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Ideas to improve Call of Duty


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Even though my interest in COD is flat as a pancake now; I am thinking of ways that could entice and rejuvenate interest in the franchise. I've abandoned Ghosts and I am gutted that it didn't grab me like past games but I feel it's just got a bit stale and uninspiring.


Firstly; drop the Prestige ranking and have one top level haul like we see in Battlefield which is 110. Make it a slog and something that is satisfying to reach the next level. In COD it's been too easy to go from level 1 to 20 and continue to the prestige.  I think a better format would be to reintroduce challenge unlocks as opposed to squad points and level unlocks. Make the player work for every attachment and gun instead of giving it to them on a plate. Squad points were too easy to come by and items were too easy to achieve. It's all seems really dumbed down from the MW2 days where you had to use a bad attachment to unlock the things you wanted. The overall challenge of Ghosts was dead and it just opened the door to players who wanted anything and everything served up for combat. If you want something, you should earn it regardless of the costs to your K/D when you're using an ACOG to unlock something good for example. It adds so much more satisfaction rather than just ranking and unlocking with infinite squad points.


Next; drop this stupid camo roll-out as content. Give us proper and sensible weapon camo through the challenge unlock system like MW2. It's all gone a bit comical and dumbed-down and in some ways has degraded what was once a serious shooter where unlocking all camo felt really good.


I also think they should rework their DLC map packs. Not everyone wants Zombies or Extinction content at a price with four maps every few months. Perhaps give us two new maps a month starting from Christmas and an optional extra of novelty Zombies/Extinction separate. Having regular meaningful content could maintain interest for many players rather than crappy cash-in personalisation packs for easy money. I hate that this game has gone so commercial now and it's becoming very tiresome and tedious for me seeing pointless money-grabbing content being banded at players so regularly. People need to stop feeding the cash cows for crap. I often keep having to remind myself this game is an 18 as sometimes it feels really immature and it doesn't seem they are catering to the manly masses. Duck Camo - what the fuck is that about? 


I think they need to maintain the scoresteak system. It worked very well in Black Ops 2 as an infrastructure. Why IW removed it, I'll never know. It just opened the gates to the bad old days of players not playing the objective and using the killstreak ladder as the tool for their own ends and not bother trying to support the team or win the game. KC and DOM were just unbearable sometimes on Ghosts I found all because they removed such a necessary feature.


I've thrown out a few brief ideas and would be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts on what could be done to get Call of Duty back on its feet.   

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Wouldn't it be cool if CoD was made into an FPS RPG.


I'm thinking a FPS sandbox game like DAYZ except there's no zombies, just war themed gameplay... You join a clan that you always stick with and randomly run into other clans, kill them to gain XP, weapons, gear... Or you can team up with them. Join the game by yourself and find another loner, then you can decide to join or kill each other.


Gain XP to build a base with headquarters, get vehicles and gear. 


Let me know if this has already been done in another game, I have no idea since I don't play a lot of games.

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Wouldn't it be cool if CoD was made into an FPS RPG.


I'm thinking a FPS sandbox game like DAYZ except there's no zombies, just war themed gameplay... You join a clan that you always stick with and randomly run into other clans, kill them to gain XP, weapons, gear... Or you can team up with them. Join the game by yourself and find another loner, then you can decide to join or kill each other.


Gain XP to build a base with headquarters, get vehicles and gear. 


Let me know if this has already been done in another game, I have no idea since I don't play a lot of games.

I believe some of the things you said are currently going to be in a game. Destiny not sure what else its going to have in it, but from what I saw from trailers showed us whats next to come for FPS/RPG style gaming.

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Wouldn't it be cool if CoD was made into an FPS RPG.

I'm thinking a FPS sandbox game like DAYZ except there's no zombies, just war themed gameplay... You join a clan that you always stick with and randomly run into other clans, kill them to gain XP, weapons, gear... Or you can team up with them. Join the game by yourself and find another loner, then you can decide to join or kill each other.

Gain XP to build a base with headquarters, get vehicles and gear.

