70] RNG 26 66 27 44 33

The Messenger[71] Trials of Osiris 30 59 24 59 59

Super Pox VLO[72] Vanguard 30 59 21 66 53

Fair And Square[73] Crucible 30 59 24 57 61

Three Little Words[74] Crucible 30 59 24 57 61


New additions to this class seem to be spread across the board, with additions to each category, though the influx of low-impact-group pulses will be interesting as the only existing in-game model, Praedyth's Timepiece, is quite difficult to acquire, and those who use it suggest it's very enjoyable with nearly-Auto-Rifle-esque fire rates. If you're a pulse rifle fan, there's plenty to enjoy here.


Class 5: Fusion Rifles[75] Weapon Acquisition Impact Charge Rate Mag Size Stability Range

Low-Impact Subgroup

The Calming[76] FWC 71 37 6 33 35

Perun's Fire[77] Iron Banner 75 33 4 35 39

Pocket Infinity[78] Exotic Bounty 78 10 3 15 25

Mid-Impact Subgroup

LIGHT/Beware[79] Vanguard 81 28 6 40 44

Murmur[80] TDB 84 25 6 55 40

Final Rest II[81] Dead Orbit 84 25 6 39 44

Techeun Force[82] Queen's Wrath 86 23 6 46 40

Plan C[83] RNG 87 22 5 46 50

Light of the Abyss[84] Crota's End Raid 89 21 6 73 32

High-Impact Subgroup

Purifier VII[85] New Monarchy 91 18 5 65 42

PLUG One.1[86] Vanguard 91 18 5 65 42

The Exile's Curse[87] Trials of Osiris 95 15 4 36 51

The Trolley Problem[88] Crucible 95 15 4 33 53

Praetorian Foil[89] VoG Raid 97 12 5 33 52

77 Wizard[90] Crucible 97 13 4 28 55


I cut these into somewhat-arbitrary groups (<80, 80-90, >90) as unlike other weapons, Fusion Rifles don't seem to be boxed into clean subcategories. Oddly, apart from The Exile's Curse of Trials of Osiris, all of the new or yet-unseen gear falls into the Mid-Impact group. It is very clear to see why the faster-charge rate weapons are more popular in Crucible here.


Class 6: Sniper Rifles[91] Weapon Acquisition Impact RoF Mag Size Stability

Low-Impact Subgroup

Prudence II[92] New Monarchy 6 40 4 48

FINAL BOSS[93] Crucible 9 37 4 44

The Chosen[94] FWC 9 37 4 43

Praedyth's Revenge[95] VoG Raid 9 37 4 83

Low-Mid-Impact Subgroup

Broken Truth LR1[96] Dead Orbit 16 26 3 46

Epitaph 2261[97] Vanguard 16 26 4 41

Patience and Time[98] RNG 16 26 4 92

Mid-High-Impact Subgroup

The Supremacy[99] Queen's Wrath 25 19 4 52

LDR-5001[100] Vanguard 25 19 4 52

Y-09 Longbow Synthesis[101] Crucible 25 19 5 56

Icebreaker[102] RNG 25 19 6 24

No Land Beyond[103] TDB 25 19 6 24

High-Impact Subgroup

Eye of Sol[104] Trials of Osiris 32 12 3 38

Efrideet's Spear[105] Iron Banner 32 12 3 28

Black Hammer[106] Crota's End Raid 32 12 3 35


Sniper Rifles are particularly interesting because we have yet to see any of the highest-impact group. All sniper rifles go to a magazine size of 6 with Field Scout. Right now, the Supremacy and Icebreakers are kings of the damage output - which is already exceptionally high - so it's hard to imagine even more powerful snipers.


