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Phil - Nunu's ice ball hurts, bad.  If you hit him with a Q before he throws it, he's silenced and can't throw it ;)  Then you just spin to win.  :)  


Pat - Good to see you on again man.  Yeah, the visual update took place a couple months ago.  I love the new look of it.  


Mike - Good games as always buddy.  I love getting a few games in with you at lunch time.  :) 



I played some PvP last night w/ Cassidy (former FG member) and won one and lost one.  I played as Lissandra mid against Jayce (fuck that guy, I hate him!).  I ended up 8-8-4, we lost.  

The second game I played as Ziggs mid against Fizz.  I went 6 kills, no deaths, and 5 assists.  I pressured Fizz early and got his tower down, then started roaming.  We won pretty easily.  




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Why not?

Soooooo....I had my first online game of LoL.


I had a couple of aborted efforts over the weekend. I was trying to get into all human games and the waits to find a game were too long.


Last night I tried the humans v bots mode and got into a game immediately.


We were defeated and one of my fellow players (summoners?) left the game early (which contributed to the defeat). It was close though...I kept switching lanes too much, I died about 7 times lol.


What did I learn? I learned that I need to be a little more careful and not put myself in a position where I take a lot of damage with not enough time to escape and heal.


I was playing as Garan, I like pressing E and getting him in to spin around with his sword, it's the only thing I managed to max out during the game.


A few tips:


Early game, minions do a lot of damage to you.  So, if you attack an enemy Champion, you draw the aggro of the minions, which hurts.  


Early game is all about sustaining and last hitting minions.  Build that gold up to buy better items for bigger stat advantages against your enemy.  


You mentioned switching lanes "too much."  That's not really a bad thing.  Sometimes waves of minions build up, and you need to go farm them before they take our your towers.  Especially if you were down a man like you said, you'll need to rotate lanes.  I generally push my lane into the enemy tower early on, then roam to another lane to help gank the enemy to help my teammates who are struggling.  There's also "split-pushing" which you'll learn about later.  But, that involves a lot of lane hopping and pushing.  


As for Garen, I usually start with one point in his Q.  His Q silences enemies and it gives him a movement speed boost.  So, you can use it to last hit minions, silence/damage the enemy champion, and use it as a gap closer or an escape.  Then, with 1 point in Q, start maxing E.  E is where you do all of your major damage.  I'd get a single point in your W after you get 2 points in your E.  W mitigates damages, so it's really nice if you time it right.  


Just stick with Players vs Bots for now.  Once you've got your feet under you, then go into PvP.  




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Why not?

Garen is a fairly simple, straightforward Champion. He is still one of my favorites. He can get super tanky amd still do decent damage. Glad you're enjoying it.

Try browsing a few guides and videos for the Champions you enjoy.




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Why not?

I've played the tutorials a bit, it's actually pretty easy to pick up the basics, I've just been shooting my bow quite a lot so far. I'll probably have another go with a different character later :)

YES!  :)  


That's awesome that you tried it out.  Ashe (the girl w/ the bow you played in the tutorial) is only one type of Champion.  She's called a Marksman/ADC (Attack Damage Carry).  She's pretty decent, but not the greatest.  Every champion is so different and many can be played multiple ways.  Ashe and other Marksmen typically go to the bottom lane w/ a support Champion.  Mages/Assassins tend to go the mid lane, and tanks/bruisers/fighters go to the top lane.  And, then you've got a jungler that roams and ganks the other lanes.  That's the basic meta, but there are a lot of ways to play.  Try out different roles/Champions until you find what fits you.  I'm sure that will change over time too.  My point is, there are many ways to play.  :)  Have fun! 




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Why not?

I've tried Smite and Dota2, but neither of them felt right for me.  I guess because I started with LoL.  Smite is cool though, I really like the view/perspective in that game.  It's just weird starting a new MOBA.  I can't imagine playing more than one either, it would be too confusing for me.  





So, it seems like most people feel the community sucks ass and it takes too much time to learn/get good at.  Those are both valid arguments.  It just sucks because I know how much fun it is playing in full parties.  Hell, just playing with Mike and I is a blast.  I'd love to play some private matches w/ group chat.  We'd have a ball.  Oh well...  


Thanks for replying guys.




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Why not?

