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Everything posted by Madjonny

  1. Guys I think we should leave the latest + connector in the dojo for a while! it requires forma and idk what we even want or need to build right now... We have enough on donating to get all the research unlocked. Also save your forma for the clan weaponry, most of which require forma to build... Just a thought...
  2. There's a big petition on warframe wiki and several threads, fans of warframe really don't seem enthusiastic about this potential takeover
  3. Every midnight 1 disappears, if I got 3 today, at midnight 1 will die and I will be left with 2.
  4. New labs are built in 1 hour too so I'll make a start...
  5. Iv donated the oxium for nikana, I'm going to go try and get an argon crystal for you guys now... Banshee I have donated all I can, credits, 3 neural sensors and ferrite is needed ill to back in 2 hours to do volt...
  6. I have the oxium I'll put it in later on, we will need to research fieldron and detonite injectors aswell knee the labs are done...
  7. I'm just going off... Void exterminate are alright to do by yourself if nobody's on...
  8. Added forma to the last 2 labs... Then it's just researching everything...
  9. You can buy 300 for 30p on the store, I think that's a fair price considering how rare it is... Also I'll donate some more resources tomorrow now, this match has gone to extra time and I need to go to sleep, but no football tomorrow, so warframe time!
  10. It did that to me yesterday it froze as I opened the research tab in the Tenno lab
  11. I think Iv got some more I'll check after the football... I hope she is good, she costs ever such a lot to research...
  12. You must have killed stalker... Damn he kills me every time... No one ever helps me
  13. Just added the forma, be ready in 12 hours
  14. I can get mutagen mass, firldron and detonite injectors from infested invasions as battle pay from another faction pretty much every day... And yes once researched the blueprint is available for everyone to buy
  15. Right, Tenno lab is here... I have fully built askilletto pistols, 3 days we will have them Castanas just needs ferrite And I started researching the 3 warframe blueprints: Banshee Zephyr- will take ages 600 odium needed! Iv given 50 Volt I' have donated what I can right now and it is also everything we can begin to research at this point in the Tenno lab...
  16. Lasted 55 minutes earlier with 2 randoms on a planet eris survival, we only clicked the first tower at 30 minutes because the guy had his Nekros built to spam desecrate, meaning there was constant energy, health and life support carpeting the floor... By the time we left the enemy elves were in the high 70s, now they really did just tank the damage. Even after 55 minutes the loot was poor, probably got at least 50 mods but not even 1 rare in that time...
  17. Ahh no I just didn't punctuate properly, I meant I'm short on the very rare resources, along with ferrite and circuits, both are common on the right planet, I just haven't been back to the mid tier planets for a while.
  18. Also, soon as it's built I'm just going to make a start donating resources on everything possible, I have more than enough thing to be levelling up so I don't really need much, only thing I'm really short on is the very rare resources, circuits and ferrite.
  19. You need to build a few things first I believe, but yeah you guys definitely want nikana...
  20. I'm not selling the Dakra parts anymore as I have acquired the blueprint so I will make it eventually myself... Cost 15 orokin cells though! I'm so short on those right now, so rare and I need around 30!
  21. Let me know how nyx is, I have all the parts... My recommendations for most fun frames so far for me is: Oberon, Mag and volt. Volt we can start researching the parts in the dojo in like 12 hours time, he's brilliant against corpus with their electricity weakness, and I'm only at rank 20 with him so he will only get more useful...
  22. Not sure what we need building next or where, if someone starts a room I'll contribute... Both labs will be done within 15 hours. So I guess tomorrow we need to discuss what we want to research in the Tenno lab first...
  23. Some good games tonight Brede, feel sorry for you having to listen to my brother and his mates dodgy conversations...
  24. Ahh yes I understand now, depends on the weapon, primary usually 3 piece 1 bp Secondary 2 piece 1 bp, melee 2 piece 1 bp
  25. I know, they are just my spares I have for trade...
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