BO7H B4RRELS 2,456 Posted December 27, 2013 Share Posted December 27, 2013 That's awesome man. I'm really happy for you. I'm sure you'll be much happier out in the country. I definitely can't wait to visit once you get your projects going. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 27, 2013 Author Share Posted December 27, 2013 oh yeah, all kinds of projects Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BO7H B4RRELS 2,456 Posted December 27, 2013 Share Posted December 27, 2013 I'm sure. Ha-ha. Damn man, we are way overdue to hangout again. I get my sick time and vacation time in March, so hopefully we can do something this Spring. I'd love to go camping and just shoot the shit around a campfire all night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 27, 2013 Author Share Posted December 27, 2013 for sure, we gotta do the canoe camp on the island thing BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 27, 2013 Author Share Posted December 27, 2013 SURVIVAL CACHE I consider this type of prepping to be a bit more advanced. You should not be doing this unless you live in an area where evacuation is all but certain (densely populated areas) or if you are already well along in preparing your food/water storage and bug out bag. Prepping is all about improving your position. You should constantly be updating your level of preparedness. I have not done this step yet but I am certainly thinking about it very soon. Background Archaic food caches have been found all over the world. The fact that our ancestors planned for the unexpected gives us a clear picture into their unpredictable lifestyle. Foods such as nuts and dry goods as well as foraging tools were put away for a time when they needed them the most (Source). Today, we face the same uncertainties in life; and preparing for this sudden upheaval is the best way we can secure our odds at survival. Survival caches are the ultimate back up plan. If you are going for your survival cache, that means, Plan A and Plan B went awry. In this case, you may be left to survive with only the contents in your cache. Therefore, you must plan out the contents accordingly. Given the seriousness of this preparedness issue, many preppers see the value in having multiple caches spread out geographically to fall back on in order to lessen the risk of losing everything. Survival caches can be buried or hidden in secure areas around the property to ensure you have extra survival items to fall back on. Keep in mind that before you hide a cache, you need to have chosen a good location preferably within the parameters of your evacuation route. You also want to keep in mind that the best evacuation route would be one that does not require use of highways or frequently used roads. Ideally, you want some of your cache(s) to be away from your retreat. One prepper in particular I read about has multiple caches along his bug out route and has even gone to great lengths of planting edible native plants he can use as an emergency source of food. According to this article, a GPS would be ideal as you can program the location of the cache as a way-point in the navigation system. Special markings at the location can also be used as a way to identify the location. For instance, spraying yellow paint on two tree’s to mark that the cache is in between them. Ensure that you keep good track of where you hide your survival cache and also remember to keep the location of your cache quiet. The more people who know about your survival cache, the more vulnerable the cache is to being found and used by someone else. Many preppers have chosen to hide or bury their caches in different locations and in an assortment of containers ranging from enclosed PVC pipes, water proof ammunition containers, 50-gallon drums and even small water bottles. To waterproof the edges of a pvc pipe use an extra bead of silicone sealant as a fail-safe. Whichever container you choose, ensure to keep the following suggestions in mind: Keep your storage space in mind. The best storage space for survival supplies will be in a cool, dry location that features elevated shelving and is sealed against rodents. Disaster caches should stock enough water to last a set number of people for several days. Normally, a person needs 2-liters of water per day. If your cache is for an isolated cabin with a reliable water source, a distiller or carbon filtration system and boiler are more important than a large supply of bottled water. Select and purchase a wide variety of canned goods. Most vegetables, many fruits and all meats are best stored in canned form, and the typical canned food product has a shelf life measured in years. Note: ensure that you have a means of opening your canned goods or purchase canned goods that are of the “pop top” variety. Supplement the canned goods with a multi-vitamin. Stock coffee and tea. Or, if you have small children, consider storing some packages of kool-aid or powdered drink mixes. These treats will boost morale, and they have a long shelf life. Stock cooking oil and extra cooking fuel. These are critical for cooking in the long haul. Store dried grains, such as flour, rice and corn or corn meal. Beans are also a good idea. These items will last almost as long as the canned goods. Consider growing mushrooms. If you have a cool, dark space (such as the cellar of an old cabin) you can set up a mushroom farm and let it take care of itself for months at a time. This is the only food that can be put into a survival cache that will partially replenish itself. What items should I put in it? Source So, what items would you stash away? Would they be day-to-day essentials like canned goods, freeze-dried foods or would you stash hunting gear so that you can hunt for wild game? Depending on the size of the container, you could also include other necessary supplies that will benefit your basic survival needs. For example, if you were burying a 50-gallon drum or a large water-proof ammunition container, you could bury a fully packed bug-out bag. Here are some ideas from a previous newsletter on evacuation readiness. How great would it be to have everything you need for survival, just in case? Here are some other thoughts on what to store in a survival cache would be: First aid kit MRE’s Small fire starting kit (matches/lighters) Knife Water filter Duct tape Handgun Ammo Spare clothes, wool socks and hiking boots Emergency shelter – tent or tarp Rain and cold weather gear Choose the best survival cache container that fits your needs. Remember, you may need to solely rely on the contents in this container one day so be thorough when stocking it and keep track of where you hide it. Preps to Buy: PVC Silicone sealant 50-gallon drum, or water-proof container First aid kit MRE’s, freeze-dried food, canned goods Small fire starting kit (matches/lighters) Knife Duct tape Handgun Ammo Fishing kit with collapsible fishing rod Spare clothes, wool socks and hiking boots Emergency shelter – tent or tarp Rain and cold weather gear Hand-crank radio Flashlight and extra batteries Action Items: Have multiple evacuation routes planned in the instance that Plan A and Plan B do not work. Make list of what items you want to have in your survival cache. Find a good location, along the planned evacuation routes and bury or hide your survival cache. Practice getting to the survival cache using different modes of transportation to see how long it will take to get there. Create multiple caches if necessary. BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 27, 2013 Author Share Posted December 27, 