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Today, I'm going to share one of my favorite games of all time with you guys. It's called OFF.


It's a free-to-play adventure RPG that was originally made in French. You control a character known only as "The Batter," who is on an important mission to purify the land he lives in. You know nothing about him or the land, and as you go through the game, getting help from a cat called "The Judge" and a man named Zacharie, finding out more about your surroundings and The Batter only works to skew your perception.


It's definitely the most surreal game I've played, and even though it was insanely difficult for me (I'm terrible at puzzles - and this game has a lot of puzzles), I really love it. It's got an awesome story, awesome characters, and awesome music.




Download link and instructions here.

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wonder if I could play this at work....


Well! Time to find out!

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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