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Malaysian Plane Missing

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Yep we all knew it, just took them awhile to come out and say it. My prayers go out to all the families that lost loved ones aboard. Not only is it hard to lose a loved one, but to have no body nor grave to be able to vist makes it so much harder for the families left behind. I hope they can at some point locate the wreckage and bring at least part of it back to perhaps give the families some sort of closure.


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Meanwhile, a US law firm is planning to take legal action Boeing and Malaysia Airlines claiming the plane crashed due to mechanical failure.

Chicago-based Ribbeck Law is set to seek millions of dollars in compensation for each passenger, believing an onboard fault rendered the crew unconscious and turned the aircraft into a "ghost plane" before it ran out of fuel.


Leave it to us (the USA) to turn a tragedy into lawsuits. I love my country, but I hate what the majority of our society has become.


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i hate the way the authorities seemed to let the families cling onto hope.

i would have thought they'd have known that their loved ones are dead after 3-4 days. prolonging the anguish with a false sense of hope just isnt on







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Something else I found very cold/uncaring about how the authorities handled the families was when I heard that they sent a text message to all the families prior to the announcement. Really.? a text message saying they are deeming no survivors? IMO something like that should have been handled either in person or at the very least an actual phone call. Not a text message.


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Yes the text message was really crass

Also at the time they did it they seemed so close to finding wreckage it was a bit odd to call it based on some maths some English guys had did. I know they haven't found anything yet but at the time it seemed like they were closing in

Although it is hard to get any of this right from a PR point of view, some relatives will want to know every lead, some will just want certainty. Still handled badly but not an easy thing to get right for everyone

Time seems to be running out on locating the black box. I hope they get it just to give everyone the closure of knowing why it happened

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With all this technology today and all the advancements in aviation; I still cannot believe the Black Box system is still relied on the way it is. The Air France disaster back in 2009 saw the boxes recovered two years later at a cost of hundreds of millions. I have no doubt that the technology is there to do it and I expect many airlines are against it due to cost but I feel this is the last piece in the jigsaw that is required for swift and accurate understanding of incidents albeit rare, of this kind. 


It's been a complete fuck up from start to finish and it's an absolute tragedy for everyone involved. It must be torture not having closure or a clear understanding of what has happened to their loved ones. The fact they still haven't got conclusive proof of debris let alone a clear under understanding of why the plane detoured just shows a gaping hole in how aircraft are managed on the ground and tracked in flight.


So many questions still outstanding and it's just devastating to see a clear lack professionalism and concrete information from the powers that be.   

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