With games like this; if I don't get my foot in the door from day one; I feel like I'm lagging behind everyone else and have too much catching up to do. I've been wanting to get into the likes of LoL and DOTA2 for a while but just finding the time and determination to learn a whole new game and it's features can be tricky. I've played games before where I'm late to the party and just end up being clueless and useless. Lol is highly regarded so hopefully I'll be able to get into it and have some basic knowledge very soon but sometimes the prospect of other games on offer especially on PC just tempts me the other way. Hopefully we can get summat going soon and I'll do a bit of research to get some understanding. 


The best way to learn is to play ;)  


Seriously.  There's a tutorial to walk you through the basics (it's very boring, but it teaches you the basics).  There are bot and private games so you can learn w/o the pressure of a team relying on you.  It's very simple to get the basics down, but it's difficult to master.  Extremely difficult.  Feel free to sign up for a free account and play with me or Mike sometime.  I have no problem playing a game of bots to teach you some basics.  




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Why not?


I think the community sucks, but not the whole community. I'd like to be one of those people that actually help people instead of saying 'Your Mom'. And if you guys decide to play with us, you won't have to hear from the shit community anyways. You can turn off the enemy team chat and call it a day.


This is what got me thinking about this thread.  We have the potential to have several people playing this and put together a team (casual or competitive).  Playing with friends is SOOOOOOO much better.  Using something like TeamSpeak or eve Skype, actually talking tactics while playing and coordinating is so much fun.  I've been in a few 5 man teams and it was insanely fun.  I wish we could do that more.  



I despised ARAMs which was a favorite of yours and Mike's. I would compare it to TDM vs DOM in cod. 


I didn't really have time to learn all of the champs which is helpful to be able to counter and play them.


My hands are far to large for a keyboard game and I often end up touching several keys simultaneously because othe the command proximity which made it next to impossible to play it quickly


I'm down for ARAM or Summoners Rift anytime.  I like both equally.  I just play more ARAM b/c it's quicker.  ARAM is a great way to learn the different champs too.  You can play/learn at the same time.  You don't need to learn all the champs and then play the game.  You learn as you go.  


I'm not buying the big hand thing.  I've got big paws too and I manage to do just fine.  You really only need about 6 keys (QWER and DF).  You can change the button layout to anything you want.  I have several buttons mapped to my mouse.  




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Why not?

League is like my new CoD. ARAMS that is. It's quick. I don't have to play super long games and it can feel very rewarding.

Exactly.  I love ARAM.  I still play Summoners Rift when I have time, but ARAM is quick and easy.  I unlocked Lissandra the other day, wow!  She's amazing.  So much fun, especially in ARAM.  


Do you have any insight in why people don't give LoL a chance?  




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Why not?

I wish that more of us played League of Legends.  There are only a handful of us on here that play.  It can be such a fun game that requires good teamwork, coordination, and communication.  Things a lot of us value in multiplayer games.  It doesn't require a super computer to play.  Most people I've introduced to League say that it's fun and they like it, but a majority of them never come back.  It seems that only a few stick around and continue to play.  


I would love to get a team of 5 going.  I think it could be a lot of fun.  We would probably get wrecked at first, but learning and getting better is a lot of fun too.  


For those of you who have played it, what about it didn't you like?  Why do you not play it more often?


For those of you who have never played it, why not? 






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Civilization Beyond Earth

Now if my computer wasn't a potato I'd be playing this 24/7! I don't understand the game at all but it's so addicting. I played Civ 4, thought I'd play for an hour, about 7 hours later I was still sat there not having a clue but couldn't move myself away. 


This is me playing Civ 5.  No idea what I'm doing, but I enjoy doing it.  




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Betheda - Battlecry

I just read about this and can't wait to play it!  