2013 THE FIRST 5 SYMPTOMS OF SHTF It is crucial to understand when SHTF starts. I think it is one of the most important things, to recognize that, in some cases it is more important to recognize that event and correct moment than to be prepared for that, no matter how strange this sounds. I believe this is the truth because knowing when things turn bad can give you chance of escape. But even if it is too late for escape, if you know this is a survival situation you think different. Make different decisions, think twice when dealing with strangers in need or accepting help from stranger who “want your best” or at least say so. How do I prepare to know when survival mode has to kick in? Here are 5 symptoms that show that you might have a terrible disease in your area that can kill and that disease is called SHTF, society collapse or fight to survive. It comes with many names but if you know the first symptoms you can fight it better, earlier and smarter or avoid it. Symptom 1: More violence in your area. Best information is a key for survival. Personally I do not care much about press and media anymore. If you heard how situation went from bad to worse in my interviews in course area you know why. Then there are global news of big events. They are good to keep an eye on and I read them but what really matters for me are local news. I get very few of important news from local newspapers but more from Police officers I chat with. I also work in medical field so when things in my city get worse I know about it. More murder, riots, fights or other events where people get hurt. You might not work in field like that but know someone, then talk to them. I did quick research and for the US for example there are law enforcement forums you could try to connect with some officers in your area. If you find someone in your area, chat with them. Tell them you want to know their opinion. People who work in these fields have much better idea of how local situation is than what any media can tell you. Media has to play nice with politicians, politicians need good news. Barack Obama ordered operation to kill Osama Bin Laden. Heard about it? It is election year, you will hear a lot more often about it. But people who help victims or fight crime and give you their opinion will be able to tell you what’s really going on. Is violence up in your area? Is the media just hyping one incident or are there many more “normal” violent events like fights or stabbings nobody writes about. Forget disaster media who write about new breakdown every day. Unless it is really something local it will take time before it affects you. Maybe you have local survival blogger or officer in your area who keeps people informed then you are lucky. Read those websites if you have them. So besides real local street news what can help you to spot signs of SHTF? Symptom 2: Group behavior changes. survival brings people closer and makes others less human First you need to try to understand that SHTF event brings whole new set of things, and laws, together with complete absence of old laws. Most important thing is, it is scary and when something is scary or people just sense things are going bad they band together. They try to stick with people most similar to them. That’s in prisons and that’s everywhere once signs show something bad might happen. Part of violence or why violence is easy is because the predator the one being violent considers his victim as someone very different. Almost like a thing. He is some else, almost not human. In these cases it is much easier to do bad things. This happened during war, happens now in prisons and has happened through all of history. So once people band together and groups form and there is maybe your group or neighbours group and then there is this very different “other group”, then chance of things getting more ugly is bigger. Symptom 3: Dead streets. Along with groups forming people try to stay with people they trust. Less people go out and if then also in group. People show up less often to meetings and social activitys. Casual activitys like going to park change to visiting neighbors. When fear has spread so far that streets become less populated at certain times of day then it is time to get ready for disaster. It means some people already live in survival mode but they do not know it. They probably will not have realized they have too little food storage and other things. Fear just makes them less social. Symptom 4: New leaders emerge. Some people will use widespread fear to their advantage. Fear is powerful to control masses. Some election campaigns of politicians use fear to influence voters and get them on their side. This works with many people who do not know about it. On local level this means that loud person in your favorite bar gathers more people around him. Some people organize groups for different also harmless things to make situation better. In times of fear people look for leader to hold on to. When things get tough those leaders will turn to be gang leaders. Even some who did good things and became leader of good group to for example improve local situation turned into hard gang leaders who did everything to survive. I’m sure some of them never expected that but when things get tough everything changes. Symptom 5: Nobody to trust anymore. I explain this with story of what happend to a friend. Like great majority of people my friend watched in first days the situation deteriorating. I talked with him few days ago and I asked him can he remember right moment, or right event that he can call like something like point of no going back, or point when he clearly saw that everything is going to sh.. and something completely new is coming. He lived in apartment building on seventh floor with his family, and he said that he like great majority of people watched in first week or two how things going down, stories of sporadic killing in city fueled by rage and hate, fear slowly started to creep into people’s mind, fear from unknown, still people believed things somehow gonna revert back to normal, nobody wanted to think too much about worst things, it was somehow unimaginable. On one late afternoon or evening he heard shots, brakes and sounds of car crash. He goes to window and seen that truck went off the road to the dirt beside road, driver fell out from the truck, and screamed that sniper shot him. Vehicles were going on the road close to the guy but nobody wanted to stop and help him. After 10 minutes, 10 or 12 policeman came with rifles, and take position close to the truck and wounded guy, I guess trying to figure where sniper was. Firefighters also came, but they stay 100 or 150 meters from truck. Also taking cover from possible sniper. It was in first days when very few people knew who is fighting with who and why and who is enemy, nobody mentioned the word war too much, people still thought that things were some local unrests that gonna cease soon. On the intersection, right across that burning truck and screaming driver, there was small store, „newspapers store“ they sell cigarettes, newspapers, lighters, candy and stuff like that. When that truck crashed salesman ran away in fear from everything I guess. Anyway police guys were hiding and lying down everywhere while that guy screamed, after some time one of them came to the store, used his baton and smashed glass and took couple boxes of cigarettes, after him few other also did that, he said one even took big box of bubble gums. Police guys did not know what do with that sniper, after some time my friend says darkness came and