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Posts posted by kylebees

  1. First, I'd like to say..............FUCK YOU EUAN!!!!!!!! :angry: 


    Second, anyone interested in playing, let us know so we can set up times to meet up on line. I sitll get some really good games in on MW3. Occasionally, have to deal with a hacker, hacking a 4 year old game, which makes them invisible and kills everyone. Fucking losers!!!


    Third thing, Doc, sorry I missed out on gaming a few games. Went and had dinner and started watching a show we recorded. Hopefully, you'll give it another try.


    Last, I really hope more of you will play. I don't mind playing solo but playing with a team that actually plays the objective and doesn't go 1-23 really helps. Plus I miss the banter. I look forward to catching some games with some of you (not you Euan). 

  2. First, where in the US are you Mark? Because if you're anywhere near New York, I'm going to find your ass!!! :ph34r:


    Second, commercials are what DVR's were made for. Very rarely do I watch a show live. I either have it recorded or I'll pause the show for a while and then go back and watch it, just so I can fast forward through the commercials. 


    Last, if it weren't for those commercials, none of these TV stations would be around. I still don't want them but I understand why they're there. 

  3. So I've actually been enjoying this game in the Classic Playlist which takes out all the jumping around. Been playing mostly TDM, with some KC thrown in.

    So I just turned the game on and guess what these morons have done? They've taken the Classic Playlist and just made it Classic Moshpit with TDM, KC, S&D and DOM. Now if I wanted to play those other modes I would have. I have no choice now. How fucking stupid is this?!?! This may be my last video game for a while. I'm so disappointed right now. Actually thinking I may buy BO2 and MW3 for the PS3 and just go back to playing those.

  4. Sooooooo, I just finally watched this series. All I can say is, why didn't I watch the very first episode entirely when it was first released? I thought it was boring. So glad my brother-in-law talked me into watching this. 


    Favorite character: Jon Snow (Bronn and Tyrion would be a close 2nd and 3rd)

    Favorite female character: Ygrette (fucking smoking hot!!! No pun intended)

    Favorite Scene: Defense of Castle Black

    Favorite death: Oberyn


    It sucks that I have to wait now.  I should have spaced out watching each episode but I'm an addict and once I start something, I need to finish. Can't wait for the season to begin!!!

  5. I'm Kyle and I'm from New York (not city, upstate NY). 41 years old and I've been gaming pretty much my whole life. Came to the forum towards the end of MW2. Have made a lot of good friends here from all over the world. I'm glad that I have this little slice of heaven in my life. It gives me a nice break from reality. 


    I'm a sales rep for the largest team dealer in the US, LIDS Team Sports. I sell all sporting goods equipment, uniforms and anything else for almost all sports. It's a great job but it does have it's flaws just like any other job. I've been doing this now for just over 12 years. 


    My PSN is kylebees. I only play CoD: AW at the moment but I have a sneaking suspicion that Destiny will be under the tree for Christmas. Add me up if you are looking to hear a bunch of obscenities, yelling at corner camping bitches and people that don't play the game right. 


    Great idea for this thread Mike. It's kind of nice to get a refresher on what everyone does. 

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