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Got to play for a few hours last night


I am up to Act 1 Mission 3, The mission after the Birthday party.


I started doing side missions because what J4mes said will most likely be pretty accurate.


IDK about the driving though. Its not "bad" but its not good. Some cars do handle differently, but the sports car that you get in the first mission fucking sucked to drive. It took me, no joke, 40 minutes or so, to get away from the cops. I ended up taking out fences, gates, pedestrians and pretty much everything. About 20 minutes in, I ditched to a blue minivan and was able to escape for the most part pretty quickly, but I had so many "stars" by then that the helicopters were tailing me. I finally ditched and went for a swim under a bridge, and then after waiting did the cops go away.


Moral of the story: Swim if you want to get away from cops easily.


Also, the first vigilante mission is hysterical, I ended up doing three of them, and even if the "victim" of the crime dies, but you still beat up the attacker, you win the mission. So stay in cover until the person is dead, then go up and beat the crap out of the bad guy.


Its pretty obvious that they didn't' think this game through all the way, which I expected as Ubisoft likes to split their games between like 30 design houses

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Got to play for a few hours last night


I am up to Act 1 Mission 3, The mission after the Birthday party.


I started doing side missions because what J4mes said will most likely be pretty accurate.


IDK about the driving though. Its not "bad" but its not good. Some cars do handle differently, but the sports car that you get in the first mission fucking sucked to drive. It took me, no joke, 40 minutes or so, to get away from the cops. I ended up taking out fences, gates, pedestrians and pretty much everything. About 20 minutes in, I ditched to a blue minivan and was able to escape for the most part pretty quickly, but I had so many "stars" by then that the helicopters were tailing me. I finally ditched and went for a swim under a bridge, and then after waiting did the cops go away.


Moral of the story: Swim if you want to get away from cops easily.


Also, the first vigilante mission is hysterical, I ended up doing three of them, and even if the "victim" of the crime dies, but you still beat up the attacker, you win the mission. So stay in cover until the person is dead, then go up and beat the crap out of the bad guy.


Its pretty obvious that they didn't' think this game through all the way, which I expected as Ubisoft likes to split their games between like 30 design houses

The driving certainly ain't bad on some cars. I can't get over the fact that even if you accelerate at about 6mph from a standstill; the screen judders as if you put your foot down going 0-60 in 4 seconds! It's a bit of a lame effect/exaggeration. 


On one mission I spent about 15 mins trying to evade the cops, I didn't have the heli disruption skill at that time but I managed to reach some port where I gave up and just jumped in a boat which was open from the roof. I expected to be shot to shit by the chopper above who tailed me all the way but as soon as a set sail at about 5 knots; the helicopter miraculously lost track of me :lol:  


I'm slowly warming to this game. I've accepted the driving as a bit iffy but so much of this game makes up for it. The story is quite intriguing, the city is big and interesting and the mini games seem a neat little addition. Still not sure how much longevity this game will hold on completion but I still have stacks to sift though.


Probably the best game on PS4 so far. 

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Just shoot one of the cops in the chopper and they bail.

Though pretty much impossible from a boat as the chopper is right above your head so you wont get a shot. That said, the cops shoot you with no problem. Moral: Dont stop the boat in the open but hide :)




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If what I was reading on Reddit was true at all, just jump in the water. Skip the boat.


Wait about 2-3 minutes and they lose sight of you, even if you don't swim anywhere. Once the stars go away, you walk back up on land.


This is sort of what happened to me last night, but I was under a bridge

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Ok driving has got much better now that I have a motorcycle. Much more responsive


Its almost like this game is in backwards land, where the motorcycles and crappy scooters have better handling than everything else.


I can't wait to unlock the Garbage truck. I have a feeling that that is going to be an OP beast mode vehicle

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Its almost like this game is in backwards land, where the motorcycles and crappy scooters have better handling than everything else.

I can't wait to unlock the Garbage truck. I have a feeling that that is going to be an OP beast mode vehicle

Yea,the sports cars drive like crap but the sub compacts drive like a Porsche
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Ok driving has got much better now that I have a motorcycle. Much more responsive

The first time I hopped on to a motorbike after trying numerous cars, I didn't realise the handling was more loose and slick so I took a corner far too early and ended up mowing down some poor old woman getting cash from an ATM :lol:

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Random Thought:


So in games like this, typically the player goes big, gets the flashiest car there is and gets all nutso with it


What if the Dev's took this into consideration? What if they are forcing us to choose cars that in real life people would ignore, by giving them better handling?


This would be a really creative way to force the "anonymous" nature of the game onto the player. Everyone notices Lambo's and Porsche's, but how many notice a damn Hyundai Elantra?