someone started to shoot at them too, so they ran away carrying one Police man who was wounded. Firefighters ran away earlier, everybody forgot the screaming guy. My friend said he did not even realize when the truck driver who has been shot stopped with screams. He said the image of police officers in full gear with weapon stealing things from that store was so new for him and so crushing that he clearly took that event and that moment as point of real beginning, moment when SHTF and his world broke down. From that moment on he knew it was about survival now and rules had changed. When you believe for years that guys in uniforms are there only to serve and protect you, awakening to something like that can be rude. So symptom 5 is when behavior of authorities change. Clear signs now things are bad. Those might be smaller changes first and not so extreme like in my friends case, but at the end of day policeman are also fathers and sons and have family to take care of. That night he and his family left that apartment, and moved to some safer parts of town, at that time they figured that S. had hit the fan. Not so much because of screaming guy, who died soon, but much more because image of police officers stealing things. Also, few hours after police officers were gone, he sneaked out to the store and took some stuff, not too many things were left, but few boxes of cigarettes worth fortune in coming months. Those are 5 important early warning signs or symptoms of SHTF. There are many more fine details to pay attention to of course. I speak in detail about all events that happened before we realized we were in a SHTF scenario in my course. What are your early warning signs you watch out for? - Excerpt taken from this blog : My name is Selco and I am from the Balkan region, and as some of you may know it was hell here from 92-95, anyway, for 1 whole year I lived and survived in a city WITHOUT: electricity, fuel, running water, real food distribution, or distribution of any goods, or any kind of organized law or government. The city was surrounded for 1 year and in that city actually it was SHTF situation. We were all thrown into this and our allies were our enemies from one day to the next. Today I’m prepared but I learned a lot going through this hard time. BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 27, 2013 Author Share Posted December 27, 2013 Opinion on the topic of the Wall Street Analyst warning to buy guns, etc. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 28, 2013 Author Share Posted December 28, 2013 TACTICAL SECURITY AND DEFENSE Misdirection - chemical "bombs" I just stumbled across these. They are cheap and could be useful for throwing and allowing them to explode to cause enemies to be misdirected or as a diversion as you move. Paracord Monkey Fist Defense Lanyard Paracord Monkey Fist (around steel ball) instruction video Trip Wire Alarms Rig these up to some kind of trip wire around your camp, or even in your home to alert you to intruders. Uses AAA batteries (which can be used with the solar battery recharger I have in the Bug out Bag) Challenge / Password This is the system I learned in the Army and it works very well. The enemy may come from any direction, especially when you are engaged in counter guerrilla operations. Keep watch in all directions. Halt and identify personnel before they are close enough to be a danger to you (fig. 12). This precaution is even more important at night and during periods of poor visibility such as heavy fog. In most cases, identity is established by proper use of the challenge and password. When you see or hear someone approaching, and do not recognize him as friendly and authorized to pass; call, "Halt!" Speak clearly and just loudly enough to be distinctly heard. Keep him covered and do not expose yourself. When he halts, ask in a low, clear voice, "Who is there?" He should reply in a low, clear voice, giving the answer which best identifies him. For example, "Sergeant Cleary, second squad." or "Private Willard, messenger." You then say, "Advance to be recognized." Continue to keep him covered without exposing yourself. Halt him 2 or 3 meters from your position. In a low, clear voice give him the challenge; for example, "Boston." He should answer with the password; for example, "Beans." If you are not completely satisfied, require him to produce identification or question him further. Ask questions only a friendly person would be likely to know (FM 22-6, STANAG No. 2042). When a group approaches and is halted, the leader should answer for the group. For example, "Friendly patrol" or "Friendly wire team." You then say, "Advance one man to be recognized." When the challenge and password have been given and identity is established, the other members of the group must also be identified. Tins can be done in two ways. Your commander should prescribe the manner to be used in your unit. The leader can vouch for the others and pass them to the flank of your position. This method reduces movement and noise at your position and helps prevent revealing your location to the enemy. The leader, or his representative, can identify each man as he passes, notifying you when the last man has passed. You may be approached by a soldier, or a group, who does not know the challenge and password. This could be the case of a soldier, separated from a patrol sent out by a distant unit, who has found his way to your area. This could also be the case of soldiers who were isolated in the enemy area. and have evaded capture and reached your area. These evaders may even be in civilian clothes. If such personnel can produce satisfactory identification, detain them nearby where they will not be exposed, and contact your commander. If they cannot satisfactorily identify themselves, keep them covered, at a safe distance from your position, and contact your commander. The challenge and password are changed every 24 hours (usually at 1200 hours). Be sure you know the current ones. If you do not receive the new words, make a request for them. The regular challenge and password should not be used outside friendly areas. Patrols, for example, should use a different challenge and password for recognition within patrols and between patrols operating in the same general area. Words can be used in the same manner as the regular challenge and password or a numbers system can be used. For example, the challenge is a number; the password is the number which, added to the challenge, totals a prearranged odd number. If the prearranged number is 13, the challenge is any number between 1 and 12. The password is the number which, added to the challenge, equals 13. Only odd numbers should be used as the prearranged total. If even numbers are used, such as 10, someone may challenge with 5; an enemy, upon being challenged, may repeat the number spoken and be passed as having been identified. The principle to remember is that a means of recognition must be established and must be properly used. Playertd 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 28, 2013 Author Share Posted December 28, 2013 Quail section added to Animal Husbandry Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 28, 2013 Author Share Posted December 28, 2013 Safety Tips added to Barter section Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 28, 2013 Author Share Posted December 28, 2013 "The Basics" added to Food Storage section BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 28, 2013 Author Share Posted December 28, 2013 TOOLS / EQUIPMENT LIST Tools (highlights in red for barter