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Venom last won the day on September 12 2022

Venom had the most liked content!

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  1. Raid until

    Me and Charlie are around for a Wednesday night raid if anyone is up for it (need 4)

  2. Leviathan Raid 1 - Launch Day until

    Please check the time and date of this raid before RSVP so you know which one you are accepting as your teammates will need you to turn up!


    This is for the official start time of the raid.


    Happy Raiding FG!



  3. FG Wrath of the Machine Raid #4 until

    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them.

    I suggest the following:

    If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING

    If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE.

    Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time.

    Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians

  4. FG Wrath of the Machine #3 until

    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them.

    I suggest the following:

    If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING

    If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE.

    Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time.

    Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians

  5. FG Wrath of the Machine #2 until

    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them.

    I suggest the following:

    If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING

    If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE.

    Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time.

    Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians

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