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Caught this last night. It was very interesting to learning about Walter Owen Bentley's drive to push the limits of speed in a car, about his contributions to British motorsport and British war planes. :)





Aired: 10/23/2013 | 03:03 | Expires: 10/17/2016 | Rating: NR

It’s a century-old obsession to find the right raw materials to build a car that is fit for both king and race car driver - perfectly luxurious and perfectly fast. The Bentley Motor Company has built common raw ingredients into their signature Mulsanne, an engineering achievement made possible by aluminum, leather, iron, wood and pigment.


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I believe that the United States is heading in this direction ^. We are already below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per couple.  If you'd like to learn more about this, I have found an interesting article on this subject. Keep in mind, it was written at the start of the 2000 decade.  Below is an excerpt where he described this very scenario happening down the line. And he was right.


Adult Entertainment Technologies of 2020 : What of the 80% of men who cannot conceptualize the Venusian Arts?  Won't they be condemned to live a life of frustration, humiliation, and near-slavery as second class citizens?  Thankfully, these poor souls will experience a satisfactory release through technology, just like women did through technologies such as contraceptive pills, washing machines, and vacuum cleaners. 

For a number of reasons, Internet pornography is substantially more addictive to the male brain than the VHS cassette or 'Skinimax' content of the 1990s.  When yet another generation of technology diffuses into the market, the implications will be profound enough to tear the current sexual market asunder. 

I have written in the past about how haptic, motion sensing, and graphical technologies would elevate video games to the premier form of entertainment by 2012.  3-D/holographic images with haptic interfaces and sufficient AI will make rudimentary 'virtual sex' a technology available to many men well before 2020, but by 2020 we will see this cross certain thresholds that lead to a dramatic market impact far greater than contraceptive pills and Internet pornography combined.  A substantial portion of the male population will drift into addiction to virtual sex without even realizing it. 

For those (mostly women) who claim that the VR sex of 2020 would not be a sufficient substitute for the real thing, that drawback is more than superceded by the inescapable fact that the virtual woman would be made to be a 10/10+ in appearance, while the real women that the typical beta male user has access to would be in the 4-7 range.  Real 10 > VR 10 > Real 7, making irrelevant the claim that a virtual 10 is not as good as a real 10 (under 1% of all women), when the virtual 10 is really competing with the majority of women who are 7s and lower.  Women are largely unaware how vastly different the male reaction is to a 10 relative to a 7, let alone to women of even lower scores.  As single men arrive home from work on Friday evening, they will simply default into their VR immersion, giving a whole new meaning to the concept of 'beta testing'.  These sequestered men will be conspicuously absent from the bars and nightclubs that were the former venues of expenditure and frustration, causing many establishments to go out of business.  The brains of these men will warp to the extent that they can no longer muster any libido for the majority of real women.  This will cause a massive devaluation in the sexual market value of most women, resulting in 8s being treated like 5s, and 35-year-old women unable to attract the interest of even 55-year-old men.  The Wile E. Coyote moment for women will move a few years ahead, and the alphas with Venusian Arts competence will find an even easier field of desperate women to enjoy. 

Another technology making advancements in Japan is that of lifelike female robots.  While I do not believe that 'sexbots' will be practical or economical relative to software/gaming-derived solutions, the Japanese nonetheless continue to make surprising progress.  Competition between technologies is always productive for the consumer. 

Some 'feminists' are not blind to the cataclysmic sexual devaluation that women will experience when such technologies reach the market, and are already moving to seek bans.  Such bans will not be possible, of course, as VR sex technologies are inseparable from broader video game and home theater technologies.  Their attempts to lobby for such bans will be instructive, however. 

Another positive ramification of advanced adult entertainment technologies is that women will have to sharpen the sole remaining attribute which technology cannot substitute - the capacity to make a man feel loved.  Modern women will be forced to reacquaint themselves with this ancient concept in order to generate a competitive advantage.  This necessity could lead to a movement of pragmatic women conducting a wholesale repudiation of misandry masquerading as 'feminism' that has created this state of affairs, and thus will be the jolt that benefits both men and women.



Link to full article. Yes, its long. It is intended to be read in several sittings. This article is very astute in how it uncovers the fallacies behind feminism and how the it was never about being equal sexes, but more about women getting the upper hand.  I can hear the white knights already coming to the rescue of women.  They should think differently after reading this article.




I am working on a theory that less people are frequenting bars than they used to. Partly because the males stay at home and masturbate to pornography, partly because they are intimidated by women or tired of putting up with their shit and also because the females stay at home and simply post up pics on dating sites and then sit back and watch the worshipers roll in. They don't even have to get dressed up to have their egos stroked. I did an experiment where I created a profile and posted up a fat chick's pic. Within 24 hours, there were over 100 messages of men trying to contact me. Insane.  I recently went out to the bars in Huntington. It was pretty happening, but as I started talking to people, I began to realize that it was actually dying out there too (it's been dead in my town for years).  Everyone I talked to said it used to be way better with way more people.  Go figure.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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