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Out next Tuesday apparently. My PS4 collection is looking rather sparse with just FIFA in the collection although Infamous will follow soon. I see Ground Zeroes is retailing pretty cheap although it's just a prologue and is exceptionally short. I'll take a punt at this as it looks really decent despite the lifespan and I always rattle off the MGS games a fair few times to completion. Just hope there isn't a Gran Turismo 5-inspired delay between the prologue and full game because as it stands; The Phantom Pain is way off a solid release date.  


Anyone else interested in this?

I'm gonna consider it, all I play is bf4 or I can play bf4...

I'll probably check out a review and see what they say.

No we could play BF4

I'll consider in the distant future when its price is dips below $20. Until then, I have the Metal Gear HD Legacy Collection and all the Tactical Espionage Action a man could want.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

I was bored to the point I actually played the campaign today.

You guys should try out Warframe and DC Universe Online. Warframe is a co-op shooter in a sci-fi setting, and DCUO is an MMORPG with superheroes. They're both free to play so it couldn't hurt to check them out.

Just picked up MGSV:GZ but I'm worried if I start it now; i'll be done by dinner time :lol:


Can't wait to play it and it looks a good warm up for the Phantom Pain. 


I will post some thoughts on it sometime this weekend.

Right, I've finished the main story on Ground Zeroes in around a couple of hours. First off; I would carefully consider dropping money on getting this unless you have money saved for a rainy day. £20-30 depending on what system and how you buy it is quite a lot of money for what's on offer but fans with a dedicated interest in the series and The Phantom Pain should definitely experience it.


Graphically, this game looks absolutely fantastic. The cinematics and general in-game effects are brilliant for what is an early game in the current generation. The atmosphere unfortunately lacks tension thanks to the typically shoddy AI that has become a part of MGS over the years. You begin overlooking a military base and have two hostages to rescue; it's really that simple. The base is fairly large; not quite Groznyj Grad from Snake Eater but there's lots to do and explore. It's not linear and there are many ways you can approach situations. Once again the AI doesn't do itself many favours and some scenarios can be worked around with ease but if you want to score high; taking care and planning your moves by tagging enemies takes some skill to execute perfectly. The controls and the combat are pretty much as expected from past games and the touchpad is also introduced for a couple of functions. 


The main problem with this game is largely the length of the story but another couple of issues that seem to strike me based on past games is the fucking lame scripting, weak characters and awful voice acting. These were the pinnacle positives of past games. Getting used of Keifer Sutherland as opposed to David Hayter wont take long to adjust but there didn't seem to be any really dramatic or intriguing characters. A couple of them sound like the actors were reading their lines with a cactus pointed precariously close to their rectum. The dialogue isn't as gripping as I would have hoped for a MGSV introduction and the characters don't seem memorable or powerful at all. The ending is a major let down too and doesn't really set up The Phantom Pain in a blaze of glory. 


I will give the side ops a try tomorrow but on the whole; this game is pricey but worth an experience for fans. It looks stunning but the narrative and characters leave a lot to be desired. It has the typical MGS feel and style but I feel the story which is the series trump card, needs major work as does the writing. 

I've had a play through a few of the side ops and they're pretty decent and challenging. My completion status is still quite low so it looks like there is still much to do which is good news. Some of the missions consist of a hostage rescue, escorting a VIP and even destroying ground base missiles. Also on a few of these operations; you get to see the base in daylight which gives the game a fresh perspective and really showcases the Fox engine. The dynamic weather and effects are really good. 


Sadly I have another gripe and this is quite an annoying one which I hope doesn't affect The Phantom Pain. The checkpoints seemingly occur on random areas of the map and after certain incidences such as a completed objective or going through a door for example. Sometimes you may have to opt to restart from last checkpoint if you've been spotted or have died. This can be frustrating as the enemy positioning can be completely different to how it was once the game was saved. Enemies seem to respawn occasionally and sometimes if you have a dead body hidden and an enemy post-restared checkpoint gets placed in the vicinity; not refelctive of his original position; he can immediately be alerted. Other times it may save in stupid places in which results you having to restart the whole mission. This could be problematic on hard difficulty. The balance of the map and all the work you have done can suddenly be lopsided from reverting back to the last checkpoint. Sure it does make the challenge harder to get right in the first place but missions can go tits-up real bad if you have to go back. 


The AI is just appalling most of the time and the tranquilizer gun bullet detection is fucking terrible.  

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