Bethesda Softworks and developer BattleCry Studios attempt to answer that thought exercise with BattleCry, a stylish multiplayer combat game that's less your typical online shooter and more of a melee-focused brawler.
BattleCry is an online multiplayer action game for PC in which up to 32 players battle in team-based combat. It's heavily stylized, class-based and full of colorful characters. For shorthand, think Team Fortress 2, but instead of rifles, rocket launchers and miniguns, players battle each other with swords, crossbows and beefy metal fists.
BattleCry is also a free-to-play game — Bethesda's first — but "very different from what a lot of other people are doing in this space," the developer promises.
'We've created a strong, distinct multiplayer experience, a new type of action game with fast frenetic multiplayer set in a beautiful world," said Lucas Davis, design director at BattleCry Studios, at the game's unveiling. The developer is aiming for a balance between ranged and melee combat, drawing influence from third-person action games and brawlers — genres not often exploited in the online multiplayer space.
BattleCry is the eponymous debut game from developer BattleCry Studios, which Bethesda established in 2012. The Austin, Texas-based studio is led by industry veteran Rich Vogel, who previously led development on Star Wars: The Old Republic and Star Wars: Galaxies at BioWare Austin and Sony Online Entertainment, respectively. The game's creative director is Viktor Antonov, who previously helped define the art direction for Valve's Half-Life 2 and Arkane's Dishonored.
The set up for BattleCry is that in the early 20th century the world's superpowers have come to an agreement about how they kill one another. Gunpowder is banned in war as a condition of The Black Powder Treaty. That means no guns, at least in the traditional sense. It also means no chemical weapons and no bombs; soldiers fight each other in up close and personal battles using the technology of the time.
Instead of fighting chaotic wars that wreak havoc upon civilization as each side trades bullets and bombs, conflict is settled in designated WarZones. They're the compartmentalized spaces in which highly trained, specialized soldiers fight for power and glory for the faction of their choosing.
In BattleCry, players will have access to a minimum of five classes. There's the Enforcer, a melee-focused tank of a soldier who wields a massive sword that, using the game's retro-futuristic tech, can transform into a protective shield. He charges into combat and empowers his teammates with his own battle cry. He's joined by the Duelist, a comparatively lithe dual swordsman who's designed to sneak behind enemy lines, thanks to her cloaking ability. The game's first ranged character, the Tech Archer, fire bolts and arrows from afar, and tosses daggers at close range.
Two more classes, which we didn't have the opportunity to play at a recent hands-on demo of BattleCry, were detailed by the studio. They're the Gadgeteer, who's armed with a magnetic gauss gun and "a host of sophisticated gadgets," and the Brawler, who boxes with mechanical arms and does "brutal damage up close."
As players engage in online battles and kill other players, they'll earn iron, the game's currency. That can be spent on various unlocks: skills for your character, crated items like helms, armor and skins. Players' contribution to the war effort will also be factored into a persistent online game mode — called The War Effort, naturally — that you can play with friends, your guild and your faction. Players will earn rewards for their participation in the global war, which is planned to be updated on a weekly basis.
Given the game's free-to-play nature, it's easy to see how those rewards could be at the heart of BattleCry's monetization model. The option to buy some extra iron, a particular suit of armor or an unlockable gender for your character class might be more appealing than grinding for the same things.
While defeating your enemies and fighting a global, bloody war are at the heart of BattleCry, the game's developer is hoping that players will treat each other with respect and positivity after each match. Once the victor has been decided — along with a handful of MVPs from each team — players will have a few moments to congratulate each other on their accomplishments in-game with salutes. They can even award each other medals for valor. This feature, Davis said, will help the team develop a strong community behind BattleCry.
BattleCry's positive community aspirations are certainly encouraging. The game's bright, gorgeous atmosphere, clearly influenced by Antonov's stylized work, may help foster that warm, cheery feeling of camaraderie.
"We really wanted to contrast the brutality of our combat with the beauty of this gorgeous world," Davis said.
The developer says the game's aesthetic — a mix of neutral tones and primary colors, with a dash of cel-shading — is heavily influenced by comic books and turn of the century illustration, with a dash of mysticism, Antonov said.
Describing the game's look as a "fairy tale romantic perception of war and death," Antonov said to expect some level of storytelling to be delivered through the game's environments, which alter slightly depending on whether you're winning or losing. It's a reference to the trench warfare of the time, he said, when "everything got out of whack" for soldiers affected by the horrors of war.
Bethesda and BattleCry Studios say to expect BattleCry to appear in beta form on PC sometime in 2015. The game is slated to be playable at this year's E3.
Those five will be playable in the game's multiplayer beta, but expect more, the studio says, to join BattleCry's "ever-growing list" of classes.
Adding more variety to the classes are the game's factions. Two have been officially revealed: the Royal Marines and the Cossack Empire. In addition to offering each class a different aesthetic and animations, the faction players choose appears to alter how each unit plays. The Tech Archer, for example, wields a longbow if she's on the Royal Marines side. On the Cossack side, he's armed with a pair of crossbows.
Each class is outfitted with a trio of special abilities. These include explosive or electrified attacks, the ability to turn invisible, the option to see your enemies through walls and so on. And each class has his or her own ultimate ability, a super power that is fueled by adrenaline — the energy that accumulates as players attack. Unleashing your special and ultimate abilities at the right time, managing their cooldowns and exploiting your adrenaline meter are all part of what makes BattleCry feel a little bit more interesting than your standard team-based multiplayer shooter.





