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Found 24 results

  1. Tomorrow Ghosts comes out, if you would like to let people know when you're getting on for the PS3 let us know here. I won't be on until tomorrow night if anything.
  2. Details Invasion DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts have been leaked via the official Call of Duty website earlier today. We got the maps of the 3 new maps part of the DLC pack. One of them, Pharaoh, could possibly be a remake a MW2′s Favela map. MW2′s Favela map has a similar point of entrance, pathway, and background to the image of Pharaoh. This is not confirmed yet and we’ll update when we get more information on this. http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/05/28/pharaoh-mp-map-from-invasion-dlc-could-be-a-remake-of-mw2s-favela/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  3. A new video from AliA has released details that a brand new Gold Knife and a Gold Pistol are coming to Call of Duty: Ghosts on June 3rd, alongside Invasion’s release on Xbox platforms. Gold Knife will be available to those who are 5th prestige and higher in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Gold Pistol will be available to those who are 10th prestige in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Source
  4. A new batch of micro items for Call of Duty: Ghosts is on it’s way! 6 new personalization packs, a new Spectrum pack, and an Astronaut character pack will be available for Xbox Live players starting May 20th. Here are the new items available May 20th on Xbox Live: Koi Pack $1.99 Bring a Zen-like calm to any match with the Koi Personalization Pack. Deliver tranquility and peaceful fishies with a themed camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Extinction Pack – $1.99 Bring your battle against the Cryptids to Multiplayer with the Extinction Personalization Pack. This pack contains an alien themed weapon camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Heavy Metal Pack – $1.99 Thrash any Multiplayer moshpit with the Metal Personalization Pack, complete with hardcore weapon camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Unicorn Pack – $1.99 Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with the Unicorn Personalization Pack, featuring a weapon camo draped in rainbows and the mythical beast, a single-horned reticle, patch, playercard and background. Fitness Pack – $1.99 Don’t sweat in your next firefight with the new moisture-wicking Fitness Personalization Pack. Complete with a bold, but breathable performance-themed weapon camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Spectrum Pack Leaving concealment to the campers, the Spectrum Warrior Pack deploys in an eye-catching uniform and headgear that promises to attract unceasing attention. Bling Pack – $1.99 Your skills are cash money, the Bling Personalization Pack proves it. Stand out from the crowd with a gold and diamond laced camo, iced-out reticle, patch, playercard and background. Character – Astronaut – $1.99 Take one small step for man, one giant leap for Multiplayer. Prove that you have the right stuff with the Astronaut Special Character. An astronaut..... A fucking astronaut.
  5. A new patch for Call of Duty: Ghosts went live today on Xbox One, 360, PS4 and PS3. The update brought the Bizon change that was announced a while ago. The new patch also brought 2 sided Domination to Clan v Clan mode, a highly requested addition to the game. Here’s the full patch notes: Title Update: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC. Spawns Improved FFA spawn logic. Improved TDM/KC/Cranked spawning logic. Updated Blitz spawn logic for online matches. Weapon Balance Bizon Reduced headshot multiplier: No longer allow for 1 body, 1 head shot kills. Max and Min damage range reduced. Slight increase to kick. Vepr Aim down sight time faster. Now in line with other SMGs. CBJMS Max and Min damage range reduced. IED Damage reduction always applied when the player is jumping, crouched or prone. Removed IED position check relative to player. Thermobaric Grenades Now do 1/2 max health in hardcore modes. Killstreak Balance Squad Mate – Reduced Accuracy & Fire Rate. Swapped Weapon to mp443. eSports Update to DOM to allow 2, 5 minute rounds for eSports playlist, and with eSports mode in Private Match and System Link. Anti-Cheat Overall anti-cheat improvements. Fixed elite clan tag spoofing issue. Additional Fixes Fixed an issue where the Tracked Operations and Progressed Operations loadout builder would not properly select items. Added popup message if a user tries to join on a blocked user from the recently met player list. Fixed an issue where the New Icons for heads/uniforms/etc would appear in private match. Fixed new icon to only appear on the “Heads” button when you have new heads of the gender you’re using. Improvements to map voting. Fix In Game Store Image Stuttering when moving between images. Fixes hardcore audio alias for kill confirmed. Adds proper friendly alias for blitz friendly scoring. New Features New Game Mode – Reinforce: Reinforce is a competitive round based game mode. When a player is killed that player will stay out of the game until someone on his team captures a control point. There are multiple ways to win. Capture and hold 2 control points, wipe out the enemy team, or capture all 3 flags for an instant victory. Gun Game Final kill now requires a throwing knife kill. Players can scavenge throwing knives. Extinction Reduced the usability window of other items when deploying the Riot Shield. Drill logic improvements. Grenade Turret adjustments. Xbox One Specific Update (In addition to the Title Update) Fixed issue that allowed access to friends list in offline menus. PlayStation 4 Specific Update (In addition to the Title Update) Fixed the Out of Memory 12 issue. Fixed issue with 2nd controller being unable to join a different Clan after accepting a Clan invitation.
