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Why not?

Might be a bit late replying to this but the main reason I stopped playing LoL was due to most of my friends playing Dota 2 instead. I also happen to like Dota more just because I feel like there is a lot more ways to win and ways to change a teamfight. I do play LoL on random occasions though, if I could remember my details for my NA account I would definitely enjoy playing with you guys. 


The community does really suck though, when I play as soon as someone says a negative comment I just mute them because I can't be bothered, and I play whatever I feel like now in terms of champion - I will fill the role I need to play and try but wont pick the 'best' champions like some team mates think are necessary.


Like others have said the learning curve isn't actually too bad in LoL, it is definitely really weird at first if you are coming from FPS games and such but once you get used to moving around with the birds eye view it doesn't take too long. Dota 2 is much more hardcore which is why when I was learning MOBAs I went to LoL from Dota 2 but as I got better I found myself moving back to Dota 2. 

Kia Ora. 

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Must-have Runes

Why flat armor over Flat Magic Resist yellows?  I build AP w/ magic pen marks, magic resist yellow, and magic resist per level blues.  AP quints.  


Resits magic and deal magic, that's what goes on mid, so that's what I do.  


Would I be better off using armor?  


You want the armor for more tankiness.


What Dustin said but to elaborate a bit more it is due to the fact you will be facing enemy champions who deal AD damage as well so it is better to have armor as, generally, it will help you out more overall.

Kia Ora. 

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LoL Help Thread

How the hell does one teamfight? Just played a game mid as Ryze, had a Volibear jungler who ganked for me great, I was up 2-0 the Sivir I was laning against by 10 minutes. However, as soon as we began teamfighting, our team fell apart and I ended 3-8 with a loss. I don't understand what to do in 5v5 situations, and it is so goddamn frustrating.


It is hard to explain in words but it is something that you naturally learn over time. Positioning and role in a teamfight is key, you need to know what will be the best for your team. Either being the ADC and keeping distance from the enemies, being a tank who peels for the ADC, an Assassin who comes in from the side to kill a key damage dealer, a tank to disrupt the backline etc.


There are many jobs you have to do and many ideas to learn like this and more such as target priority. A lot of teams go for the easy kill by focussing the support but that isn't going to help you, you want to kill the damage dealers first such as the ADC, the others may seem like a problem but once their threats are gone they are just a giant sponge with no real damage.


Also, in your situation, you've got to work to snowball when you are ahead. Don't just be content with having a few kills over the champion you're laning against. Capitalise on your advantage; roam the map searching for kills or towers, take objectives such as dragons or bait the enemy team into fighting you at dragon when you know your team has the advantage.

Kia Ora. 

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Season 4 Changes

I'm liking the changes so far; it will be very refreshing to play.


The changes to jungle are welcomed; I love playing carry jungler's but this season utility/tank reigned supreme, so being able to play high damage champions more successfully in the jungle again will be awesome.


I love the changes to support. It is awesome to know that there will be opportunity to make more crucial plays in the late game rather than being a warding machine. Also with the changes to vision it will be awesome to no longer hear those darn "noob support, no wards" comments; now everyone must contribute like they should already be doing.


I look forward to hearing more.


Oh, but I wish they added the feature where you can control DC'd teammates like in Dota 2, I lose too many games because of people leaving...

Kia Ora. 

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I laugh when I hear people try to say Ziggs isn't that great or wouldn't work in the higher leagues.  I disagree.  If you're good at keeping yourself out of harms way, you can unleash a hell of a flurry on enemies with him.  I'd love to try him as a support sometime.  C4 to bounce them in close, and his hexfield to slow them down.  His Q can easily cap off enemies that are out of range for the ADC.  And the nuke.... that's just because hell yeah.  Nuke em' all!  


A few professionals have been starting to use him lately, one of them even got a pentakill with him in a competitive match! Here it is...


Kia Ora. 

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Here are champions that I find really enjoyable to play, I would definitely recommend giving them a go.


Top: Riven

Jungle: Lee-Sin

Mid: LeBlanc, Twisted Fate, Ziggs, Ezreal, Nidalee

ADC: Sivir, Ezreal

Support: Thresh, Annie


Reasonably good mechanics are required to be successful on the majority of these champions (specifically Ezreal, Nidalee, LeBlanc, Twisted Fate and Lee-Sin). So if you don't feel confident landing regular skill shots and such I wouldn't recommend going straight into them. Otherwise go right ahead, practise makes perfect and these are some of the most rewarding/enjoyable champs in the game in my opinion :D

Kia Ora. 

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I wanted to try Lee Sin but never got around to it.  I think I'd really like him. 



Lee-Sin is a bunch of fun. You have to be on point with your mechanics/skill-shots to be successful with him though. Once you do get him down he is one of the most rewarding champions to play in my opinion. 

Kia Ora. 

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LoL Help Thread

Does anyone know where item lists are saved? I wanted to copy over the ones I did on my desktop to my laptop and can't seem to find them


When the items sets were first released they were only saved locally. They said they were planning on expanding to make it client-based but I am guessing they haven't gotten around to it. 



'Does this save to my account?

Currently, item sets will only save to your local machine, but we want to get server-side saving to you soon. We know that this will be much better for players when they can use the feature across multiple computers, and we're working to deliver that. The server-side version will take some time since it requires additional platform work, and we want to make sure we don't impact service stability. '

Kia Ora. 

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League of Legends - Getting Started

Riot started a pretty cool "Teamwork OP" campaign. They have even made tumblr (http://teamworkop.tumblr.com/) with pictures and videos showing how teamwork helps. 


Here is the original video they made for it if you haven't seen it yet.



Here are some of my favourite pictures from the site 







Kia Ora. 

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