items) Tools become more valuable once you run out of food. • 10 basic cheap swiss army knifes • 2 small military folding shovel (for digging latrines for example, can be used as a pick as well) • 2 hunting knives (with gut hook) • 1 skinning knife • 3 good multi tools (Leatherman Wave and similar) • 10 cheap multi tools • 3 different sized saws (from small to carry along to big) • 4 different sized axes (from small to carry along to big) • 2 splitting wedges (for wood cutting) • 2 sledgehammer (for breaking walls) • 1 General toolbox (screwdriver, pliers, hammer and so on) Equipment • 5 military bottles and small steel flasks to carry along • 300 BIC lighters for personal use • 1000 lighters (the cheapest ones for trade) • 200 flints (cheapest) to replace the flint in lighters • 20 small bottles of lighter gas • 300 liter of diesel fuel • 50 liters of petroleum • 5 petroleum lamps • 5 big gas cylinders (18 kg) • 20 small gas cylinders (0,5kg) • 2 gas cookers (stoves) • 14 different lamps (all work with LEDs to save power) • 5 hand crank lanterns • 30 cheap head lamps • 5 gas masks • 10 filters for those gas masks • 3 small pocket FM radios • 4 normal AC battery chargers • 2 solar battery chargers • around 100 rechargeable batteries in different sizes (they need to be charged and discharged on a regular basis and you have to keep a record for that, so it’s not the best thing to store in huge quantities for trading) • 2 car batteries • 50 nylon tarps (different sizes and thickness) • 50 heavy duty duct tapes • 20 different kinds of glues (all purposes, wood,metal...) • 5 heavy duty body bags for storing stuff (get the toughest bags you can get). You can carry 100 or 150 kg of weight or cans in one bag. There are 4 handles on my bags so four man can carry them easily, also great for hiding supplies underground, fluids don’t leak out and not easily get in. You might want to seal them with extra duct tape though. • 5 x 20 l shower bags for hanging showers • 10 sets of 30m climbing ropes • 2 big wheels of para cord (100m each) • 20 emergency blankets • 3 fire extinguishers (needs to be regularly checked) • 3 sleeping bags • 1 tent for two persons (small and lightweight) • 2 camping cookware sets (lightweight, to quickly boil water) • 100 fire starters (small cubes soaked in paraffin,hermetically sealed) • 300 candles (all kinds are good, i prefer small candles for lanterns) • 20 rolls of aluminum foil (simple kitchen type) • 3 outdoor water filters (still looking for one heavy duty water filter) • 10 replacement filters for the outdoor filters • 3 knife sharpener • 1 old foot powered sewing machine • different sewing kits with needles, buttons, yarn... • 10 tough padlocks • 40 m of heavy steel chain • 5 sets of different signs (different “danger mines” signs, “dangerous chemical spill” make sure you use signs for events that are likely in your area. People are much more careful some weeks into SHTF because they know that even small health problems can mean their death) • about 20 bags, different kinds, from simple few euros sport bags to more expensive hiking backpacks and military style backpacks (for different situations, sometimes you are going to just attract to much attention with some kind of bag, so you never know) • 5 big plastic boxes (those type that like folks use mostly for moving, meant to be used to bury things in some places if needed) • 2 mountain bikes with tools, spare parts, tires Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 28, 2013 Author Share Posted December 28, 2013 personal hygiene list added to Personal Sanitation BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 29, 2013 Author Share Posted December 29, 2013 This section is long, but important. If you have been following my Economic Situation thread, then you will hear some of the same advice I've been giving there. You need to protect your money. Keeping it in the form of dollar bills sitting in the bank is not safe. If you don't hold it in your hand or have it at your house...... you don't own it. A new currency will rise out of the ashes of the dollar. Investing in food preps, commodities and/or gold/silver will preserve and protect your wealth during this transition. "The amount of stuff" a Nation produces is what determines its Wealth, not how much money it has. This is a basic tenet of economics that you need to understand. The US is no longer as wealthy as we used to be because we have lost a lot of our Manufacturing base. AKA Our ability to "make stuff". According to Forbes, the United States has lost an average of 50,000 manufacturing jobs per month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Acquiring the necessary items to sustain you through a SHTF scenario could make you wealthy. You may start to see some overlap between the many posts here. That is because I am compiling advice across many references. Here is some advice about Collapse Investing. Collapse Investing: Money and Wealth Preservation During Times of Uncertainty and Instability We could spend a significant portion of our time outlining the various reasons for why the world’s economic, financial and political systems sit on the brink of an unprecedented paradigm shift that promises to change the landscape of the entire system as it exists today. I could try to convince you that it’s a good idea to prepare for what’s coming, but the fact that you are reading this article via Tess’ Ready Nutrition newsletter means that you’re already in action planning and execution mode. If you’ve been following the 52 Weeks to Preparedness from the beginning, then you’ve spent the last 44 weeks establishing an emergency and disaster response plan that would probably make FEMA jealous. Like Tess and I, you’ve probably done your research and spent months or years gathering as much information as you can about the many possibilities that could significantly impact your life and the lives of your family members and close friends, and you’ve actively involved yourself in making sure that you’re as insulated as possible from whatever may befall us. My initial inclination when Tess asked me to contribute some thoughts on wealth preservation during times of uncertainty was to point out the fundamental economic problems and fraud facing the system. I realized after delving into this topic that, while the ramifications of an economic or currency collapse are life alteringly severe, my family’s personal preparedness plans have always been focused on ensuring we’re ready for anything that gets thrown our way – not just an economic crisis. The strategy that we try to employ is well rounded and considers as many variables as possible. Natural Disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, flood, solar flare Man-made calamities like currency hyperinflation, cyber attack, EMP detonation, nuclear fallout or global conflict Personal emergencies like a job loss, injury or over-extension of credit With this idea in mind, when we look at the concept of investing and wealth preservation for uncertain times, we want to employ a strategy that will provide as much coverage as possible so that if we are hit out of the blue with something totally unexpected, we’ll at least have the basic necessities to survive. While I’ll stop short of advising you to sell all of the stocks and bonds in your 401(k) account and investing all of your proceeds into ‘preps’, a little diversification could mean the difference between surviving a disaster, or succumbing to it. Keep your 401(k), IRA or other investment accounts, but consider expanding your horizons with a new 