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Mikepjbell last won the day on January 12 2018

Mikepjbell had the most liked content!

1 Follower


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  • Gender
  • Location
    St Neots - Cambridgeshire
  • Interests
    Midget dungeon porn, human trafficking and spreading of misinformation on social media.

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Mikepjbell's Achievements

  1. Leviathan Raid - Thurs until

    Please check the time and date of this raid before RSVP so you know which one you are accepting as your teammates will need you to turn up! Make sure you RSVP still though!


    Happy Raiding FG!



  2. Leviathan Raid - Fri until

    Please check the time and date of this raid before RSVP so you know which one you are accepting as your teammates will need you to turn up! Make sure you RSVP still though!


    Happy Raiding FG!



  3. Raid until

    For anyone and everyone if you have not done the raid let get through it 

  4. Nightfalls until

    As it's reset day, do we all want to try Nightfalls today? Put your name down so when we're on we all get an idea who can do it today and make as many parties of 3 as possible or rotate FG people as and when required.


    I'll be on to at the very least help Crispy to stop him moaning for at least 20 minutes. :)


    Weekly Nightfall

    • Savathun’s Song is this week’s strike with modifiers Momentum, and Timewarp: Anomalies.
    • Momentum makes it so you only regenerate health and shields while moving, and running accelerates the process. Anomalies will spawn throughout the strike, shooting them extends the mission time.
  5. GTA FG Races until

    Last week's was amazing and incredibly funny. Lets get more than the 8 on last week.


    You know the score. Bring a beer or 7. Get ready to moan, bitch and giggle like a baby.


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it.

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