  6. Didn't see this coming. *Sarcasm* Oh, and if you haven't played this map. Don't. It's a POS. http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/03/04/free-fall-map-now-available-for-everyone-on-ghosts/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  7. Infinity Ward has announced that Season Pass holders will get early access to The Ripper, a brand new weapon. If you’re on Xbox, news about this is coming tomorrow. http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/03/05/season-pass-holders-to-get-early-access-to-new-weapon-the-ripper-news-coming-tomorrow/
  8. First, let me say that I'm not trying to start a war of Ghosts vs. BF4. Seriously though, what's wrong with Ghosts? I've played the shit out of this game and quite honestly, I feel it's the Best CoD since MW2. The connection is better than Black Ops II by a long shot. The maps are decent and from the looks of the DLC they will get a bit better. All the weapons are pretty well balanced. I guess the only down side in my opinion, are the people that play the game. So that's where my question comes from. What's wrong with Ghosts? Have you honestly given the game enough of a shot to know that it's that bad? I just don't think you can play the game for less than 24 hours and conclude that the game sucks. My first prestige, I struggled but still held a decent K/D and winning percentage. Every prestige since, both my K/D and winning percentage have gone up. I believe this is true due to map knowledge and just getting the feel for the game. I mean, we use to have loads of people on here that played CoD and now, I only see a few of us on at any given time. I miss the days of having full teams destroying the competition and just having a good time. I'm interested in what you guys and gals have to say.
  9. CALL OF DUTY CLAN WARS - OAHU ISLAND FINISHES MONDAY 09 DECEMBER AT 20.00 GMT (12.00PST) THe list below are the games that count towards Clan Wars and the number of wins required to control a node. Please see Bob's (Baabcat) informative post on pages 4 and 5 later in this thread to understand how scoring and control of nodes works. Bob is now our official Clan Wars Guru! In addition to this post, additional points are now awarded for controlling nodes. If you can download and get a copy of the Call of Duty:Ghosts app working on your phone or tablet it's well worth it now as the info they post isn't "cut and paste-able" See http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/12/04/second-clan-wars-is-officially-underway-rewards-and-achievements-detailed/ for further details We are currently in Gold Division KC (50 wins) HCKC (50) TDM (150) HCTDM (50) BLITZ (50) S&R (32) DOM (300) CRANKED (50) HUNTED (50) S&D (80) I'll update the OP as each new competition comes out but it will always be behind as they don't give you much notice - it was posted last night almost as the campaign started. I suspect it will always be a 5 day campaign now starting at the same time with just some game modes changing. If you here different or see it before me post up in the thread and I'll update OP when I can
  10. Update 2: Infinity Ward has now announced that both patches are live on PS3 and PS4. Update: Infinity Ward has given an updated time-frame for the patches on PS3 and PS4, saying they should go live either late tonight (January 29th) or early tomorrow morning (January 30th). Original Story: Delivering on their promise of improving Call of Duty: Ghosts, Infinity Ward is issuing a new update on all systems this week, with the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions getting theirs on Wednesday, January 29th. Here’s the huge list of patch notes for the PS3 and PS4 versions of Call of Duty: Ghosts: Hotfixes Killstreak count maintained across rounds in Search and Destroy, Search and Rescue and Blitz. Shorten countdown timer for Clan v Clan playlist. Extinction alien balance adjustments. New Features PLAYLIST UPDATE: Gun Game replacing Heavy Duty. PLAYLIST UPDATE: Adding Hunted FFA. PLAYLIST UPDATE: Add eSports Rules to Clan v Clan (except friendly fire), and 1-4 persons can join. Added Heavy Duty health options to Private Match. IED damage adjustment based on player stance and IED location (for damage reduction: jump over IEDs below you, go prone for overhead IEDs). Added Operation progress bar to the After Action Report that pops up after MP matches. New MP lobby menu music. Social feed addition. New stick layout options for Southpaw. Disable party chat in Search and Rescue, Search and Destroy and Infected. Added 5 new Prestige Ranks to Extinction. Customization for player appearances (Create a Soldier) added to Extinction. Stability Fixed Sniper animation issue that could break the view model. Load time improvements for Flooded, Strikezone, Warhawk. Fixed a couple bots related performance issues. Fixed loss of functionality issue that would occur when two crates were stacked if player attempted to capture bottom crate. In Private match, disable “Start Match” if party members are missing selected map. Fixed rare case of incorrect bot display amount in Private match. Various spawn improvements. Anti-Cheat Prevent players from using more loadouts than normal. Block users from sharing camos and reticles that aren’t previously unlocked. Anti-cheat prevention improvements. Weapon / Perk Balance Dead Silence/Amplify Adjustment – Dead Silence completely silent including equipment, sliding, and footsteps. Amplify users can still hear a scaled down version of the footsteps and sliding sounds. Slight AK12 Increase on view kick. Adjusted reload times on L115 and USR. Reduce burst fire cool down of MSBS. eSports Removed stalls caused by the host changing loadout in eSports games. Silent plant, silent defuse in Search and Destroy. Added killstreak count to eSports scoreboard. Improvements to MLG Broadcast mode for highlighted players. Added Domination flag capture bar to Broadcast mode. Added R3 to toggle enemy player outlines in Broadcast mode. Prevent eSports players (except COD Caster) from switching to 3rd Person Spectate cam. Added ability to select players when mini-map is enlarged in eSports. Fixed FOV issue that occurred in Broadcast mode. Fixed functionality issue that occurred if both thumbsticks were pressed while spectating a mantling player. Fixed issue which kept eSports rules enabled after losing internet connection. Add notification when spectated player gets a kill in Broadcast mode. Fixed text overlap bug that occurred when mini-map was enlarged. Better team identification in the MLG hud. Fixed killfeed color bug that occurred for spectators. Prevent crashes when COD Caster changed teams quickly. Restrict Ghillie Suits when eSports rules