401(Prep) strategy as well. The Currency of Kings Gold is the currency of kings, Silver the currency of noblemen, and Debt the currency of slaves. While disregarded by mainstream economists as a relic of civilizations past, gold still remains a highly sought after asset by central banks around the world including those of China, India, Venezuela, Iran and a host of other countries losing faith in the petro-dollar reserve currency system. We’ve seen it rise to record breaking nominal highs in the last ten years for a reason. Those in the know – including investors who understand that gold always rises during periods of uncertainty and crisis – have been acquiring gold and its cousin silver for over a decade and have seen it’s value increase multi-fold. We need look only at recent history to see what happens when economies and currencies of nations collapse. When the monetary systems of the Weimar Republic, Argentina, and Zimbabwe collapsed their currencies literally became worthless over night. During Germany’s hyperinflation people were burning wheel barrows of paper money just to stay warm. When Zimbabwe’s currency hyper inflated over a period of about 10 years, a loaf of bread went from one $1 to $1 trillion dollars; today there are people panning for granules of gold in Zimbabwe’s rivers so that they can purchase bread to eat for a day. While nothing is guaranteed, history has proven one thing about gold and silver. There is and always will be a buyer for these precious metals. And if there is a central bank or large investor buying, that demand will always trickle down into the rest of the economy – even if it is operating as a black market. If you want to expand your portfolio to include precious metals, here are some considerations: A single ounce of gold stores more value than silver. If you need portability for a large amount of wealth gold coins and bars will be your primary precious metals investment. Currently an ounce of gold is about $1550. With less than a pound of coins in your purse or backpack you can conveniently move $25,000 in value. What gold offers in portability it lacks in divisibility. This is where silver comes in. You may not be able to move $25,000 of silver conveniently (weighing around 50 pounds!). But because of it’s lower value per ounce silver is an excellent mechanism of exchange for things like food, gas, clean water, or tools if the dollar hyper-inflates or crashes. You can purchase silver in bars (100 oz, 10 oz) or coins (1 ounce, or U.S. government issued pre-1965 halves, quarters and dimes). With the smaller denomination coins like US quarters you will have portability for a small amount of cash (40 quarters is about $150 dollars worth) and you’ll have coinage that should allow you the ability to purchase just about any item someone is willing to sell. When buying gold or silver, buy from reputable sources like your local coin shop or an online dealer like Apmex or Kitco. The only exception we can make to the above rule is for the purchase of pre-1965 U.S. government minted 90% silver coinage. While we would avoid purchasing any other coins on auction sites like ebay, there are often some great deals to be found on half dollars, quarters and dimes containing 90% silver (pre-1965 coins only!). You can also purchase Kennedy half dollars dated 1965-1969 containing 40% silver content. Since these coins are government issued and in such small denominations, the possibility that they are counterfeit decreases significantly. Silver allows you to make modest, weekly investments of anywhere from $5 to $50 dollars and still build a store of wealth. To get the current price of silver and gold, as well as the specific prices for dated U.S. coins, check out the calculators at If you are investing a large sum of money into precious metals, gather details about the types of coins you are buying, especially if you’re buying gold. Acquire a coin caliper and/or testing kit to ensure you’re getting what is being advertised. While you may be able to easily utilize gold and silver as a mechanism of exchange at the onset of a crisis to buy much needed supplies during a currency meltdown and use it to exchange for land or equipment during a recovery period, you may be faced with a period of time when no one will be interested in your PM’s. Selco of SHTF School points out that gold is not the silver bullet the provides complete insulation from TEOTWAWKI. When all hell breaks loose, as it did in the Balkans in the 1990′s, and a war is being fought right outside of your front window, gold and silver may not get you very far, as people are more concerned with the immediate need of getting out of harm’s way than they are with anything else. With that in mind, and for those who (correctly) argue that we can’t eat our gold, let’s continue diversifying our 401(prep) account. Commodity Investing with Zero Counter-party Risk In this type of environment where nobody can get a safe return on their money within the United States that beats the official rate of inflation, buying canned foods and such is actually a better investment than a Treasury bill. What I would look to do is have a backup supply of at least several months of the basic commodities you need to live with – canned food, toilet paper, as well as barter items…-John Williams, Economist, One thing analysts and financial pundits agree on is that, in general, commodities will continue to rise. As central banks continue to inflate their money and hundreds of millions of people in once under-developed nations join the ranks of the global working class, the demand for food once reserved for the middle class in America and Europe will rise in countries like China and India. The end result is a higher cost for corn, rice, wheat, meat and other staples. Thus, as the experts suggest, investing in commodities may be an excellent way to grow, or at the very least preserve, your money. Where I disagree with the experts is how to invest in such assets. While you can purchase Exchange Traded Funds or contracts that follow specific commodities, the inherent problem with these investments is that, even though you have a paper receipt that says you own a particular commodity, if it’s not in your possession your are subject to counter-party risk. What I mean by this is that if the investment firm (or the numerous associated firms) has a problem and goes out of business, your paper receipt may become worthless. A recent example of this was the MF Global scandal, where the investment firm headed by a trusted former governor of New Jersey actually took the deposits and commodity investments of their depositors and transferred those assets to other investment banks days before completely collapsing. Their clients, who had receipts to prove ownership, were left with nothing. If you’re investing into commodities because you expect prices to rise dramatically, then you must also assume that those dramatic price rises will result from either a currency crisis, or shortages caused by exceedingly high demand or adverse weather conditions (think Great Depression dust bowl). That being said, the only sound method of investing in these assets is for you to take physical delivery – just like you would with gold. For food, your best bet would be to look at the 11 Emergency Foods That Last a Lifetime. Dry goods like rice, wheat, beans, salt, honey, and dry milk will provide you with an investment that will grow in value as prices rise, and also offer you peace of mind in case paper markets crash because you’ll be in direct possession of your food. How much food