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New Star Trek TV series

Same here on the not sure. I was a staunch Trek hater for many years then I watched the original series & movies and fell in love with it and the idea of the show. I tried to get into the later stuff, I don't know why but it just doesn't click with me. If the new series follows The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager type nonsense I'm out.


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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Scumbags. I’ve never heard the term ‘seed faith’ but remember the televangelist crazy’s in the 80’s that were on TV always begging for donations. The ones I see while flipping through the channels now have donation level packages like PBS and Kickstarter. :lol: I used to love the dude Benny Hinn that would heal anything that ails you with a touch or wave of his arm; which ment you immediatly threw yourself on the ground. What absolute fucking nonsense.


On top of whats in the video I learned that people garnish their wages to deposit money directly into a Churches bank account. Of course the more you give the better of a human you are and faster you go to heaven, but they take this money buy land and build 3 story mansion gated communities, tax free, for those people to live in as long as they continue to allow them to take their money. :lol:


Thanks for sharing.


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CGI Sucks

Cool vid; in fairness tricks similar to CGI were being utilized before computers with cell animation, paintings, miniatures etc… So people that have an issue with it probably hate air too.


And lepper I was throwing major shade at your post :lol: Star Wars prequels, good grief!


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Zappa appreciation thread

Can't deny he was talented and implemented an interesting approach to create music but the end result of all that isn't interesting or of any value to me. This thread is funny, I actually tried to listen to 'Dance Me This' yesterday and couldn't get through the whole thing but it made me curious about other peoples opinions of his music so I did some searches. There are the lovers, snobs and haters mixed in with people that love his music who also hate his music. :lol: Maybe I do have an underdeveloped understanding of music like the snobs suggest, or maybe my hearing isn't as bad as I thought :)


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Jeremy Clarkson

:lol: Anna Friel is a hottie and I've been crushing on Billie "Bad Wolf" Piper for years. Glad she's on Penny Dreadful. He must have the ability to release pheromones from a mutated never before documented by science ginger gland that affords him mind control over other gingers and all women because he's odd on the eyes. I don't think I've ever seen someone so ginger unless he's at the age where his hair is in between red and white. If that's a thing? Might be interesting if he can get attractive women on the show!


On the side: If he's the god King of gingers can Molly Quinn be the goddess Queen? *drool* :ph34r::D


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Jeremy Clarkson

Obviously as a Yank I'm not familiar with the guy but from this he seems on the level. Doesn't take away from him looking like a big goof but the show needs to come back. Is the BBC having a hard time filling the positions? I'm sure there's more too it than I know but shouldn't they have locked in a new cast way before now?


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Star Wars Episode Vll

I grew up during Empire and Jedi. I remember the craze as a kid, I really didn't understand it until I got a little older and Empire got me in its grips.


I love Fringe so I know JJ and camp will do an excellent job even if I'm worried about him using the same old tricks and lens flairs again. Anything will be better than I-III.  :(


A few things on the newest teaser: am I the only one who thinks Han should be long dead by now? :lol: What's he been hiding? And Wookiees don't age? Or is it The Curious Case of Chewbacca Button over here because he looks better than in other movies!?


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Better Call Saul

Finished watching the first season last night. Going into it I imagined the show would hit the ground running with Saul but ended up liking the time taken giving us back story and watching Jimmy get pulled in a few different directions before he decides to completely embrace his Slippin' Jimmy roots. Maybe by doing so they tried to make it easier for people who haven't watched BrBa to digest but it was entertaining and well done. Also it was probably known the show wouldn't be canceled after one season which allowed them to plan it well.


It continues the proven BrBa formula of exploring how people behave when they hit the end of their rope. Mike's good person/criminal - criminal/good person talk pretty much sums up both shows. Kind of funny making the viewer root for antihero sleazy scumbag criminal lowlifes. Can't wait to see where season 2 takes us!