enabled (replaces with different game models). Fixed a Broadcaster Mode bug where the preset camera indicator wasn’t getting reset between rounds. Add a kill feed to Broadcaster mode. Added team names to in-game scoreboard for Broadcast mode. Restrict Tracker Sights in eSports rules. Restrict Danger Close in eSports rules. Additional Broadcast mode fixes (better team identification in the HUD, simplified Scoreboard toggle, etc). Additional eSports fixes. Additional Fixes Adjusted difficulty of slide based operations. Reduced lean, point blank & rescue reticle challenge requirements. Search and Destroy bomb plant and defuse timers no longer wait for the weapon swap before starting. Fixed matchmaking issue in Squads. Display new icon in Operations when re-rolling Operations. Fixed rare cases of losing Sentry Gun killstreak when killed while placing. Menu fix for Operations. Fixed bug that would show improper time value in match countdown timer. Maniac, Juggernaut Recon and the Michael Myers are invisible to tracker and thermal sights. Fixing bug where the playercards in Squad Reports were only updated if you went into the friends list or squad mode first. Defaults loadouts correctly reflect the actual loadout in Private match. Free For All scoreboard adjustment. Fixed Trinity Rocket cancellation issue. MP Lobby improvement for Character Display. Combat Knife stats accuracy improvement. Fixed friends list shuffle that would occur for clans that had members across platforms. Killcam no longer goes underground on Warhawk. Improved audio ambient system in Multiplayer. Fixed Squads issue that would change mode icon when playing with a split screen guest. Fixed core playlist selection reset issue. Private match loadout bug fix. Additional customization options added for Infected in Private match. Improvements to Infected game mode. Optimization to generic UI elements. Fixed issue that could occur when squad member had specialist set as streak reward. Fixed minor VFX issue. Fixed under water killstreak exploit. Increased XP earned from completed Operations. Fixed issue that occurred when leader would leave clan. Fixed Bromance Clan Op issue. Fixed viewmodel loss issue in Safeguard. Fixed rare challenges issue in Safeguard. Extinction Fixed issue where some achievements could not be earned when moving from current generation to next generation platforms. Optimized some FX to improve game stability and performance. Fixed Trinity rocket issue where black/white overlay would remain on screen. Fixed Trinity rocket issue where laptop could not be put away. Improvements to the “Leper” challenge so that it appears closer to players. Added “COD Account” selection to the Extinction menu to improve account linking for Extinction players. Fixed bug where the “Death Machine” could obtain specialty ammunition. Fixed issue where players defaulted to pistol after revival. Fixed issue with accepting invites from custom Extinction matches where players would lose menu focus. Fixed issue where double XP was not resetting when going into solo, custom or split screen lobbies. Added a double XP icon to the Extinction lobby for when double XP is active. Fixed trophy issues where players could not plant any more trophies even though it had not been depleted after throwing a hypno-knife. Fixed issue where Feral Instincts would not default back to normal view after it depleted. Added the rank and icon to the Extinction end game scoreboard. Fixed issue where challenge timer would not appear when joining a game while a challenge is active. Fixed issue where Relic bonus was not appearing in the end game scoreboard. Balancing tweaks to the Sentry Gun and Death Machine abilities. Added ranks to the in game splash notification message when a player ranks up. Added player Patches to splash notifications for deployment items. The Riotshield icon now tracks ammo while the shield is stowed. Fixed issue where players would have no weapon on ladders. Fixed issue where players would lose their weapon after getting off a ladder. PS4 Specific Update (In Addition to the Title Update) Vita Remote Play optimizations.
  11. Are you new to this forum and want to get involved in the video games that we play together? Then this is the right place to be. All you have to do is be an established member of this community, respect others, and show us that you want to game with us. SImple right? To get yourself started fill out this small bio for us: Name: Location/Timezone: Mic/Headset: Forum Name: Platform(s): Game(s) of Choice: Want to know a little more about our current community of gamers here? Check out our roster! If you have any questions feel free to post them below or even visit our chat thread! Thanks
  12. lol, figured we might as well have one of these to collect all the gripes about the game. The following isn't exactly a gripe, but it is kind of a shady thing that IW would do which also furthers my thoughts that they are just lazy (which is the real reason I think Theater Mode was removed). Mw2 - Mw2.5 - Mw2.75 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpSbZgSporA
  13. So I've been getting a lot of my Ghosts info on Charlies Intel, CoD Wiki and Twitter. So any new info that's not on here feel free to post it below and we'll keep on adding to the OP together. As it was already stated this thread is for us to all have a discussion about the new Call of Duty: Ghosts. I'd like to start out with the Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal video: Create-A-Soldier Infinity Ward has changed the customization feature and have added brand new Create-A-Soldier, where you customize everything about your character. Character Customization: Infinity Ward has added new ways to fully customize the soldier you play as in Ghosts. You can play as a male or female soldier and customize every feature of your character. Choose the head, body type, head-gear and equipment, and you can even create a female soldier for the first time. With over 20,000 possible combinations, you can create the soldier you’ve always wanted. And each soldier you create will also have his or her own load outs. I wanted to add on that playing as a female will NOT give you an advantage if you think that they will be smaller than males. They will be the same size, whether they add on extra gear or whatever. Load Out: In Ghosts, you’re allocated a budget for our primary weapon, secondary weapon, your lethal & tactical equipment, and your Perks. All attachments and Killstreaks are free for you to choose. There’s also ‘Squad Points’ coming in Ghosts MP, which determines what you can unlock when. You chose what attachments, guns, etc. you want to unlock. If you have enough Squad Points you