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Voice chat in Destiny... (BETA)

Ryan Pedro

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They're partially listening which is awesome. But not really digging the massive focus on Iron Banner and not mentioning a single thing about any new PvE content.

As it stands it's going to be a long road upto December and the expansion

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They're partially listening which is awesome. But not really digging the massive focus on Iron Banner and not mentioning a single thing about any new PvE content.

As it stands it's going to be a long road upto December and the expansion


agreed... my level 29 dead end until I score the last piece of raid gear will at least keep me busy for now...




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They're partially listening which is awesome. But not really digging the massive focus on Iron Banner and not mentioning a single thing about any new PvE content.

As it stands it's going to be a long road upto December and the expansion

Yea the focus on PvP is sort of strange. Not sure why that's the big focus when most people play PvE.
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Yea the focus on PvP is sort of strange. Not sure why that's the big focus when most people play PvE.



Probably because so many people have the hate on for traditional PvP games like call of duty and they want to scoop up those players. According to sales data Destiny is at about half what the financial analysts were predicting and that could mean big problems for bungie.


They are at around 7.5M and financial models were predicting about 13.5M




According to this




Bungie will lose out on bonus money because of lower than expected sales. No one ever likes that so they are trying to make it more appealing. 

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It will be difficult to cater to both fan base. Let's be honest, there's more people interested in pve than pvp. When the pve base gets bored they will begin to migrate to other games. Yes, they will get the dlc but they may not purchase any future dlc.

Pve have already began to migrate to call of Duty. Once other first person shooter games drop you will see their numbers dwindle to an even greater extent.

It will be very difficult to cater to both fan bases.

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Well maybe Activision will finally learn that release quality is more important than release date


Like Advance Warfare or not, I don't think there are too many release quality issues. Not for me anyways. The game however is pretty darn stale. I don't know how much of a say Activision has on the game design as opposed to the studio. 



It will be difficult to cater to both fan base. Let's be honest, there's more people interested in pve than pvp. When the pve base gets bored they will begin to migrate to other games. Yes, they will get the dlc but they may not purchase any future dlc.

Pve have already began to migrate to call of Duty. Once other first person shooter games drop you will see their numbers dwindle to an even greater extent.

It will be very difficult to cater to both fan bases.


I wouldn't say that more people are interested in pve than pvp. CoD has already surpassed the Destiny sales number and people purely play pvp in that case. People are just accustomed to playing CoD regardless of quality/content. 


Destiny could have nailed pvp in my opinion. Different planets with different environment, different abilities if well balanced, lots of guns and skill trees with pretty cool jumping abilities. What's not to like about that?

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On September 9th, Destiny launched bringing the valuation of Activision Blizzard's stock, ATVI, to 23.73$ at its closing, close to an All-time high of 24.18$.

The past few days however, it seems investors are singing a different tune due to Destiny lukewarm reviews and disappointing sell-through - over 500 million $ worth of shipments were sent out to retailers - nonetheless only 325 million $ sold-through thus far effectively leaving 175 million $ worth of inventory on store shelves.

As such, ever since the launch of Destiny, the stock has now rapidly declined, losing over 10% of its valuation to where it stands currently 21.60$ ish - 1.5 billion $ erased from ATVI's market cap in just a few days.

Love how they say ONLY 325 million. Maybe they will learn their lesson and try not to screw people over. No wait it's Activi$ion. They will continue to screw people over

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I comes down to sales forecast and what they tell share holder. $325M is a huge number, but the press kept saying the spent $500M on the game which is a huge shortfall. $325 translates to 5.25M copies at an average price of $60. 


The financial analyst where saying that the game would have no problems selling 13.5M copies. That falls real short of expectation.


I don't know who is to blame for that. Activation or Bungie. Lets face it, the story is real boring. Nothing fun happens until level 20 and after that it is a pretty repetitive grind. How many time can we do the same friggen strike. I'm rather tired of beating the Arkon priest ass. It seems like I do the same 3 for tiger strikes all the time. 


Never did the VOG because my scheduling does not align with people, there is no match making and it takes too fuking long. I bet there a couple million people that play game that fit in the category that didn't bother with the game when those restrictions were announced. Is bungie or Activition responsible for those decisions? I suspect bungie so they screwed up. 

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Yea the focus on PvP is sort of strange. Not sure why that's the big focus when most people play PvE.

These are the guys that made Halo. I think they expected PvP to carry interest through the dry spells. I enjoy it now and then, but there's no advancement or unlocks, there's no reason whatsoever to grind away in the Crucible. Two marks for a loss and three for a win? That's the incentive?

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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These are the guys that made Halo. I think they expected PvP to carry interest through the dry spells. I enjoy it now and then, but there's no advancement or unlocks, there's no reason whatsoever to grind away in the Crucible. Two marks for a loss and three for a win? That's the incentive?

This.  All of this.


I think they had high expectations of us playing PvP just because they are Bungie, but they did a shit ass job of implementing PvP.  Guess they thought they could thrive off their name alone, kind of like Call of Duty has been trying to do for years.  




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I use it for a wind down when the other two old fogies have left. Normally have a couple of Control games before I hit the sack. Difinately not as frustrating as CoD but....




Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I think where they dropped the ball, this may hurt in the long run, they did not provide a full story. I was not satisfied with the last mission, though entertaining, lacks the closure I want in an rpg. I got this game solely for the pve. I don't know too many people, actually none that I know, that got destiny for the pvp.

Everyone who buys cod get it for the campaign and pvp. That's their specialty. Destiny has no specialty. One update is for the pve and the next for pvp. No consistency. You finish the update within two days and have to go back to the same grinding session until the next update.

All the bounties are becoming stale as with patrol. The weekly, nightfall and raid should constantly give you drops. I think the drops should scale down every time you complete it for the week. First completion you could potentially get the highest rated armour or weapons associated with the event. Second run you could only get weapons, third run you only get blue engrams with a tiny chance for legendary engram. Fourth and on should be blue engrams or armour.

Doesn't make sense to keep getting drops for strikes but nothing for weekly or nightfall.

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