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Azir, the Emperor of the Sands



Azir is a mage who summons Shuriman soldiers to control the battlefield and basic attack for him. The soldier’s piercing basic attacks furnish most of Azir’s damage potential, making him an outlier amongst mages as a right-click-focused champion. Azir’s spells, on the other hand, manipulate his and his soldiers’ positions to keep him safe and establish dangerous no-go zones for his enemies.

Azir establishes shifting zones of power through soldier placement, gaining control of the lane and farming with their assistance. For instance, a soldier placed near the enemy’s caster minions dares a lane opponent to harass or farm through the piercing spear. When the opposing laner missteps, Azir commands the attack, repositioning soldiers with Conquering Sands to make the most of the opportunity. Once a favorable trade or two unlocks kill potential, Azir utilizes Shifting Sands, knocking the enemy champion up and setting himself up to compel a Conquering Sands and finish them off. When the (ancient) coin is flipped, a quick Arise! and Shifting Sands rushes Azir out of danger.

Add Azir’s ultimate to the mix and the Shuriman leader exercises even more zone control. To go for the kill, start off with Arise! and Shifting Sands to position Azir behind his opponent. From there, Emperor’s Divide drives the foe deep into Azir’s side of the map. Pushed so far into Azir’s territory, the opposing champ’s sure to meet their end at a spear’s tip. If offense proves temporarily unwise, Azir’s ult provides safe passage from a fight, building a wall between Azir and his pursuers.




As in lane, as in teamfights: Azir shines in battles tied to one physical location, where he can safely order his soldiers around and dispatch adversaries from afar. In that vein, Azir dominates Baron and Dragon fights, using his ultimate to lock enemy teams into (or out of) the pits. If teamfights take a roadtrip, Azir must be judicious with Arise! and Conquering Sands, moving his zone of control along with the combatants. Post-initiation, Azir’s an expert at punishing uncoordinated enemies. Shifting Sands—combined with Azir’s ultimate—separates enemy front-liners from their damage dealing dependents, dividing the enemy team for methodical conquering. With the baddies split, Azir charges his soldiers in for the kill, pumping out marksman-level sustained damage until none challenge his rule.

In jungle skirmishes, Azir sets up nasty ambushes with Conquering Sands, transforming convenient exits into spear-guarded gauntlets. Similarly, Emperor’s Divide wholly closes a jungle entrance, sealing Azir’s foes in with him. Trapped, they’re surely short work for Azir, his soldiers and their allies. If a fight goes south, Azir reliably disengages with his ultimate or beguiles baddies with Arise! and Shifting Sands, spiriting himself over a jungle wall.

Disc of the Sun doesn’t raise a turret quick enough to be of much use in teamfights, but sieges are a different story. When attacking enemy inhibitors, Azir can resurrect their inner turret, trapping the enemy team inside their crumbling base and making counter-engages a dangerous proposition. Conversely, when Azir’s base is under assault, Arise! and Shifting Sands help him jump the base wall and sneak around the siege to rebuild his own inner turret. Caught between the inhibitor turret and the Sun Disc, the enemy team can either scatter or be crushed.






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Sugar Rush Sale






Satisfy your sweet tooth with Sugar Rush!
By DontHassleDaHoff

Candy-coated Cupcake Icons, Gingerbread Wards and Lollipoppies galore! Sometimes, you’ve just got to satisfy your confectionery craving with a tasty treat. So, from August 26 through September 1, we’re celebrating Sugar Rush, a sinfully sweet week of scrumptious surprises. Here are the details:


  • Double IP weekend from 12:01am PDT on August 30 until 11:59pm PDT on September 1
  • The Legacy Vault will be temporarily thrown open during Sugar Rush and all 47 retired Legacy skins will be available at their regular price during the entire event, and will be 50% off for one day (details below)
  • Candy-coated Cupcake Icon – 250 RP
  • Hextech Hard Candy Icon – Earn by sending a gift during Sugar Rush
  • Double the regular chance of gifting a legendary skin in mystery gifts
  • Sinfully Sweet bundle – 30 % off at 3860 RP (6097 RP if you need the champions)
    • Lollipoppy (Legacy)
    • Bittersweet Lulu
    • Dark Candy Fiddlesticks (Legacy)
    • Sinful Succulence Morgana
    • Candy Cane Miss Fortune (Legacy)
    • Gingerbread Ward
  • Each skin from the bundle is also available by itself during Sugar Rush for 15% off.
    • Champ skins – 829 RP each
    • Gingerbread Ward – 544 RP
  • Extra bonus RP during the entire week

Here’s a breakdown of how much RP you’ll receive for purchases during Sugar Rush:

  • $5.00 – 650 RP
  • $10.00 – 1460 RP (1300 + 80 standard bonus RP + 80 extra bonus RP)
  • $20.00 – 3000 RP (2600 + 200 standard bonus RP + 200 extra bonus RP)
  • $35.00 – 5450 RP (4550 + 450 standard bonus RP + 450 extra bonus RP)
  • $50.00 – 7900 RP (6500 + 700 standard bonus RP + 700 extra bonus RP)
  • $100.00 – 17000 RP (13000 + 2000 standard bonus RP + 2000 extra bonus RP)

Celebrate Sugar Rush and satisfy your sweet tooth for an entire week!

*Extra bonus RP does not apply to mobile payment methods, and because of the advance notice, there will be no refunds for RP purchases made prior to the announcement or the promotion. Extra bonus RP applies to prepaid cards (the $25 card is worth 3750 RP) redeemed during the period.

Here are the details on the 47 retired Legacy skins:

Legacy Skin RP Price 50% off Sale Date Caterpillar Kog'Maw 520 8/26/2014 Emerald Taric 520 8/26/2014 Professor Ryze 975 8/26/2014 Shamrock Malphite 520 8/26/2014 Unmasked Kayle 975 8/26/2014 Workshop Shaco 975 8/26/2014 Angler Jax 975 8/27/2014 Kingpin Twitch 520 8/27/2014 Matador Alistar 975 8/27/2014 Molten Rammus 975 8/27/2014 Phantom Karthus 460 8/27/2014 Time Machine Zilean 520 8/27/2014 Butcher Urgot 520 8/28/2014 Crimson Akali 520 8/28/2014 Feral Warwick 975 8/28/2014 Frozen Shen 520 8/28/2014 Nightmare Cho'Gath 520 8/28/2014 Red Baron Corki 1820 8/28/2014 Swamp Master Kennen 520 8/28/2014 Dragon Knight Mordekaiser 520 8/29/2014 Firefighter Tristana 1820 8/29/2014 Highland Tryndamere 520 8/29/2014 Nottingham Ezreal 520 8/29/2014 Noxus Poppy 520 8/29/2014 Red Riding Annie 520 8/29/2014 Scuba Gragas 975 8/29/2014 Alien Invader Heimerdinger 1820 8/30/2014 Muse Sona 975 8/30/2014 Sailor Gangplank 750 8/30/2014 Sasquatch Nunu 520 8/30/2014 Sonoran Kog'Maw 520 8/30/2014 Toxic Dr. Mundo 520 8/30/2014 Vizier Malzahar 520 8/30/2014 Badger Teemo 520 8/31/2014 Hextech Galio 520 8/31/2014 Hextech Sion 520 8/31/2014 Masquerade Evelynn 520 8/31/2014 Mr. Mundoverse 520 8/31/2014 Safari Caitlyn 975 8/31/2014 The Magnificent Twisted Fate 1820 8/31/2014 Annie in Wonderland 1820 9/1/2014 Blacksmith Poppy 975 9/1/2014 Desert Trooper Garen 520 9/1/2014 Leopard Nidalee 520 9/1/2014 Pharaoh Amumu 520 9/1/2014 Spectacular Sivir 975 9/1/2014 Yellow Jacket Shen 520 9/1/2014





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Patch 4.13

I've done alright against Yasuo, but he sure doesn't make it easy with that wind wall.  I just make sure to go balls deep once his wind wall is down.  Ziggs can still farm just fine, so by mid game I'm still good to go.  But yeah, I'll definitely be using Exhaust.  Thanks man. 




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