can unlock whichever ones you want at anytime. Weapons: Assault Rifles: Honey Badger APS SC-2010 SA-805 M4A1 G3 ARX-160 AK-12 Vepr FAD R5 RGP MSBS Submachine Guns: UMP45 Vector CRB CBJ-MS Bizon K7 Mtar-X VBR Lightmachine Gun: Chain SAW Ameli M27 IAR LSAT Sniper Rifles: L115 USR GM6 G28 VSK Marksman Rifles: IA-2 MR-28 MK14 EBR SVU Shotguns: MTS-225 Bulldog Handguns: P226 M9A1 MP-443 Grach .44 Magnum Launchers: Panzerfaust MK32 Kastet Misc: Knife Riot Shield Lethal Grenades: C4 Canister Bomb Semtex I.E.D Throwing Knife Frag Grenade Non-Lethal Grenades: 9-Bang Concussion Grenade Motion Sensor Smoke Grenade Thermobaric Grenade Trophy System Attachments: Red Dot Sight Silencer Holographic Sight Grip Grenade Launcher ACOG Scope Extended Mags Akimbo Muzzle Brake Slug Rounds Select Fire Armor-Piercing Rounds Radar Hybrid Scope Perks: With Call of Duty: Ghosts, you get to customize what perks you want with you in-game. There’s a total of 35 perks in Ghosts, and each perk has a value between 1 and 5. You get 8 points to use on perks, and you chose which ones you want. The new Perks system has more perks than ever before. Every perk has a value from 1 to 5, and you have 8 points to allocate. So for example, choose 4 perks each valued at 2 points a piece, or even 8 perks, each valued at 1. You could also choose to get rid of your secondary weapon and get up to 11 perks. Perks in Call of Duty: Ghosts have been divided into 7 sections (refer to picture above): Speed – Examples include Sleight of Hand and Agility allowing players to quickly move through the environment. Handling – Improve the player’s weapon handling abilities with perks such as On The Go (reload while sprinting) and Strong Arm (throw equipment further and decrease grenade cook time). Stealth – Perks such as Takedown (kill enemies without revealing their death location) and Off the Grid allow players to move through the environment undetected. Awareness – Improve a player’s situational awareness and ability to detect enemy equipment. Resistance – Enhance a player’s ability to withstand damage and regenerate health faster. Equipment – Perks that allow players to hold extra equipment, attachments and ammunition. Elite – A new type of player perk that includes Ping (a sonar ping that’s activated upon killing an enemy, revealing nearby hostiles) and Deadeye (consecutive kills increase the chance to deal more bullet damage). Killstreaks - Strike Packages With Call of Duty: Ghosts, Infinity Ward is bringing back MW3's Strike Packages – Assault, Support, and Specialist. There are over 20 NEW Kill Streaks in Call of Duty: Ghosts — such as Juggernaut Maniac, Helo-Scout, Vulture and the ODIN Strike. Assault Strike Package – Strike package based on consecutive enemy kills that resets upon death. (they’ve made more killstreaks on the ground – not all in the air anymore.) -New streak rewards Include: Sat Com – Acquired after 3 points. The SAT COM functions similarly to the UAV in previous Call of Duty games but with a twist. The SAT COM must be planted on the ground. It is no longer an aircraft. Another feature of the SAT COM is that it is upgraded depending on how many other SAT COMs are on the map. If there is only one friendly SAT COM it will only show enemies on the radar if they are in a friendlies line of sight. If there are two friendly SAT COMs a radar sweep will go and it will function exactly like a normal UAV. Three friendly SAT COMs will cause the radar sweep to occur faster. Finally, four friendly SAT COMs will periodically show enemy direction with each sweep. IMS – Acquired after 4 points. The IMS functions similarly to the IMS in Modern Warfare 3. Guard Dog – Acquired after 5 points. The Guard Dog (Riley) will spawn near the player and follow the player around the map and will not only attack enemies close by, but also bark or growl if an enemy is nearby. Sentry Gun – Acquired after 6 points. Functions similarly to Sentry Guns in other Call of Duty games. Battle Hind - Acquired after 6 points. Although it is not known exactly what it does, one can imagine it will function similarly to Attack Helicopters of previous Call of Duty games. Vulture - Acquired after 7 points. It is unknown as to what it does. Although it appears to be a variant of a Quad-rotor that is not player controlled. Gryphon - Acquired after 8 points. It functions similarly to the Dragon Fire in Black Ops 2 although it fires explosives and can see enemies through walls. Juggernaut Maniac – Acquired after 9 points. An airdropped pointstreak that (when picked up) grants the user Juggernaut armor and a combat knife. The Maniac moves at the same speed as a normal player. Juggernaut - Acquired after 10 points. An airdropped pointstreak that (when picked up) grants the user Juggernaut armor and a Minigun. Helo Pilot - Acquired after 12 points. Allows the player to control an Attack Helicopter for a period of time. Support Strike Package – Strike package that does not reset on player’s death. (They’ve made the streaks more support based – not driven by assault.) -New streak rewards Include: SAT COM - Acquired after 4 points. (See above description). Ballistic Vests - Acquired after 6 points. Functions similarly to the Modern Warfare 3 Ballistic Vests. Box of Guns - Acquired after 8 points. It is currently unknown what the pointstreak does. Night Owl – Acquired after 9 points. An advanced companion drone that detects enemies based on proximity (motion sensor) and protects you from explosives (trophy system). MAAWS – Acquired after 10 points. The MAAWS Launcher fires a rocket which splits into two different rockets which are laser guided. Ground Jammer - Acquired after 12 points. Although it is not fully known what this pointstreak does one can imagine it jams or disables enemy SAT COMs. Air Superiority - Acquired after 12 points. Calls in a fighter jet that engages enemy air support / pointstreaks. Heli Sniper – Acquired after 13 points. Provide sniper support for your team aboard a controllable helicopter. Support Squadmate - Acquired after 13 points. It is currently unknown what the Support Squadmate does. Oracle - Acquired after 14 points. It is currently unknown what the Oracle does. Juggernaut Recon - Acquired after 14 points. Airdrops a Juggernaut armor that has a personal radar. Nothing else is currently known about what the Juggernaut Recon spawns with. Specialist Strike Package – it’s the same as MW3, Unlock perks as you get more kills. 2 points- Grants the player the perk he/she selected as the first unlock. 4 points- Grants the player the perk he/she selected as the second unlock. 6 points- Grants the player the perk he/she selected as the third unlock. 