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Emblem Editor confirmed, "aggresive ban policy"


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This is orgasmic news.






(sorry for that sh*tty Tmartn vid)


Yup. Confimred as f*ck.

With an aggressive stance on tasteless emblems to boot


Sorry, fellas. Not swastikas made out of c*cks.



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Where's the crack down on lag? ;)


A lot of us have reported emblems, I have, and nothings been done. So your emblem can't be offensive but you can call everyone gay, "N" words, bash little kids, be sexist toward women, then send them PM's about how they'll get raped, should go commit suicide, they suck, should have been aborted, etc... That's OK just as long as your emblem is tasteful. :lol: Like many things with CoD aggressively enforcing something that has pretty much never been enforced is fucking stupid.


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Joe, I don't know why you're calling me out here!! I never sent anyone a PM about getting raped. All the other stuff.......maybe!!! :ph34r:


There's no way they're going to enforce this. How about taking it out of the game and concentrate your efforts on making sure the game runs smooth, there's not bullshit glitches and just fix the lag? Why waste your time that really has nothing to do with the game itself? Just stupid if you ask me.

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Joe, I don't know why you're calling me out here!! I never sent anyone a PM about getting raped. All the other stuff.......maybe!!! :ph34r:


Ha ha, I'm only sharing PM's that I've received and what I've experienced while playing. When you beast as hard as you do you're bound to run into a cunt or a thousand who needs to be told they suck at life. :D


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