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    Needle got a reaction from Palle in So, I guess this is me... Looking for some advice.   
    It's hard to give advice for depression. What works for one may not work for another. I was in a bad place in my last 2-3 years of high school. Gaming, MW2forum and FPShq, school, even writting all became things to distract myself from myself.
    One day I had no internet connection, no school, I had stopped writing and there was no food it the fridge for breakfast. I went to McDonald's. Walking home after, I passed my house and kept walking. To this day I couldn't say why. I walked for 4 hours. Thinking about nothing, about everything. Didn't realise it then, but as easily as had fallen into the hole I was out. Still had some dirt on me but it didn't take long to brush off.
    You'll be out of this before you know it, literally. Take the advice these guys gave, they know more than I do, but I'll give you mine all the same, it was phrased perfectly in a movie I watched recently: This is an important moment in your life. Pay attention to it.
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    Needle reacted to amsterdamman12 in Bronies   
    I am tolerant of Bronies as long as they dont force their stuff on me i won't force my stuff on them, etc, etc. 
    But then there are the crazy bronies that are running around wearing Rainbow Dash headphones with their laptops that have pony backgrounds and Pony mods for games like TF2...thats taking it too far.
    But Bronies like Datte i like because the just understand that MLP isn't everyones cup of tea and accept them for that. and dont pull a "Bro" (PewDiePie Fanboiz) and instantly scream insanity at us because we dont enjoy what they do.
    Also, Pony Porn. No. Just No. i've seen people making those kind of emblems on Blops 2 and people like that need to be hit upside the head by a..........should i say a baseball bat or a cricket bat?  Bat. because that crap just aint right. 
    Maybe i also have a bit of a soft spot for people that are semi alike Furries because i've been around people like that and managed to become quite good friends with them, maybe even made a furry skin for garrys mod using some E2 stuff  simply because they were nice people.
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