8 points- Grants the player the Specialist bonus. Field Orders: Field Orders are new to the world of Call of Duty. Field Orders are special assignments that are received by picking up a hovering blue suitcase which is dropped when the top player in the lobby is killed. If the Field Order is successfully completed a care package is granted which can contain any pointstreak in the game and possibly grant the powerful K.E.M Strike or trigger a map event. Field Order assignments can be something as seemingly simple as getting 3 kills in a row whilst prone or something harder such as getting a collateral. When the player carrying the Field Order dies the briefcase will fall and can be picked up by any player in the game whether it be friend or foe. K.E.M Strike (Odin Strike)- When received via a Field Order package and used a 5 second countdown begins. When the timer reaches 0 a massive explosion occurs which kills all enemy players and change the way the map appears. It is only currently known to be a reward on the map Strikezone. Game Modes Cranked – similar to TDM with a faster face – when you get a kill you get fast movement but with a countdown timer. You’ll explode if you don’t finish before the clock. Infected – similar to the mode in MW3. Search and Rescue – take on SnD – when you’re killed you drop a dog tag; if your team mates get the tag, they can revive you. Grind Blitz – take on CTF – each team has a portal to defend. You have to go through the portal to score points. Hunted Safe Guard Multiplayer Maps ‘Free Fall’ – Preorder Bonus – The brand-new Call of Duty: Ghosts’ multiplayer map Free Fall drops you into a shattered skyscraper on the brink of collapse. Sideways staircases climb into the night sky, elevator shafts run along the ground, and what were once windows now form a terrifying glass floor, hundreds of feet above the city streets. Free Fall’s close-quarters combat and frenetic action are thrown into overdrive as the ruined skyscraper continues to fall throughout the match, an example of Call of Duty: Ghosts’ new dynamic multiplayer events. With every drop, the accompanying shockwaves cause further destruction, disrupting sight lines and constantly evolving paths and choke points as the map changes in real-time. ‘Octane’ ‘Strike Zone’ - takes place in a torn out baseball stadium. ‘Whiteout’ - Snow map. 'Chasm' - takes place in Los Angeles. Miscellaneous Multiplayer Info Contextual lean – can naturally lean around obstacles. Mantling -Move fluidly over objects, while not losing momentum. Low-mantle, while firing your weapon. Jump mantle from roof-top to roof-top. Knee Slide - Natural transition from sprinting to crouch or prone. Maintain momentum as you move through the world. Ability to shoot while sliding. YY is similar to MW3's function. New Knee sliding feature – where you transition from standing to crouching. FIELD OBJECTIVES – if you complete a field objective, you get a special care package that gives you a streak. ALL Multiplayer maps will have ‘some’ dynamic element. Ghosts will be supporting competitive multiplayer. Dog will be in MP – not discussing how at this time. Revamped Multiplayer completely. Dynamic Maps (earth quakes, flooding, player driven actions, doors, explosive traps, etc.) Character Customization – choose heads, bodies, helmet, and gear They want to make each map as different as possible. Removing the classic symmetrical map layouts. One map has a point where a satellite crashes into the map – whichever teams gets to it first gets a UAV. Dedicated Servers for Xbox One. No Theater Mode. No more Hardpoint and Capture the Flag. Call of Duty Elite Take profile from current gen to next gen – including your stats, custom classes, and more! Clans: Join clans, create, and manage all in-game or app. Communication via messages. Rally Up. Touch based emblem editor for your Clan. Clan XP for any MP match with Clan. Clan vs. Clan playlist! Can have Xbox 360 or Xbox One players (Hopefully the same for PS3 and PS4). CLAN WARS – battle against other clans in the new clan war features. This new feature allows you to play against other clans to earn Clan XP and level up in game. A brand new, 24/7 game mode that connects directly to Call of Duty®: Ghosts multiplayer, where clans compete against each other for additional XP and in-game content The New Call of Duty Mobile App: The Call of Duty App includes some of the best and most popular features from Call of Duty® Elite, such as tracking your career stats, as well as the ability to check out a friend’s or rival’s stats. Communicate via the Rally Up and Clan Chat features, to keep in touch with your friends and Clan members. Second Screen functionality is there to enhance your experience, and not get in the way. Pre-match, you can edit your squad. In match, you have one-touch access to swap your loadout for your next spawn. ESports Infinity Ward and Activision announced that Call of Duty: Ghosts will be supporting eSports by giving the players the features they need; including: LAN Lobbies and customization. They’re also adding a new spectator mode from where casters will be able to watch the gameplay and cast the game itself. Activision also announced that the CALL OF DUTY: CHAMPIONSHIP presented by Xbox, is returning in 2014. And, Ghosts will also be part of all MLG Circuit events throughout 2014, starting with MLG Columbus in November. Collectors Editions Hardened Edition (Price $119 US): Player Pattern Player Card Player Background Official SoundTrack Free Fall Bonus Map Collectors Steelbook Military-style Paracord Strap Call of Duty: Ghosts Season Pass which gives you 4 DLC Packs Game Prestige Edition (Price $199 US): 1080p Tactical Camera (with memory card, multiple mounting attachments, and rechargeable battery) Player Pattern Player Card Player Background Official SoundTrack Free Fall Bonus Map Collectors Steelbook Military-style Paracord Strap Call of Duty: Ghosts Season Pass which gives you 4 DLC Packs Game DLC Season Pass Infinity Ward and Activision have announced the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass. Call of Duty®: Ghosts Season Pass: Get four epic DLC Map Packs*, each delivering a collection of fresh Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer content and more. Plus, you’ll receive the Team Leader digital content pack, a Season Pass-bonus that includes a unique MP character head, headgear, weapon camo, reticle, player patch, player card and player background. The DLC Season Pass costs $49.99 and is available for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC. If you buy the Season Pass for a current generation console, then you’ll be able to upgrade to the next-generation console Season Pass (within the console family) for free.
