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Everything posted by BB205

  1. I can attest to his balls being very tasty.
  2. The crazy thing is our dog is not even asleep in that photo. She is just that lethargic most of the time. Hard to imagine her former life of running 40mph at the track. I have to point out that photo Mr. Owl took above on Christmas Day, notice the door is open. It was in the 60s and Christmas Eve was 70. Unheard of in New England. It was awesome but back to reality. Snow coming Tuesday.
  3. That makes sense. You certainly don't want herding dogs to actually hurt the animals they are herding. With Greyhounds there are some that have a high prey drive but others have no prey drive. The interesting thing is that there is no correlation between greyhounds that won a lot of races and ones that have a high prey drive. We always get the ones with no prey drive since we have cats and other small pets. I think all Deena wanted to do is find the rabbit's "squeaker" like the squeaker in her dog toys. Of course the rabbit wouldn't be too happy about that. In the house though she is a bit scared of our cats and pet rats especially when the cats are chasing each other.
  4. That would be cool to see the dogs working together like that to herd the rabbits. Impressive they didn't hurt the rabbit. As for if the rabbits are smart enough to not come back in your yard...doubt it. At least the rabbits in our yard are pretty stupid. We have greyhounds which have been taught to chase fake rabbits at the track. We have a pet rabbit and our dogs are fine with her (not that I'd leave them alone together). But in the yard instinct takes over and one of our dogs goes after the rabbits every time. You'd think the rabbits would learn but no they just still hung around summer eating grass right by the door the dogs go out. Luckily she never caught any rabbits because she is on a leash but man she almost broke my arm a couple times when she pulled on the leash trying to get them.
  5. Yes in my naivety when checking out the forum when I first joined I thought what is T&A...(click)...oh...
  6. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind. Already have our next trip planned though. Spending a week in Virginia. But someday it would be nice to venture out to Europe.
  7. Welcome! Always nice to have another girl on here. I'm also the voice in the background. But usually it is more "Are you ever going to bed", "Do you know what time it is", "ok, you've been playing for 4 hours, time to do adult things". I also deliver Mr. Owl ice cream about 10pm which I've heard can make others jealous of his ice cream.
  8. Maybe you even convinced Jason to travel out of the country. Looks like an awesome trip.
  9. I've just been really busy lately so haven't had anytime to check the forum. And I guess I may feel a little awkward at times encroaching on his "private man space". Panda video was a good laugh.
  10. Holy crap!! I had no idea how much Full Sail increased their tuition since I went there. Sorry for the suggestion without looking into it first. I guess they had to pay for all their cool stuff somehow. When I went back in the dark ages it was a "bargain" I guess. They had accelerated associate degrees. So I got an associate of science in 14 months instead of 2 years. Thought it cost about $20,000 total for the degree no extra costs for fees, books etc. they didn't have housing then so you were on your own for that. The fact that they were a for profit school concerned me at first but because they also ran it as a business then the "good" students would sometimes be asked to help out on their paying gigs and you'd get some work experience. Bart what school do you work at?
  11. I highly recommend Full Sail University in Orlando, FL for computer animation and game design. If you want to go that route. http://www.fullsail.edu/ I graduated from there in 1999 with a AS in Film and Video. I thought the school was awesome then but from what I've heard it has just exploded in awesomeness since. Top of the line everything. No fluff classes, just hands on with the latest technology. Teachers are all people active in their field not just professional teachers. Get ready to work though. Between classes and labs it is like a full time job and hands on labs are held 24 hours a day. But you end up not caring about going to school at 5am because you are doing such cool stuff. Ok, now I will step off my soap box. It some ways it was best 2 years of my life. So I'm kind of biased.
  12. These are all great posts. I wish someone had given me better advice when picking a college major. Everyone said pick something you are interested but not is there actually good paying jobs for what you are interested in. I completely agree. Unless you have a passion for helping people and don't mind not having much money I'd recommend staying away from this field without an advanced degree. I almost changed my major to psychology because I really enjoyed it and felt I was good at it but glad I didn't. I have a couple friends who graduated with a BA in psychology and only one is still doing it. The rest got burnt out from the emotional aspect of social work and the low pay. The friend still doing social work lives pay check to pay check just barely getting by. Getting a state job will usually get you a little better pay and good benefits but there is still the burn out factor. Today you really can't go wrong studying anything to do with STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). It opens up so many doors for you with a science or engineering degree. You may not end up in the exact type of job as your major but companies like to see that you know how to "think like an engineer" or "think like a scientist". That is what you learn in school. The rest of the job specifics you learn with on the job training. I'm kind of paraphrasing what Mr Owl once told me when he was talking about how he majored in chemical engineering in college but his job now is more manufacturing engineering. So he can chime in here if there is anything I'm missing.
  13. Awesome! I hope it is like the first season. Towards the end of the series when they changed writers it got kind of lame.
  14. I must say I'm enjoying myself more here than Facebook lately even if I don't have all the gaming in common with you. Everyone is honest and tells it like it is here. Unlike on FB where everyone lives perfect FB lives with their perfect FB families.
  15. As I'm sure you know, Americans (especially the woman ) think everything sounds better with a British accent.
  16. I can't wait to get tesla coils in Clash of Clans. Those things were the best in Command and Conquer.
  17. Great motto! But I do have to comment on the 3 legged dog reference. We've had two tripod dogs. One of which was the most awesome dog ever. And well the other one... we may have tolerated her a bit but she had her good moments too. ^ And this sounds a little dirty
  18. I don't think I'm the only female here... Don't you worry, no need to change on my account I don't really see it as a waste of time especially when you are all playing a game together than it is even social. Ok, well maybe I see it as a waste of time when Mr Owl has been playing for hours and it is a beautiful day outside. Got to find a way to move the tv outside. My problem is I never feel like I have the time to sit down and play video games. I don't even watch much tv.
  19. Thanks, I bet Mr Owl would like to play those kinds of games with me. Well he'd be happy to play just about any video game with me if I showed interest I would think.
  20. So...thinking he meant to post this in my other thread. Wii games are not exactly gut wrenching.
  21. Bowling is another good one!
  22. or maybe I should stick to the Wii I'm pretty good at virtual skiing and the ski jump....
  23. Love the video!! Just the laugh I needed. I think it was Battlefield that he got me to play a while back. And that was totally how I was.
  24. He'll be sad to hear that. He loves Bob Ross and was very excited when you told him that.
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