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I picked this one up only due to someone in a review saying, "If you liked Mega Man X, you'll like this."  And yea, I do.  It's a beautiful game graphically and the gameplay is pretty tight too.  It's a side-scrolling hack-and-slash action-adventure along the lines of the Mega Man X series or any Metroidvania for that matter.


I never touched League of Legends, so a lot of the character references I don't get, but this one has been fun.  There are some annoying little things like the time delay clone that follows you sometimes messes me up when platforming, but at least you can rewind time when you make a mistake here and there.  


Not a bad one and kind of on the cheap side.  Worth checking out IMO.  It's on PS5/Xbox/Steam and Switch.



*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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