Let me know if this has already been done in another game, I have no idea since I don't play a lot of games.

Sounds sort of like the Division
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Maps maps maps and maps. I would play Ghosts more if they had quality maps not the crap they have now.

See, I think the maps in Ghosts are the best we've had since MW2.

I agree about the unlock system. I love the gameplay in Ghosts, but I'm getting kinda bored of it and find myself going back to BF3. Part of it is that I really enjoy the challenge and progression of unlocking stuff. That's partly why I found BO1 so boring, I think, just kills the fun when you don't have to work for anything. (I know you had to level up for guns and perks, but as far as attachments and camos it was dull.)

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So I've heard. Better than BO2, too.

I may get it just for that, now that ELITE is shutting down. x)

Its through battlelog.com you may have to play BF4 to log into the section.
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It's online only. Stand by for link.

The second link shows what you need to do. The other shows some emblems, there is contests and stuff. Right up your alley I'd say.

I think I even saw a emblem editor that was separate from battlelog, I can't find it now though. :-/



Edit: the first link has a built-in editor on the website. Don't know if you need bf4 or battlelog account to use it.


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Since Ill probably have to wait an extra yearfor a CoD with an emblem editor, lets see what else...

*More varied guns. All the guns in Ghosts feel the same. How about some BO1-style variety?

*a theater mode, for us PVR-less folks.

Of course, that would mean finding a way to intergrate it without causing lag (if it did indeed cause it).

*Custom camos. Like, maybe for the ultimate reward alongside Gold camo, have the ability to use an emblem-editor-esque module to create a design and the design gets plastered on your gun in different types of patterns of your choice.

*Snow and night maps. Bonus points for snowy night maps!

*fine-tune reload cancelling. Have each gun be uniquely different in terms of how effective reload cancelling is in terms of their overall performance (Enfield =great FAMAS=tricky or nonexistatant)

*more character customization. For sh*ts and giggles.

*A return of CODPoints, maybe?



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I'm quite sure most of my suggestions will be rejected, but here goes...


Get rid of killstreaks. It makes no sense to me to have a system which makes better players better.


Get rid of kills, deaths, kdr from the in-game scoreboard, show points only.


Get rid of the ability to look at other people's stats from the lobby.


Trim the game modes down to:








Get rid of league and hardcore. More players in an play-list means better matchmaking and connections for everyone.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Fix the connection.  That's it for me.  I quit playing CoD because I was tired of being screwed over.  I spend a majority of my time playing saying things like, "WTF, no way, how did that happen, etc."  I want to know that I killed someone because I outplayed them, not that I had a better connection.  Same for dying.  If I get out played, cool, but when I die because of nothing other than connection issues... F*** that.  


tl;dr - Fix the connection and I'll play again. 




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*Custom camos. Like, maybe for the ultimate reward alongside Gold camo, have the ability to use an emblem-editor-esque module to create a design and the design gets plastered on your gun in different types of patterns of your choice.

So alot of 12 year olds running around with dick camos! It would be awesome though, I'd have some sexy pink camo!
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I'm quite sure most of my suggestions will be rejected, but here goes...

Get rid of killstreaks. It makes no sense to me to have a system which makes better players better.

Get rid of kills, deaths, kdr from the in-game scoreboard, show points only.

Get rid of the ability to look at other people's stats from the lobby.

Trim the game modes down to:







Get rid of league and hardcore. More players in an play-list means better matchmaking and connections for everyone.

I actually agree with all of that.
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I'm quite sure most of my suggestions will be rejected, but here goes...

Get rid of killstreaks. It makes no sense to me to have a system which makes better players better.

Get rid of kills, deaths, kdr from the in-game scoreboard, show points only.

Get rid of the ability to look at other people's stats from the lobby.

Trim the game modes down to:







Get rid of league and hardcore. More players in an play-list means better matchmaking and connections for everyone.

I especially agree with taking out K/D as a stat. Without it, there's no reason at all to killwhore instead of playing the objective. Or have it tracked only in TDM, which is the only place it matters.
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