Class 7: Shotguns[107] Weapon Acquisition Impact RoF Mag Size Stability Range

Low-Impact Subgroup

Swordbreaker[108] Crota's End Raid 36 35 5 34 9

Invisible Hand M7[109] Crucible 36 35 5 30 13

Secret Handshake[110] Vanguard 36 35 6 37 11

Universal Remote[111] RNG 36 17 5 41 8

The 4th Horseman[112] TDB (PlayStation) 38 34 5 66 5

Invective[113] Exotic Bounty 42 31 4 51 23

Low-Mid-Impact Subgroup

The Crash[114] FWC 48 23 6 34 16

Hide and Seek-42[115] Dea 17  

The Comedian[116] Vanguard 48 23 5 39 15

Mid-High-Impact Subgroup

Judgement VI[117] New Monarchy 58 14 4 33 21

Found Verdict[118] VoG Raid 58 14 6 32 21

Two to the Morgue[119] Crucible 58 14 6 42 18

Her Unspoken Will[120] Queen's Wrath 58 14 6 47 17

High-Impact Subgroup

Felwinter's Lie[121] Iron Banner 64 5 6 16 25

Astral Horizon[122] Trials of Osiris 64 5 5 16 25


Again we see that there is an entire upper-impact category that we currently do not have access to, though the IB shotgun was briefly visible when IB hiccupped during a reset. With the range stat included it's easy to see now why Invective and Found Verdict are so popular in Crucible.


Class 8: Machine Guns[123] Weapon Acquisition Impact RoF Mag Size Stability Range

Low-Impact Subgroup

  The Culling[124] FWC 25 100 74 17 17

Prestige IV[125] New Monarchy 25 100 87 22 15

Song of Ir Yût[126] Crota's End Raid 25 100 35 30 16

Corrective Measure[127] VoG Raid 29 88 58 50 18

MG18A Harm's Way[128] Vanguard 29 88 54 44 21

Super Good Advice[129] Exotic Bounty 29 88 58 41 15

Low-Mid-Impact Subgroup

The Infinite Theorem[130] Trials of Osiris 37 77 39 40 30

Zombie Apocalypse WF47[131] Crucible 37 77 43 46 27

Mid-High-Impact Subgroup

Deviant Gravity-A[132] Dead Orbit 53 66 30 56 17

THE SWARM[133] Vanguard 53 66 35 60 15

Thunderlord[134] RNG 53 66 38 51 32

High-Impact Subgroup

Jolder's Hammer[135] Iron Banner 61 59 26 29 33

Against All Odds[136] Crucible 61 59 26 18 39

Wolves' Curse[137] Queen's Wrath 61 59 24 25 36


If Trials of Osiris ever arrives it's good to know there will be another machine gun as dominant as the Zombie Apocalypse for crucible play. Also interesting that a new competitor for Jolder's Hammer's insane damage-per-shot will be coming from the Crucible quartermaster.


Class 9: Rocket Launchers[138] Weapon Acquisition Blast Radius Velocity RoF Mag Size Stability

Low-Radius Subgroup

The Cure[139] FWC 68 77 11 1 58

Exodus Plan RS/1[140] Dead Orbit 68 83 11 2 51

One-Way Ticket 000[141] Vanguard 68 80 11 1 55

Hunger of Crota[142] Crota's End Raid 68 78 11 2 62

Gjallarhorn[143] RNG 76 90 11 2 58

Medium-Radius Subgroup

Unfriendly Giant[144] Vanguard 84 53 9 2 50

Tomorrow's Answer[145] Trials of Osiris 84 50 9 1 54

High-Radius Subgroup

Steel Oracle Z-11[146] Crucible 96 41 18 2 58

Valedictorian 9-44[147] Crucible 96 34 18 2 69

Admonisher III[148] New Monarchy 96 36 18 1 66

Dragon's Breath[149] TDB 96 39 18 2 66

Truth[150] RNG 96 48 11 3 63

Hezen Vengeance[151] VoG Raid 96 71 4 2 33

Radegast's Fury[152] Iron Banner 96 70 4 1 35

The Dreammaker[153] Queen's Wrath 96 62 4 1 46


There is somewhat of a correlation between Blast Radius and Rate of Fire, however because of the way rocket launchers are used it's tough use those as a guide for play-styles. Instead I think most people consider Magazine Size and Velocity as the most important rocket launcher stats, where 1-mag rocket launchers are unfavorable, as is low-velocity. In that sense, it's a bit of a shame that many of the new rocket launchers are single-rocket only.


Vanguard Armor Set


I'm sorry Hunters but I'm having a tough time interpreting what the new Vanguard set is - I think it will be the Jackknife 1.1 and Gravebreaker 1.3 series, but I'm not 100% positive on that. Unlike the other classes, the Crucible set seems to be double-listed, which could also be your Vanguard set (similar to the current Titan sets).


