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Posts posted by Dattebayo

  1. http://techraptor.net/content/paid-modding-debacle-sees-new-chapter-sprked


    Bethesda appears to be bringing back Paid for Mods for Fallout 4 (PC and Console)


    Basically this will turn all mods into DLC.


    If that is the case, then I will not be investing in FO4

    Seems like speculation to me. Nothing concrete like a confirmation by Bethesda

    Though, frankly, seeing how they tried pulling that with Skyrim, they might try again FO4. 

    Then again, it's not something a little community outcry won't fix. It worked last time.



    Think about the poor Brahman.

    Or Moriah Brown's preserved ghoul mustache




    I'll probably go melee oriented like I did in Fallout 3. Lawnmower blade + gas tank + handbrake = win

    I couldn't care less about the game, DATTE IS BACK <3

    Welcome back buddy, hope you're well!

    What's up, Datte? Been a while...

    I'm definitely looking forward to this game. I've always preferred a sneaky sniper type. Can't wait for this game.


    What's the happs

  2. I have also never played a fallout game so I need to watch or read up on what it's all about before I decide anything, even wether I buy it or not.

    Now's a good time, I think

    Fallout 3 and New Vegas both have complete editions, meaning they come with every DLC. I highly recommend them if you're burnt out on multuplayer games and want something to dive hours upon of hours of gameplay into


    Fallout 1 and 2 are great too, but they're top-down RPGs, unlike 3, 4 and NV

  3. What will your first play-through character be like? Jack of all trades as you try out all the new shiny weapons and skills? A dedicated sneak class? Diving headfirst into your preferred playstyle?


    I've always had loads of fun playing with an Unarmed-oriented character.

    I always called him Mister Lister, and now that you can finally name weapons, I can finally give him a Power Fist called The Sister Fister. This is what I've been waiting for since Fallout 3.


    Shut up.

  4. I'm Dattebayo, Datte for short. 20 years young.


    I'm the resident ponyf*g and I like drawing.

    Not much to say about me, really. I've been pretty out of video games for a while. I'm pretty much waiting for the Christmas noobs to flood COD:AW x)


    Stick around, fellas!

    This community is as tight-night as they come!

  5. Do you mean bad move financially, good move socially as you'd be able to talk to us all? ;)

    If you think of it that way, yeah x)


    But, like...sure, this will boost PS4 sale, SF5 being an exclusive. But for the scores of fans that reside on Xbox, it's a giant betrayal.

  6. Good sh*t, Kiwi, Grade-A post.


    Let me expand on one problem. The f*cking BAL.

    Everyone uses this f*cking thing. That, or the AK12, but hey, the AK12 doesn't beat every gun at any range.

    Someone pops out of the corner? That's all right. You don't even need to aim. It's high power and high ROF means you outclass pretty much everything at close range with just hipfire.


    A sniper or LMG user giving you problems on the other side of the map?

    Pfft. Don't fret. It's negligible recoil and rendonkulous range lets you snipe with this thing in full auto.


    And it get's even worse when it's the Obsidian Steel variant. Which, if you see someone with it, you know that they try-harded the sh*t out of this game to get it.

  7. Damn....tragic. Such a storied and iconic company, felled by the greed of the people in charge of tending to it.


    Hopefully the new owner (if it even gets one) picks Colt back off it's feet and brings it back up to it's former glory.

    But I'm dreaming big, aren't I?

  8. maxresdefault.jpg


    What the f*ck does that even mean?!

    Is this a new eroor code the game uses to kick me and piss me off when it can't really think of a good reason to do so?


    It seems to only happen when partying up with friends or when I'm doing good.

    Where's this stupid error message and game kick when I'm getting stomped, eh?

  9. It's been a weird day for me in this mode - I've seen it all: Went 40-40, won a match before I even selected my class, lost despite capping 11 flags and won a match going 11-34 with me finishing top despite still finishing behind the worst player on the losing side. It's a great mode but it feels like demo/sabotage with the player mentality of the people that play. Some great players out there going for the win but others are just killwhoring and to hell with objectives. Even saw a guy going 73-17 and he still only finished 3rd on the leaderboard. You really need a full party for this mode without fail or at least 3 other players with some form of a brain cell. 


    The thing that really fucked me off was starting a match; losing a couple of flags as my team were fucking idiots and then 3 of them rage quit when they were going 0-1 and we were under the cosh. They were killwhores who couldn't handle being pinned back and dying once. We then lost the match easily with just me and some poor fool left over.  Same shitty COD mentality that we've seen for years with people quitting when they meet a challenge and they can't killwhore like they thought they would. 


    Pretty much sums it up

    It's a frustrating ordeal if you don't have the right teamates, and your KDR WILL suffer, but nothing beats the feeling of winning with one, long, continuous assault generated out of stubborness and pulled-out-my-a$$ ballsyness.

  10. Never going to guess what I saw today. 



    BOOSTERS! Wondered why I had a twat team mate the other side of the map on Momentum and they ended up being the kill cam. Gutted. His clan buddy was on the other team, both guys stood in the corner of the map and getting jumping kills or some shit. I did see something similar when I was running to the flag but didn't think much to it. Our guy ended up 5-32 and the other 34-12. GG.


    Also saw one guy exploiting/hacking on the snow ship map. Sat behind glass and shooting through walls. Did get this recorded but the booster twats didn't save. Both on Momentum. Keep your eyes peeled for cheats. 


    Alas, still wish we had the theatre mode in this game for this very reason, plus the PS4 recorded is not reliable. Called the guys out at the end of the game and they quickly backed out once they knew someone caught on, managed to report both before then mind.

    That's the pits when playing Infected.

    This game's maps are riddled with exploitable glitches.

    I don't remember seeing sh*t like this in BO2.

  11. Yeah, it's as fun as I hoped it'd be


    But it all depends on the maps.

    Since most of the maps suck massive giga-a$$, it's a painful tedious trudge if you're on the wrong side of them, like Instinct, Biolab, Detroit, or the one with a Paladin in the middle.


    And playing against killwhores? Oh, the worst.

    There's no point in "defending" if you make zero effort to catch the flag.

    I was playing on Detroit once with friends, and after the (not kidding) 6th time of capturing the middle flag, getting pushed back in the next, I told my team to wait up and stop moving.


    Silence. There was silence for about 30 seconds.

    The f*cking bastards were camping alongside their spawn waiting for us to cap the neutral flag so they can push us back for kills. It was awful.

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