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My thoughts on Titanfall


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I haven't played Titanfall too much since release due to other commitments but I thought I'd give my opinion on what I've grasped of the game so far.  I was overwhelmed at how impressive this game was in beta form and despite a few issues, I was very optimistic that this game would be a major competitor to the likes of COD and Battlefield on the respected systems. The final product seems of a substantial quality but key design flaws in my opinion lets this game shoot itself in the foot. 


Firstly; the 'campaign' is a complete farce. You have two alternating 'stories' played on both sides which last probably 18 matches and for the life of me; at no point could I tell you what was going on whatsoever. You get a brief cutscene prior to the match and then a dynamic scene before the game starts. It is incredibly hard to grasp what is going on. Dialogue attached to the alleged campaign is also played in the post/pre-match lobbies but most of the time you're busy looking at your stats or loadouts to realise what is being communitcated. The non-existent story is played out on maps and modes like Hardpoint and Attrition but what you achieve on the battlefield doesn't seem to offer any further narrative. Quite simply the campaign is embarrassing and pointless on a ridiculous level. From a technical perspective; it also ballses up the matchmaking when you resume the story as the servers have to find players who are at the same point in the 'story' as you to link them to your lobby. I just finished the IMC campaign and my game of Hardpoint Domination on Corporate was left with just 5v3 players which killed the game. Quite simply, the campaign fails on an epic level and shouldn't have been considered. This is one of a couple of severe flaws in the game. 


The next problem as I mentioned in the beta was the 6v6+bots. I can understand why they have reduced the player count to accommodate the Titans but this has a detrimental effect on Pilot gameplay. The bots offer absolutely nothing of value and downgrades the frantic challenge. They really should have considered changing the structure of how many Titans are permitted at a time and how they are earned. This game would be brilliant as a 12v12 but the sacrifice Respawn have made for their main selling point with the Titans has somewhat harmed the credibility of the gameplay. Even if they beefed up the bots; it may have improved the challenge drastically but I think the core infrastructure of the Titans is a flawed aspect of the game which is the key part of the title. I think Respawn would be offended if people asked them to have a Pilot only mode with 16v16 or something as it would kick their creation in the teeth but in all honesty; I think it would salvage much longevity if they did this. Basically I feel the Titan implementation has been horrendously flawed.


One other key issue I've noticed is this game is quite bare in terms of unlocks and weapons. The beta had quite a lot of content available so I thought but actually the finished product doesn't have the wealth of weapons I was expecting. I fear I will unlock and see most of the game within half the levels of the first generation. This is a bit of a shame because I don't want to be bored shitless in a month or so having seen it all. 


On to the more positive parts of the game then; in terms of the graphics, they are very good with amazingly varied maps. The engine which I found incredible on the beta is as swish and brilliant as ever. The movement and controls are absolutely pristine and it's an absolute joy darting round the map. The feel of the guns, the unlocks and the combat is of that of Call of Duty. It really feels satisfying and in some instances I'd rather opt to be a foot soldier than fart about in a Titan blowing shit up. The games feel really balanced and any camping murmurs and typical FPS moans are well and truly put to bed in this game. It's fast, frantic and pure fun of the highest level and fans of UT and Quake will have a blast.


The leveling and design mimics that of Call of Duty as expected, from the people that ultimately created the structure in the first place. You can create your own loadouts, add attachments and all that which is great. There is a good amount of stats and challenges to keep your eyes on too. The Burn Cards are also pretty neat and essentially act as perks but they can be used only once until you die. It's a good job they are readily available as maintaining them is a nigh-impossibility over a duration of time.


Overall; Titanfall is an excellent game that lets itself down on key factors with the overall design. I think the devs have made a monumental cock-up in terms of how Titans are implemented into matches and the player count sacrifice to ensure their USP is maintained is desperate in terms of the presence of bots. I think much of the hype was justified and deserved but longevity and dedication from the community and the developers will be the determining factor for this games/series's future. Respawn fucked up with the design of MW2 and still they haven't learned but I think they can learn much from this experience. They were certainly riding on the cock of Microsoft to get to where they are now but many of the issues within the game must hit home for the future if there is to be a Titanfall 2. I think the devs have demonstrated they can deliver a solid experience but I'd like to see them come back to the traditional FPS titles like COD and Battlefield. Titanfall was a much-needed niche but the inclusion of Titans and the confusion of how to draft them into matches to suit everyone has left this game open for tumbleweed in the near future if they aren't careful.  

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I have to disagree with alot in your post. While I agree that the lack of guns is dissapointing, I think what they've done in terms of gun balance is tremendous. None of the guns seem overpowered and pretty much all are fun to use. The only one that could be argued is OP is the smart pistol. I don't think it's that bad, but wouldn't really disagree with anybody who said that it's OP either.


Personally I love the bot aspect of the game. It keeps people happy because get their kills while not really altering the game all that much. Would I love to play 9v9 or 12v12? Absolutely! But does 6v6 w/ bots kill the game? Not at all in my opinion.


Regarding the campaign - I completely agree that as far as a campaign goes it sucks. You really don't get a feel for any story line. But for me, that doesn't matter. Starting with MW2, my combined campaign time totals less than that of a single full campaign. While I'm sure there are players who enjoy the campaign in FPS games, I would be willing to bet that most don't ever play it, or play it only occasionally. Hell, I never even downloaded the campaing for MW3...


I do, however, think that it is a good way to get introduced to the game in what seems like a pretty low key way.

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