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Genital mutilation, the weirdest of the weird


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Ok, so I'm taking a week long seminar for investigators that deals primarily with analyzing injuries, blood splatter, etc.  As you can imagine there are quite a few gruesome photos from crime scenes, autopsies, and the like.  We did a block on hanging and strangulation and some of the ways folks manage to die certainly leaves an impression.  Like a man in a woman's swimsuit with his genitals in a cardboard tube with a vibrator taped to the tube.  Or a guy in women's underwear with a metal ring around his giblets wrapped with a metal ring, which was hooked to the power source for a model train set, which he was controlling via handheld remote prior to his heart attack.  Just the way he wanted to be remembered, I'm sure.



So far the standout was a sex offender who mutilated his genitals and eventually offed himself.


Don't click if your squeamish, trust me.


At first it looks like he's cut his dick off and then sewn up the spot where it used to be.  However, that's unlikely as you'd bleed to death.  Yes, I know, as we had a guy who guillotined his own genitals and bled out before he could finish the 911 call.  Anyway, back to this guy.  It was discovered because he killed himself and during the autopsy they noticed the lack of genitals and the stitches.  It had not been done in close proximity to his death because it had completely healed and the skin was smooth other than the puckering from the scars from stitching.  So, they cut it open to see WTF was going on and found that he'd mutilated his dick and stuffed it inside of himself, then folded the surrounding skin over and sewn it together.  Long enough that the two flaps of skin had grown together, completely concealing his penis.  He'd left a little hole near the bottom for urine to dribble out of, and kept it stuffed with tissues to prevent leakage.  Ok, so it gets weirder.  The first thing they see is a thimble.  Yup, like goes on your finger while sewing.  He'd stuffed the head of his dick in a thimble. They removed the thimble and there was something inserted into the urethra.  It was difficult to remove...because it was a drywall anchor.  The thing you tap into drywall so you can run a screw into it and it will stay.  They are specifically designed to be insert only, and it was fairly damned big for where it was inserted.


I wonder if he wasn't trying to stop himself from sexually offending again.  He was a pedo in life, so perhaps he was punishing himself.  Or perhaps he got off on that stuff, too, I dunno, but either way it was one of the weirder things in a series of weird things people did to themselves.


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Or a guy in women's underwear with a metal ring around his giblets wrapped with a metal ring, which was hooked to the power source for a model train set, which he was controlling via handheld remote prior to his heart attack.


So far the standout was a sex offender who mutilated his genitals and eventually offed himself.


Reminds me of Demon Knight "My nipples are smokin'!" :D


Abnormal psych can make a man feel great about themselves and their choice to pamper, not mutilate, their privates. :lol: That's extreme for sure. :blink:


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