should you add to your 401prep investment portfolio? It depends on the size of your family and your time horizon. Think about what could cause a massive price rise in food prices and you’ll realize that whatever the crisis is, it could be long-term. The Ready Nutrition food storage calculator can help you to determine how much inventory you may need and allows you to break your purchases into weekly shopping trips so you don’t have to invest thousands of dollars up front. In addition to food, there are a variety of other commodities that you won’t want to live without if the system comes crashing down around us – so consider adding these to your preps as well: Toilet paper , various toiletries, hygiene products Cooking oils Off-grid lamps and fuel Over the counter medicine like ointments, aspirin, anti-diarrheals, anti-constipation meds, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide Hand sanitizer (you’ll want lots of this because clear water may be hard to come by and disease will be rampant) Lighters (highly recommended barter item from the Balkan collapse) Ammunition Teas, coffee, cigarettes, drinking alcohol Off-grid survival tools like hand saws, hand drills, etc. (this may also include low-power requirement tools that you can charge with solar power or other alt energy) Antibiotics (Here’s one survival item that will be worth more than gold in a post-collapse world!) Read the Emergency Items: What Will Disappear First for more ideas Investing in these asset was a sound practice in January of 2010 when I first recommended it (you’d be up over 25% today!) and it’s a good strategy today, because as you well know things aren’t looking any better on the economic and monetary front. When investing in commodities you’ll want to ensure that you are able to physically store your assets so that they are available when you need them post. Be sure to properly store all foods for the long-term. Land and Real Estate Agricultural commodities are the place to be in for investors. It will be farmers not bankers driving Ferraris.-Jim Rogers, Contrarian Investor You may be surprised to see real estate listed here as a 401(prep) related asset, especially considering that the average price collapse in housing since the crash has been about 30%, with some areas of the country seeing in excess of 50% shaved off of bubble-top prices. With real estate prices still dropping, it’s certainly not a bad idea to wait for further price reductions before jumping into a new home, especially if you are planning on paying cash. One thing to consider however, is that if you aren’t paying cash for a home and are looking to take on a mortgage then you are in one of the best interest environments we’ll experience perhaps in our lifetimes. Money is cheap, and if you happen across the right property, taking advantage of those low interest loans may be the right thing to do. As the dollar continues its decline and confidence in our ability to repay our debt is lost, you will likely see interest rates rise significantly. During the inflation crisis of the late 70′s and early 80′s some mortgage rates were running as high as 18%, so getting in now may not be a bad idea, especially if you are not planning on flipping your house any time soon and you have an investment time horizon in excess of a decade. But what is the right property? Being prepper-minded, I immediately dismiss the possibility of buying a home in a urban or suburban setting. The fact is that these kinds of homes are, in my eyes, liabilities. They have absolutely no productive capacity whatsoever, thus I have hard time looking at them as assets. Moreover, if we’re planning on the S hitting the fan, we want to be in a low population area, something that our typical cookie cutter neighborhoods in big cities simply can’t provide. When we talk about real estate and land investments during times of crisis we want to focus on a property that will give us the ability to produce something – anything of value. In the event you lose your current income flow, or if the system falls apart, you’ll want to be on a piece of property that allows you to produce some of the commodities we discussed above – either for personal use or to run as a business if employment becomes difficult or impossible to acquire. Thus, when looking at land, look for land that will provide you and your family with productive capacity. If you can do this, you’ll have turned your home and land into an asset instead of the typical liability held by most Americans. You’ll also be much closer to achieving self reliance by being as off the grid as is possible, so you are no longer dependent on services provided by the government or large business conglomerates. Here are some thoughts on real estate investing based in part on Ten Things That Make a Survival Homestead: Does your land have the space and soil to allow you to grow a vegetable, herb or fruit garden? Even limited space can be used to product a huge amount of food, so you can be flexible on land size if your financial situation requires it. Are you able to produce your own energy – perhaps install solar panels, mini-wind turbines or some type of hydro power if you have a stream or river? Whether the world collapses around us or not, energy self reliance is a long-term benefit that will reduce or eliminate your utility bills, something that will insulate you from not only a collapse of our power grid, but keep the energy flowing to your home if you experience a personal financial catastrophe that makes it difficult to pay your bills. Do you have enough land to raise livestock? The bottom line is that people will always need food, and if you can provide that food you’ll always have customers willing to buy it or trade for it. Space is an important consideration for livestock, but there are ways to raise poultry, goats and even micro Dexter cows without a huge pasture. Look into micro-livestocking for some ideas (it’s something you can even do in suburbia if your HOA allows it!). You need a water source. This is self explanatory. You can’t grow food or keep animals if you don’t have water. Either make sure you have a well, or a river or stream with easy access so you can collect or divert water to irrigate your garden. Another water solution that provides multiple benefits is a pond. Not only will it provide water, but you can expand your offerings by raising fish to boot! Can you defend your property? In addition to the commodities listed above, other physical assets to look at acquiring are property and self defense supplies like barbed wire fencing to protect your inner perimeter, flood lights or another alarm system for the external perimeter, empty sang bags that you can quickly fill if needed. Owning land is a dream held by most individuals. But, few people understand the difference between your home being a liability vs. an asset. If you’re going to be buying (or even renting) land I strongly suggest you look into how you can make your home work for you, instead of the other way around. Get Some Skills! I don’t even have any good skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills…-Napolean Dynamite I have a friend who is a specialist in piping design and engineering. In his spare time he builds high quality copper water/alcohol distillation units. Sitting around testing his first unit, my friend and I began discussing the various applications for such an apparatus and how knowledge of manufacturing such units would be an essential skill in a post-collapse world. With his distillation units one can not only purify their water