I know some of you guys have tried League of Legends and haven't really cared for it. That's cool. However, most likely you played the standard game mode on Summoners Rift. It's a great game mode, once you learn the in's and out's of it, but that requires a good amount of time and effort. I can understand people getting frustrated with it and writing LoL off altogether. However... there's a game mode that isn't as hard to learn and it's a lot of fun (more fun IMO). It's called, ARAM, All Random All Mid.
ARAM in a nutshell: Two teams fight on a bridge and try to push each other to opposing ends in order to destroy the other team's home base (The Nexus). None of that top, mid, bottom lane crap, no jungle, no stress over last hitting minons. Just one lane, two teams, fighting it out the whole time. It's action packed and a lot of fun.
The map is called, The Howling Abyss
Here's a more detailed description:
For those of you who are already familiar with ARAM, here's a nice list of tips I was reading this morning.
Thanks for reading. Peace.