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Amnotright last won the day on March 29 2018

Amnotright had the most liked content!


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  • Gender
  • Location
    Coventry UK
  • Interests
    Games football motorbikes

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Amnotright's Achievements

  1. Black Ops 3 FG Night until

    A few games of SnD on our most favoured CoD in recent years. If we get more than a 6 stack we'll go into Private matches!


    Be good to see some new and old faces around.

  2. Leviathan Raid until

    Another raid sessions to try and support FGers that want to raid.

  3. Whisper of the Worm Support Run until

    I call a charity event as I need carried through please Thanks you very much




    EDIT by Lee - Changed to Friday because event is only here from Friday reset to Monday reset. Also, more people can add themselves on to this event if you need this weapon still.


    Experienced people - need 2 people to help the others out. I'm away on Friday otherwise I would support. Thanks all.

  4. Ajays first raid.

    I've promised Ajay a raid since VoG.  For whatever reason, it's always been a bit of a challenge.  So Ideally I'd like to get one done.  Would help massively if people have had previous experience and know the ropes, but as long as we can make steady progress, it will be cool.

  5. FG GTA Friday! until

    I think its time for another FG GTA Friday!


    We usually start with one or two Nascar races and then open it up for everyone choices. We'll make use of catch up as usual and throw a few Last Car Destroyed on some races to keep things squeakybum tight!


    We'll see if we can some recordings this week and then start picking up videos again. Bring a beer, or 7! :D


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

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