over an open fire, but can also produce drinking alcohol, antiseptics and fuel grade ethanol to run a generator. His project initially started as a hobby, and has since turned into a fledgling side business. If the system collapses, and my friend loses his job in the engineering sector, he will always have his skills of manufacturing to fall back on. In addition to producing distillation units, he is a lifetime prepper, so he is well versed in the manufacture of anything from traps and snares for animals, to making his own ammunition. The point of this story is that every one of us, even though some of us may sit at a computer all day or work a retail counter, has something we know how to do. Get better at it and consider how you may be able to apply these skills in a post collapse world. Also of note is that if you are skilled at something – machining, sewing, food preservation or some other skills – stock up on the necessary supplies to run your business now, because they won’t be available. My friend who manufactures distillation units is heavily invested in copper piping and related materials. While copper may not be a practical investment for you because of your skill set, perhaps yarn or canning jars are. Every one of us is unique, and we each have different life experiences, skills and backgrounds. This is great news for post-collapse survivors, because you can be assured that American innovation will always return with a vengeance. Necessity will be the mother of invention in a post collapse world, and while knitting sweaters for the Holidays may be a hobby for you now, it could be the skill that sets you apart and keeps your family fed if traditional commerce breaks down. The following list is based in part on The Barter Value of Skills and will give you some ideas on ways you will be able to exchange your time and energy for yield (money, trade, etc.) in a post-collapse world: First Aid or Critical Aid (Whether you are an EMT or just have basic first aid training, your skills will be in high demand during a serious crisis) Midwifery/delivering babies because there won’t be any hospitals Animal Husbandry – Those who haven’t developed animal rearing skills will call on you to help them with their animals or ranching. If you have a large enough post-collapse survival property, you may even be able to lease space on your property for others. Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Construction, Machining, and any host of other skills that will be required for jobs that we take for granted today because of home improvement mega stores. Mechanics – Whether it’s for small engines like generators or understanding the inner workings of alternative energy, there will always be a need for skilled mechanics. After a collapse it will be difficult if not impossible to buy new items like we do in our current consumptive paradigm. Learning to fix what’s already out there will be a fantastic way to make a living. Food preservation, sewing/mending, soap and candle making, production of alternative medicines (with herbs from your garden) will all be skills that are in demand. Also see Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills for more ideas Planning for the Unknown with 401(Prep) Investing If there is one thing we can say about our current economic, financial, social and political climate it’s that we have entered an era in human history of total unpredictability. While we can theorize about what may or may not happen, we need to understand that we are operating on limited information. As Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once said : There are known knowns – there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns – that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know. As humorous as Rumsfeld’s comments were to the press in the room, there is quite a bit of insight to be gleaned from them. The key takeaway is that we really don’t know what we know or don’t know, so plan for the worst. Furthermore, ensure that your preparedness plans are flexible enough to be applied to situations that we haven’t even contemplated as even being possible. While the ideas listed above may not work for everyone, I hope I’ve been able to present an informative enough primer on Collapse Investing to get your mind working on how you can apply your specific situation and skills to a complete action and execution plan. Best wishes to you all. Get Prepped, Stay Prepped. Mac Action Items: Research how other countries used alternative currencies in post-shtf emergencies. Some great online resources are FerFAL’s Surviving in Argentina, Selco’s SHTF School. Familiarize yourself with alternative currencies that could be deemed valuable during a post-SHTF scenario. Familiarize and become proficient in skill sets that would be seen as profitable during an extended emergency. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 29, 2013 Author Share Posted December 29, 2013 Scout Bag added to Bug Out Bag section Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 29, 2013 Author Share Posted December 29, 2013 video review of ILBE bug out pack added to bug out gear Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 29, 2013 Author Share Posted December 29, 2013 POWER Pocket Socket Bio Lite Camping Stove I just stumbled across this and it looks very promising. The BioLite Wood Burning CampStove combines the benefits of a lightweight backpacking stove and an off-grid power charger so you can cook a meal while charging your gadgets. The Campstove is the perfect solution for both the backcountry campsite and also Emergency Preparedness Kits. Product Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 8.3 inches ; 2.1 pounds No Fuel to Buy or Carry: Our stoves cook your meals with nothing but the twigs you collect on your journey or in your backyard, eliminating the need for heavy, expensive, polluting petroleum gas. Quick to light, fast to boil and easy to use. Charge your Gadgets: By converting heat from the fire into usable electricity, our stoves will recharge your phones, lights and other gadgets while you cook dinner. Unlike solar, BioLite CampStove is a true on-demand source. Stay Green: By using renewable resources for fuel instead of petroleum, you're reducing your carbon footprint. You'll also keep fuel canisters out of the landfill. Be Prepared: The CampStove isn't just for camping; it's great to have when the power goes out in a storm or other natural disaster. You'll be able to cook and keep electronics charged while power lines are down. No need to worry about your local store being sold out of propane, the CampStove is designed to run on any biomass. Support a Better World: We're using the same technology inside the CampStove to bring clean, safe energy to families across the developing world. Have Fun: Like a campfire, you can sit around the CampStove and watch the flames dance as you roast marshmallows and tell stories with friends. How it Works: Using BioLite's patented thermoelectric technology, the BioLite CampStove converts heat to electricity that powers a fan to make the fire ultra-efficient. Extra electricity can be used to charge small electronics like mobile phones and LED lights. VIDEO REVIEW HERE Image BioLite KettlePot The BioLite KettlePot allows you to bring a single piece of cookware without sacrificing functionality or space. Whether you are making a pot of coffee to start your day or cooking a meal for four at the end of a long hike, the BioLite KettlePot is a true grab-and-go system. 