  14. Show your best classes from COD: Ghosts... I start this thread because im interested in what you guys are having success with, but more so im struggling for ideas of an all round class... remember the days of mw2 BO2 you had: Primary: Secondary: Lethal: Tactical: P1: P2: Quickdraw P3: Stalker (I cant live without the 2 above perks, so my options are quite limited unfortunately as they take up 6 perk points) I want something similar, the way it is now im never using any grenades because perks are so important, I want to make use of everything so I need to make a few old school classes, any ideas?
  15. lmao I love this guy
  16. LMAO! Not one word about the Spawns. Do you like getting fucked up the ass? A new patch, coming in at 779MB, has been released for the Xbox One. The Xbox 360 also received an update today. Both these updates brought the new Festive Camo Pack (which is Free), and the Wolf Skin ($1.99). The Festive Camo Pack is scheduled to hit PC later today, usually around 1pm ET is when Steam will update. A new patch for PC players was also released today, it came in at 291.5 MB for multiplayer. Get into the holiday spirit with the Festive Personalization Pack, which comes loaded with a unique, ‘Holiday Sweater’ weapon camo, and seasonally themed reticle, playercard, background and patch. FREE Transform your Guard Dog into a menacing Wolf in Call of Duty®: Ghosts multiplayer. With this character skin, every time you use the Guard Dog Killstreak in multiplayer, you will be calling in The Wolf to watch your back and take out enemy players. $1.99 Title Update: Xbox One, Xbox 360, & PC Xbox One Update In addition to the Global Info. Additional Fixes Fix for 360 users that were missing Free Fall bonus map once they upgraded to Xbox One. Fix for store images sometimes not appearing properly in the store. Fixed a bug where the friends list would not refresh for controllers other than the first slot. PC Update In addition to the Global Info. Stability Fixed PSM crash with smoke grenade. Additional Fixes Added warning if video settings are likely to cause game to run low on VRAM resulting in low-res textures. nVidia hair simulation update. Fix for inability to bring up friends menu with mouse while in create-a-soldier. Fix for Private Match showing an empty stats screen after a match. Global Info (Xbox 360 Update) Stability Fixed an issue where the Squad Reports Screen would occasionally hang on a black screen. Fixed black screen issue that would occasionally occur in clan wars bonus playlist. Fix for a rare bots crash. Improved operations functionality. Weapon Balancing MSBS Range reduced. MSBS no longer 2 shot kill to arms and lower legs (rewards accuracy). Fire rate on MSBS and Burst Fire Attachment reduced. Additional Fixes Fix for past title entitlements not appearing properly. Fixed issue that would occur when having hardline as last perk with specialist. Fixed inconsistencies between SP and MP for a few patches and backgrounds. Fixed rare issue with blinking objects (IED, SAT COM) if player left shortly after using. Fix for past title entitlements not appearing properly. Fixed issue that would occur when having hardline as last perk with specialist. Fixed inconsistencies between SP and MP for a few patches and backgrounds. Fixed rare issue with blinking objects (IED, SAT COM) if player left shortly after using. Added no enemy callouts to incog perk description. Fixed an issue where connecting to a Squads game could potentially see the buttons/title for an incorrect Squad mode. Menu optimization for clan wars. Fix for going to the store from the create-a-soldier menu. Fixed incorrect indexing of perks with squads that had defined loadouts. Fixed bots so they can open doors (Warhawk/Freight). Fix for splitscreen issue when going to the store. Blitz bug fixes. Host migration timer bug fixes. Fix for potentially not showing the in game “controller removed” popup. Fixed splitscreen UI bug where the dom capture bar would be in the way of the reticle. Fixed a couple bugs with the new icon. Fix to clear unlock data when leaving post game lobbies to prevent seeing online unlock in offline modes and vice versa. Added scrolling animation to social feed ticker. Fix to validate reticle type even when switching sights. Fixed long pause when enabling eSports mode after returning from non-eSports game mode. Fixed a bug where the bomb planting bar would flash when spectating someone who planted the bomb earlier in the match. Added icon to indicate bomb carrier on scoreboard in eSports mode. Fix for sound issue when seeker explodes. Fix for final escape being broken by player jumping off cliff after nuke activation. Fix for drill disappearing when grabbing the drill after using SOFLAM. Fixed unlimited weapon glitch in first contact. Fixed animation issue when pressing RT before riotshield was out.