On the Ogg in a fat suit idea: interesting thought but take it from a flabby bastard thats totally real fat. You can tell in the basement when he's in his robe slugging mimosas and bending over by how his gut moves in space under it. I don't think a fat suit is capable of that. Not even a practical & CG combo. Also when Saul is smacking his face, thats a real double chin. :lol:


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River Monsters!

Great first episode to start! Never knew a Musky would come right up to a person, especially one making a ton of noise, and bite the shit out of you like he showed. I enjoy the North American episodes a little more knowing I could try to catch one if I wanted. 


I'm fascinated when the show exposes big fish hitting on such small bait. Like the rig he caught the Musky on and the ep with the Tarpon hitting on a fly.


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Jeremy Clarkson

I figured he'd be let go. Can't go around hitting people.


I like Jake Humphrey's suggestion of Eddie Jordan as a replacement. If you don't like Eddie just stare into his shirts. They'll hypnotize you. You wont remember what happened only that you've watched it. :D


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Last movie you watched

Firefly was my introduction to Christina Hendricks. Loved, loved that episode she was in.

I wanted the cameraman to pan down and zoom in when she was nekkid in Mal's room. There has to be pervs in space! :)


Rented "The Judge" last night with Robert Downy Jr and Robert Duvall.

Not a happy movie but it was a great film.



The Theory of Everything. It was well done. The scene with Steven driving his chair wildly around the house and saying "EXTERMINATE" is awesome! :lol:


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Last movie you watched

Also, think its time to watch Serenity again...after the Firefly series of course.


My girl and I just finished watching the show and movie the other day. May sound dumb but I'd never seen any of it. I really enjoyed all of it. It did totally ruin Adam Baldwin in Chuck for me though as he plays practically the same character. His chain of command line is my favorite :lol:. +1 for it being dumb they canceled it. Very well crafted, entertaining and thought provoking.


Another fun thing, the Jaynestown episode had hardcoded subs  :ph34r: so when the song hit we got to swinging our arms, stomping our feet and singing along follow the bouncing ball style. :)


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Comic Book Movie News

I'm excited about reading this: James O’Barr Confirms Jack Huston and Jessica Brown Findlay for The Crow


I really like Jack Huston; psyched for this now. Way better fit and look for Eric than Bradley Cooper IMO. Interested to know who they are going to pick up for Top Dollar and the gang, also if the Skull Cowboy will make it in this one. :)



Edit: Found this today. If you've never read the OG comics or graphic novel and want to. https://thecrowcomics.wordpress.com/


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Neil Blomkamps Aliens sequel

hhmm, I need to see that!


I didn't mind the dog alien, the xenomorphs always took on the characteristics of the species that hosted their eggs, so I thought it was a really good plotpoint to drive that point home.


IDK, I really didn't mind 3 at all to be honest.


I personally love 3 and am trying to understand the gripes in this thread. Each movie builds on the story and introduces us to new information about the aliens. Alien introduced us to the face hugger and synthetic humans/ Aliens that they terraform, the Colonial Marines, their weapons and the Alien Queen/ 3 that they are capable of impregnating other organisms/ Resurrection they can swim, they will sacrifice one another to escape, they have a type of telepathy etc… It’s a simple enough approach to keep we wanting to know more and wanting more movies. The money grab opinion isn’t one I’ve ever considered.


Again 3 having a nonhuman alien is so exciting to me. I thought on what I posted earlier in this thread about the lack of different aliens and if it was silly to suggest considering they are in space or on hostile planets all of the time. Where would the animals come from?, do they clone them? and on… but the movies have shown us cats, dogs, hamsters, and I think from 3-SED cows. It’s unfortunate in 3 that we don’t learn if the Aliens are picky in terms of who they choose as a host. Would they choose a person with a genetic deformity? Would it have an effect on the alien? I want to know!


If I have 500 what if questions after a movie normally I really like it :lol:


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