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Random Thought:


So in games like this, typically the player goes big, gets the flashiest car there is and gets all nutso with it


What if the Dev's took this into consideration? What if they are forcing us to choose cars that in real life people would ignore, by giving them better handling?


This would be a really creative way to force the "anonymous" nature of the game onto the player. Everyone notices Lambo's and Porsche's, but how many notice a damn Hyundai Elantra?

This may sound ridicilous but on the 'Cars on Demand' app; I usually go for vehicles that are reliable in getting from A to B :lol: Some of the sports cars are just frustratingly hard to control and the handling is vastly different. If this was GTA; I'd take the fastest most badass car but in Watch Dogs; I am more in tune with the environment and doing things the right way. I think I've only jacked one car so far and I'm trying not to mow anyone down on the pavements by being a safe and considerate driver B)


Watch Dogs doesn't seem to be image based and being a badass criminal. Aiden can do anything but he has to be under the radar and in the shadows. Driving around in a shitty family car just keeps him normal in the society of Chicago and I think the devs wanted the gamer just to be blending in with the city rather than going GTA gung-ho or Saints Row where you make a name for yourself on the streets. Watch Dogs is all about the underworld and being hidden in a intrusive world. 


Crap cars FTW!

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I played for about 6 hours last night.


I did one story mission the whole time.


Other than that I was testing to see how far out I could hack camera's to get away from my self (NOTE: Its not very far, maybe 200-300 meters)


I was looting ATM accounts so much that I actually started to feel bad about doing it


Also, NEVER randomly explode things on pedestrians, you take a decent hit to your rep


Also, I confirmed that you do NOT have to save the victim of the crime, only to beat the crap out of the attacker to get the rep and XP bonus

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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The gang hideout missions can be a challenge especially if you try to do it stealthly. I've enjoyed them so far.

Been mostly taking my time hacking bank accounts and doing side missions trying to unlock stuff.

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Hacking bank accounts can be pretty sweet. I was loitering in the financial district area and managed to grab about $30,000 in 5 minutes. Out in the gang areas you'll only get a few hundred bucks for a hack but I manged to rob some lawyer out of $9k who was on a $76,000 salary. That's my poker stake sorted for the evening :lol:

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Couple of things I noticed so far today.


Racing: Fuck that, not worth the headache with how driving is


Stealthing: Pure 100% stealth missions are hard as shit, the few times I attempted it, I was always found. Not sure the deal to be honest, and I know its purely "me" thats having this disconnect, but like I find it easier to run and gun so far. Which is the exact opposite point of the game. Guards do randomly spot me which is annoying. I had one spot me through a brick building and a van

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Couple of things I noticed so far today.


Racing: Fuck that, not worth the headache with how driving is


Stealthing: Pure 100% stealth missions are hard as shit, the few times I attempted it, I was always found. Not sure the deal to be honest, and I know its purely "me" thats having this disconnect, but like I find it easier to run and gun so far. Which is the exact opposite point of the game. Guards do randomly spot me which is annoying. I had one spot me through a brick building and a van

I've encountered a couple in Act 2 so far which take a bit of careful planning. The first one I actually cracked first time 100% undetected going anti-clockwise round this gang hideout which consisted of a couple of snipers on the roofs which made it much trickier. It took about 20 minutes and was well tense as I took the slow and cautious approach. It made it so much more satisfying though. The next one involved a bit of sneaking and then tracking a target but thankfully you could bounce off a few cameras to get in closer without having to put yourself at risk in the mix. 


On Act 1; I just went all guns blazing especially at the CTOS plant. The dodgy AI kind of ruined the mission though and it wasn't thrilling to complete in the manner I did. There is a few insta-fail ones which can be tough to crack as the game progresses but I don't like this as I'd prefer to be in a situation where my balls were on the line and my actions could affect the overall outcome. 

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Yea, it was the CTOS plant that had me questioning the stealth mode in this game


It was also the one where I was spotted through a van and a brick wall.


Another thing. PAD YOUR REP!!!!!


Do a bunch of Vigilante crap before driving LOL, hitting and killing folks is a big hit to your rep

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Does the rep matter in the long run? 


I'm just wondering if I become a well know dick of Chicago are people more likely to call the rozzers and if I get into trouble; will be police be harder to evade. I seem to remember something about this in the trailer but I haven't seen any evidence so far the the rep system has a massive effect on Aiden as a whole.

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if you help people, they will help you is the basic premise


I know for a fact though that if you have bad rep they will call the police as soon as they see you, because that was put in one of the early game things. 


But I don't know specifically what they will do to help you 

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Money is a bit pointless after the first few hours. Just by randomly hacking people as I go about other things im well over 600k, thats AFTER buying loads of cars including 1 for 100k , most guns (a few at 40k ish iirc) and every outfit available

Still loving the game though and much prefer this driving to GTA.

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