  17. I would like to run a 2v2 Sniper tournament. If you are interested, please reply with your team and I'll make a bracket. Rules: Radar Always On - to stop camping once a team is in the lead. Throwing Knives for equipment only No tactical Grenades No "Off the Grid" perk No "Awareness" perk No Assault or Support killstreaks Specialist Killstreaks Ok. Bolt Action Sniper Rifles only XBOX ONLY I welcome any other rules that might need to be considered. Please vote on what game type you prefer. TEAMS SO FAR SPECTRE / BO7H B4RRELS JSYN - TIGERBURGE
  18. 11/27/13 Multiple fans are reporting that a new patch for Call of Duty: Ghosts has been released on the PC, PS3, and PS4. The patch on PC is around 203MB for Multiplayer, the patch for PS3 is 174MB, and the PS4 patch comes in at around 748MB. PC players are reporting that this new patch has improved the game’s overall performance and stability. Title Update: PC Performance -Improved framerate performance when traversing moving platforms. -Improved latency for AMD graphics cards. -Improved performance issues caused by spamming. -Improved shader warming and level load performance. Stability -Fixed crash in CODeSports play. -Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes. -Improved usability of broadcaster HUD. -Additional animations added for broadcaster mode. -Improved steam friends functionality. -Fixed smoke flickering and graphical corruption within blurred area of dual render scope. -Re-enabled fur and smoke DLLs from nVidia. Additional Fixes -Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues . -Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. -Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. -Fixed dog’s extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. -Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn’t equipped. -Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. -Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. -Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. -Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped. ___________________________________________________________________ Title Update: PS3 Performance -Improved performance issues caused by spamming. Stability -Fixed crash in CODeSports play. -Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes. Additional Fixes -Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues . -Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. -Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. -Fixed dog’s extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. -Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn’t equipped. -Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. -Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. -Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. -Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped Fixed a few map specific spawn issues. ___________________________________________________________________ Title Update: PS4 Performance -Improved performance issues caused by spamming. Stability -Fixed crash in CODeSports play. -Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes. Additional Fixes -Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues . -Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. -Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. -Fixed dog’s extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. -Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn’t equipped. -Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. -Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. -Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. -Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped. Source
  19. New PS3 patch (1.04) for Ghosts today. No details of changes yet. Please post when you find out what it is
  20. This is what I'm using and they aren't too shabby. If anyone plans on sniping, try some of these out. My go to class at the moment is the c4 rush. I'll switch to the ghost class if the enemy is spamming satcoms. I'll switch to the sit rep if I get killed by an IED or if the other team is camping alot. (most of the time). Lastly, I use the silencer and extended mags but I have the variable zoom on all these classes because I'm working toward the challenge for it. Oh yeah, and always have an armor piercing class set up just in case the other team is using ballistic vests. It will make them one shot kills. I opted for no secondary because I"ll pick up the first assault rifle I find and use that. You should always put the silencer on. It doesn't effect the One Hit Kill box at all. So there is absolutely no disadvantage to using it. In previous games, the one hit kill was to the stomach,chest,head. With the silencer on, it was only chest,head. This game is different. I am not sure if it was an oversight of the developers or what (probably because IW doesn't pay attention to detail) If you don't put it on, not only do you show up on the minimap but your shot is heard across the map and the muzzle flash gives away your position, big time. Use it, you'll be surprised how much better you will do when everyone doesn't swarm on you just for firing a shot.
  21. One billion dollars (in my best Dr. Evil voice) in sales on day one. Battlefield who? Activision today announced that Ghosts has earned a record $1B (to retail) in one day. Call of Duty: Ghosts is Gamestop’s Most-Preordered Next Gen Title Call of Duty: Ghosts Takes over the #1 Spot on Xbox Live Call of Duty: Ghosts Sets New High Watermark for Average Player Session Length SANTA MONICA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI), announced today that the company sold more than $1 billion of Call of Duty®: Ghosts into retail stores worldwide as of day one. “Call of Duty is by far the largest console franchise of this generation,” said Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision Blizzard. “More people have played Call of Duty this year than ever before, logging four billion hours of gameplay. And in the last 12 months, Call of Duty®: Black Ops II, including its digital content, generated more revenues than any other console game ever has in a single year. Although it is too early to assess sell-through for Call of Duty: Ghosts, it’s launching at a time when the franchise has never been more popular.” Millions of people are already playing Call of Duty: Ghosts online. Since its release yesterday, Call of Duty: Ghosts has moved to the #1 spot as the most played game on Xbox Live, according to Microsoft. Additionally, Activision confirmed that on the Xbox 360 videogames and entertainment system from Microsoft, average player sessions for Ghosts have been longer than either Black Ops II or Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3, during the same time period. Call of Duty: Ghosts launched at 15,000 midnight openings around the world. Fans around the world shared their excitement in social media, with Call of Duty-related terms trending an astounding 20 times globally on Twitter in the last 24 hours. “Ghosts is an amazing game which ushers in the next generation of Call of Duty. The team at Infinity Ward has delivered yet another epic thrill ride in the campaign, and what I think is our best multiplayer game yet,” said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. “This is the must have launch title for the next generation of consoles, and we expect Call of Duty: Ghosts to be the most successful launch title for the Xbox One and PS4 by a wide margin. In fact, according to GameStop, Call of Duty: Ghosts is their most pre-reserved next gen title.” http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/06/call-of-duty-ghosts-earns-1b-in-one-day/
  22. So I received an email earlier regarding my ghosts preorder, at first I was confused thinking this is early as iv only preordered ps4... Read the email and it sounds like ps4 will be shipped out at the same time... So I'll have a game but no console I play on... Have a read and see what you make of it: Thank you for preordering Call of Duty: Ghosts from GAME.co.uk The worldwide launch of Call of Duty: Ghosts takes place on the 5th of November. Following very close work with Activision, we wanted to let you know we will be shipping both current-gen AND next-gen versions of Call of Duty: Ghosts to our pre-order customers for the worldwide launch on the 5th of November. So as you have preordered Call of Duty: Ghosts on Xbox One or PS4, you can expect your copy to arrive at launch! If your payment is processed successfully you may receive an email letting you know that your order is on its way. Your order won't reach you early, the email just means it's being held ready for delivery on launch day.