Piece Hunter Titan Warlock

Helmet Gravebreaker 2.1[154] Jackknife 3.2[155] Molniya Type 2[156] Holdfast Type 3[157] Dusk Tread VII[158] Viper Spine III[159]

Chest Gravebreaker 1.3[160] Jackknife 1.1[161] Molniya Type 1[162] Holdfast Type 2[163] Dusk Tread III[164] Viper Spine VI[165]

Gloves Gravebreaker 2.2[166] Jackknife 2.1[167] Molniya Type 0[168] Holdfast Type 1[169] Dusk Tread IV[170] Viper Spine II[171]

Boots Gravebreaker 1.3[172] Jackknife 1.3[173] Molniya Type 0[174] Holdfast Type 1[175] Dusk Tread VI[176] Viper Spine IV[177]


Crucible Armor Set Piece Hunter Titan Warlock

Helmet KALI-GNT Scout Rig[178] Raku Vindicator[179] Molniya Custom T3[180] Objekt 959 Helm[181] Monolith Bleed IV[182] ,Symmetry Fang VI[183]

Chest KALI-GNT Scout Rig[184] Raku Vindicator[185] Molniya Custom T0[186] Objekt 959 Plate[187] Monolith Bleed II[188] Symmetry Fang III[189]

loves KALI-GNT Scout Rig[190] Raku Vindicator[191] Molniya Custom T1[192] Objekt 959 Guards[193] Monolith Bleed IV[194] ,Symmetry Fang II[195]

Boots KALI-GNT Scout Rig[196] Raku Vindicator[197] Molniya Custom T2[198] Objekt 959 Greaves[199] Monolith Bleed III[200] ,Symmetry Fang II[201]


New Exotics Piece Hunter Titan Warlock

Helmet ATS/8 ARACHNID[202] The Glasshouse[203] Obsidian Mind[204]

Chest none none Starfire Protocol[205]

Gloves Don't Touch Me[206] Ruin Wings[207] Claws of Ahamkara[208]

Boots Radiant Dance Machines[209] Mk. 44 Stand Asides[210] none


Crota's End Raidset Armor Piece Hunter Titan Warlock

Helmet Unyielding Casque[211] Willbreaker's Watch[212] Deathsinger's Gaze[213]

Chest Relentless Harness[214] Willbreaker's Resolve[215] Deathsinger's Mantle[216]

Gloves Acolyte Rung[217] Willbreaker's Fists[218] Deathsinger's Grip[219]

Boots Tireless Striders[220] Willbreaker's Greaves[221] Deathsinger's Herald[222]


Other Notes


It should be noted that the thumbails for one of the 60-quality Future War Cult entire armor set has now been updated and includes the "I" tag (every single "Astrolord ____" and "____ of No Tomorrow" piece). It should also be noted that the FWC weapon set's formerly-80-quality pieces have also been updated to include an "I" tag. Note that for weapons, each faction lists a 60, 80, and 100-quality example of their weapon, and for armors there are two 60 and one 100-quality listing. I interpret this to mean that the vendors will be selling the same gear, but at the updated rankings.


It should also be noted that the gear we've seen on the characters in The Dark Below promotional shots and videos has for the most part been these new vendor sets. I don't believe we've seen images of the new raidset yet. I can't speak in 100% certainty for the Hunter and Warlocks, but I can say for certain that the Titan has only been shown with the Vanguard "Holdfast" armor set, and/or with the Molniya helmet.


There is a very clear correlation between Impact and Rate of Fire for all guns in all categories, where guns of the same impact also share the same RoF and vice-versa. There is also roughly and inverse correlation to magazine size, as higher-impact guns tend to have smaller mags. This is less apparent in the Special Weapons classes.


In a number of instances the upcoming DLC will be adding subgroups of weapons not previously seen in-game. Seeing their balance in PvE and PvP will be interesting.


This information should be used to help guide you to what weapons you like. Chances are you've had experiences with weapons in multiple subgroups of the same class by now, and can say which subgroup type you prefer - use that knowledge to guide your play style.

It should be noted that there are a number of new legendaries in the DestinyDB listings whose origins have not yet been confirmed - I have intentionally omitted them for clarity's sake.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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This damned formatting is killing me


bear with me folks as I try to fix it all

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

Right click ---> paste as plain text ;)

Sadly that doesn't work. When it posts the text, it rips out the html formatting.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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