Whenever I turn on my PS4 (hardwired), my wife's wi-fi on her phone goes out and she can't get it back on until the PS4 is off. My phone seems to work just fine w/o any interruptions. My PC is fine as well. Not sure what the deal is. Every time I try to google the issue, I get a bunch of PS4 wifi shiz.
I asked Bart and Owl the other night and one of them mentioned maybe there's a max # of connections allowed set up on the router, but that doesn't seem right because it happens whether it's just the PS4 and her phone, or PS4, her phone, my phone, and the PC connected. I've had the PC on, my phone, a laptop, and the PS4 all connected with no problems. It's just her phone. She has an Xperia Z.
Any ideas what could be going on?