  23. Roster: Capn_Underpants Name: Mike Location/Timezone: PA, USA/Eastern GMT–5 Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Capn_Underpants Platform(s): PS3, PC Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts (PS3), GTA V (PS3), Battlefield 3 (PC), League of Legends (PC) PlumbersCrack56 Name: Dave Location/Timezone: UK/BST Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Plumbers Crack Platform(s): PS3, PS4 Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts (PS3, PS4), Battlefield 4 (PS4) BurnfitBillyBoy Name: Tam Location/Timezone: Scotland, UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: BurnfitBillyBoy Platform: PS4 Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts, Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14 technohamster Name: Gary Location/Timezone: UK/GMT Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: techno Platform: PS4 Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts, Battlefield 4 kylebees Name: Kyle Location/Timezone: NY, USA/Eastern GMT–5 Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: kylebees Platform: PS4 Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts A_40oz2FREEDOM Name: Jason Location/Timezone: OH, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: jSyn66 Platform: PS4 TigerBurge Name: Chris Location/Timezone: SC, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: TigerBurge Platform: PS4 Stretch616 Name: Andy Location/Timezone: UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Stretch616 Platform: PS4 Glen11 Name: Sean Location/Timezone: Scotland, UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Glen11 Platform: PS4 Egotisti_Cal Name: Cal Location/Timezone: Ireland Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: FG_Cal Platform: PS3, PC Game(s) of Choice: Minecraft (PS3, PC) Crippled_viper Name: Matt Location/Timezone: NV, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Crippled_viper Platform: PS3 Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts ChaosGladiator Name: Sebba Location/Timezone: Norway Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: ChaosGladiator Platform: PS3 RLPK Name: Ryan Location/Timezone: Ireland Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: RLPK Platform: PS3 Game(s) of Choice: Battlefield 4, Ghosts nWo_Chookes Name: Euan Location/Timezone: Scotland, UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Chookes Platform: PS4 Wapntake Name: Gary Location/Timezone: UK/BST Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Wapntake Platform: PS3 Mazzer66 Name: Maria Location/Timezone: UK/BST Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Mazzer66 Platform: PS3 Xethius Name: John Location/Timezone: OH, USA Mic/Headset: N/A Forum Name: Xethius Platform: PS3 tronic44 Name: Rich Location/Timezone: UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: tronic44 Platform: PS4 Playertd Name: Trevor Location/Timezone: Pacific Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Playertd Platform: Xbox 360, PC Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts (Xbox 360), Borderlands 2 (Xbox 360), Smite (PC), Minecraft (PC) xBO7HB4RRELSx Name: Tommy Location/Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: BO7H B4RRELS Platform: PS4, PC, Wii Spectrethehorseman Name: Lee Location/Timezone: TX, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Spectre Platform: Xbox 360 xxde4d gh0stxx Name: Chip Location/Timezone: SC, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: N/A Platform: Xbox One joker1257 Name: Hector Location/Timezone: CT, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: joker1257 Platform: PS3 Moir7 Name: Mikey Location/Timezone: Scotland Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: N/A Platform: PS4 iGotMollyWhopped Name: Josh Location/Timezone: CA, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: N/A Platform: PS4 baabcat Name: Bob Location/Timezone: UK/GMT Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: baabcat Platform: PS4 JBR Kiwi Name: Jason (or Jay) Location/Timezone: UK/GMT Forum Name: JBR Kiwi Platform: Xbox 360 datfroggieguy Name: John Location/Timezone: CA, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: datfroggieguy Platform: PS3, PC Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts (PS3), League of Legends (PC) PrivateParts_93 Name: Stephen Location/Timezone: Ireland Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: PrivateParts_93 Platform: PS4 DopeMastaFlex Name: Mike Location/Timezone: VA, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: N/A Platform: PS3 Game(s) of Choice: Black Ops 2 A_Cottonball Name: Kyle Location/Timezone: IL, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: MyM777 Platform: PS3 Game(s) of Choice: Ghosts Syko_1cEmAn Name: Hector Location/Timezone: Unknown Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Horrible_Hector Platform: PS3 theINFAMOUSkiwi Name: Corey Location/Timezone: NZ Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Kiweeeey Platform: PS4 Jackk-MuFc Name: Jack Location/Timezone: Scotland, UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Platform: PS4 Madjonny Name: Jonny Location/Timezone: UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Madjonny Platform: PS4 LampCity Name: Nolan Location/Timezone: MA, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: LampCity Platform: PS3 xSpuggzZ Name: Sam Location/Timezone: UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Spugggz Platform: PS4 dylanimo Name: Dylan Location/Timezone: Scotland, UK Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: dylanimo Platform: PS3 NCA-Paendrag Name: Brede Location/Timezone: Norway Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: NCA-Paendrag Platform: PS4 Game(s) of Choice: NBA 2K14, Battlefield 4 merlin-2201 Name: Tyler Location/Timezone: NC, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: N/A Platform: PS3 reaper-2201 Name: Rob Location/Timezone: NC, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: reaper-2201 Platform: PS3 Shocketh Name: Dustin Location/Timezone: CA, USA Mic/Headset: Yes Forum Name: Dustin Platform: PC Game(s) of Choice: World of Warcraft, League of Legends
  24. The Call of Duty: Ghosts requirements have appeared on Geforce, and a few things stand out. First, the game requires 6 GB of RAM. Second, it is a 50 GB file. And finally, Nvidia recommends a GTX 780 to run it, which is a $700 (£435) graphics card. These requirements are higher than Battlefield 4, and it is generally accepted that Battlefield 3 looks much better than any of the recent Call of Duty games. Source P.S. The top comment from the website this article was found on was the following: ---------------------- This is going to be either A) the prettiest game ever made a poorly optimized piece of shit ---------------------- I'd put my money on B.
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