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Forever - Warframe Clan Thread


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Good games tonight guys.

Me and Matt got destroyed on a couple Uranus missions though.

Got the Dual Zoren to lvl 9 and as I started to build Ether Reaper I'm gonna try it tomorrow :)

Also ready for the test to rank 4.




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great. Did you download that app, you can get alerts on your phone when they show up I think.

My phone goes off along with the PS4 when there's a notification. I like the part where you can control your PS4 with your phone instead of the controller. (very basic stuff)

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great. Did you download that app, you can get alerts on your phone when they show up I think.

Yea I downloaded the Warframe nexus,just looked it up and it said you get them on void missions but nothing about alert missions
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Yea I downloaded the Warframe nexus,just looked it up and it said you get them on void missions but nothing about alert missions

I've seen them as rewards for alert missions, pretty rare though
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Right i've finally got around to downloading this after having to work most the weekend, wanted to play it today but apparently the update took long than the actual game to download?


Anyway, i hope to make a start tomorrow when i wake, so will hopefully be able to come on here and ask a few questions.


I do have one already, is there a clan i need to join or a code for the clan or anything like that?



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Akstiletto resrarch is done. Castanas will be done in 40 minutes. I started the stuff that was locked before. Some I had everything, but we need 2 neurodes, an argon crystal...and 300 more oxium :P

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What time? I'm at class and I get out early tonight, should be home by 9:00 PM Pacific

Ill probably be getting off around 12 tonight. Been at work all day.
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Iv donated the oxium for nikana, I'm going to go try and get an argon crystal for you guys now...

Banshee I have donated all I can, credits, 3 neural sensors and ferrite is needed ill to back in 2 hours to do volt...


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Iv donated the oxium for nikana, I'm going to go try and get an argon crystal for you guys now...

Banshee I have donated all I can, credits, 3 neural sensors and ferrite is needed ill to back in 2 hours to do volt...

Thought I had a argon crystal, then I read they fucking disappear? Is that right?


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Are there any things that no one needs researched in the dojo? No point in wasting resources om something nobody wants. I feel a bit clueless in there :) Was about to start another hall or connector but afraid to fuck things up.




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