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Raid Sunday UK friendly time


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Done, my first full raid in the bag, got ascendent stuff and the same gloves I got in my first attempt, but that was great. Great feeling to finally finish it, thanks for your help

Gratz Bob. Glad you guys got there. It only gets easier from here on in.

Anyone up for it tomorrow? I still haven't got my run in this week

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I'd love to get a Hard mode attempt ASAP. I'll be back on this evening between 8 and 9 EST.

Yeah. We need to make this happen. I'll be home Tuesday. Let me know what everyone's availability is.


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I'm in, if only for the experience.

Few observations from last night. Ammo synthesis is a must. Weapons need to be fully/almost fully upgraded. We need to work with baab to ensure NAT issues are sorted, comms are key.

Got raid armour last night. Will store it until I get a full set then throw shards at it.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I'm in, if only for the experience.

Few observations from last night. Ammo synthesis is a must. Weapons need to be fully/almost fully upgraded. We need to work with baab to ensure NAT issues are sorted, comms are key.

Got raid armour last night. Will store it until I get a full set then throw shards at it.




God knows what was up with NAT-type things last night, would go from being fine to dropping out. To only being able to hear and not speak.


Still at least I managed the jumping

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