2-in-1 Functionality: Why add bulk when you can bundle? Safely pour hot liquids or cook a full meal, all using the same device. ItÕs easy to use and safe to handle. Featherlite & Foodsafe: Keep the weight down with our ultra-thin stainless steel. ItÕs more durable than anodized aluminum and easier to clean without worry of scratching off material. Carries your BioLite Wood Burning Campstove: The KettlePot becomes an instant hard carrying case minimizing volume in your pack while protecting your BioLite Wood Burning CampStove. (campstove sold separately) Includes: Stainless Steel Pot, Kettle Lid, Bowl, Stuff Sack Image Anker® Astro 3E 10000mAh Dual USB Backup External Battery Pack Portable Power Pack 10000mAh of capacity. Charges all iPhone four to five times, a Galaxy S3 thrice, or an iPad / iPad 2 once. Charges one device at maximum speed or two at 3A total. Android 5V / 3A (max) port charges Android devices and iPhone with iOS 5 or higher at full speed or iPad at 1.5A; Apple 5V / 3A (max) port charges iPhone at full speed or iPad at 1A (Android devices at 0.5A). Note: this product CANNOT charge Samsung or Asus tablets. A lightweight, unassuming solution to life's daily power needs (0.59in thick). LEDs display just how much juice you've got left. Reliable lithium polymer core ensures quality, supplying you with more than 500 charge cycles during the course of its life. Input: 5V / 1.5A; Use a 1.5A adapter (not included) for fastest charge times (8 hours). Package contents: Anker® Astro 3E External Battery, Micro USB wire, travel pouch, instruction manual Image Anker 14W Solar Panel Foldable Dual-port Solar Charger for 5V USB-charged Devices 14 watt mono-crystalline 15-18% efficient solar array provides up to 5V / 2A total output among two USB-charging ports. Compatible with 5V USB-charged devices including, GPS units, iPhones, iPads, Android phones and Android tablets. Hardened PET plastic faced solar panels sewn into high-wear polyester canvas for weather-resistant outdoor durability. Folds down into a 8.5 x 11 paper-sized profile for superior portability; well-place eyeholes enable easy attachment to backpacks for use while hiking. Package contents: Anker® 14W Foldable Dual-Port Solar Charger, instruction manual. Image The Power Pot and Cup Charger BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 31, 2013 Author Share Posted December 31, 2013 FOOD PRESERVATION SOLAR FOOD DEHYDRATOR SOLAR POWER REFRIGERATOR SET UP ROOT CELLARS TO BE UPDATED Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted January 1, 2014 Author Share Posted January 1, 2014 Relevant news added to Disaster specific preparations. Nuclear Attack/Meltdown category. NUKE FEAR: Feds Order 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide... Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted January 10, 2014 Author Share Posted January 10, 2014 Why you should be prepping. Because you never know when a disaster will strike. Everyone thinks nothing will happen to them; until it does. BO7H B4RRELS and Plumbers Crack 2 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted January 11, 2014 Author Share Posted January 11, 2014 Update on Chemical Spill. And this should be a good exercise in witnessing how well FEMA handles disasters (since they did so well with Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy). Most people just think the Gov will save them when disaster strikes. Let's see how good they do. Also of note; I just wanted to point out that this has something to do with the Coal Industry. Obama has been waging a war on Coal during his administration. Obama made clear in his speech last Summer that he intends to impose regulations on existing coal plants that can only be met through carbon capture and storage (technology that doesn’t exist on a commercial scale), switching to natural gas, or shutting down completely. Could this have something to do with changing public perception about the safety of Coal? Maybe but it's probably nothing. I just try to think of all angles when contemplating situations. And if we see a roll out of Mainstream Media pushing the story that Coal is unsafe, then we'll have our answer. "mad dash....pandemonium" Please consider how people behave when they are trying to survive and plan accordingly by following the outlines in this thread. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted January 11, 2014 Author Share Posted January 11, 2014 EMERGENCY LIGHTING Many do not anticipate the amount of light sources needed for an emergency, let alone for a long-term emergency. In a previous newsletter, it was suggested to stock up on flashlights and matches for a short-term disaster to get by in an emergency where the electricity has been turned off. Practicing energy conservation measures during that time can also help prolong your light sources. However, if you find yourself in an emergency where the lights go out permanently, being able to sustain yourself for a longer-term scenario requires a more permanent means of producing light. Some are turned off by the idea of attracting unwelcome attention to themselves by having light in the home during a longer-term emergency. Further, powering up a loud generator to turn the lights on may also draw attention to the homestead. That being said, if you are concerned with this issue, take special precautions ahead of time. Black out curtains can easily solve this issue. Plan to have a means of emergency light for not only getting around in the dark, but for essential rooms that will need to be illuminated. Rooms used for food preparation and even for medical/triage reasons will need to have lots of light to help treat any serious medical issues that occurs, especially at night. Developing your survival skills and investing in preparedness supplies and know-how can help put you ahead in the survival game. Here are a few suggestions of emergency light sources to invest in for a longer-term disaster: Lumin Aid Inflatable Solar Light / Pillow Pretty Nifty Candles – It is recommended to have candles for an emergency. Consider these 100 hour candles from You can even use candles to make space heaters - demonstration/instructoins HERE Solar lighting – Solar lights would be an efficient alternative to having light. Solar garden lighting can also be used as an alternative means to producing light. Solar garden lights can be purchased for as low as $1 at the Dollar stores and can be used as a torch (the solar panel/LED top can be unscrewed to be used as a night light), or could be altered to provide overhead lighting. In the morning, take it out to a sunny area to recharge. Get creative! Flash lanterns would also be a great product to look into, if this is the means of light you prefer. Purchasing solar panels to use to light and power the home is an expensive investment that could pay itself off especially in al long-term scenario. These panels would be an amazing purchase for those interested in going off-grid. Keep in mind that solar cells are very fragile, and because of the fragility of solar equipment, it would be wise to invest in replacement parts for any solar materials purchased. Remember: two is one, one is none. Fuel powered light sources – Gas powered lamps and overhead lighting are also available for those interested in a more off-grid solution. Bear in mind that additional fuel will need to be stored in order to provide light. Hurricane lanterns can be purchased at outdoor stores, but can also be found at garage sales, or donation centers such as the Salvation Army for a fraction of the cost. Remember to invest in extra parts and fuel for these types of light sources. Rendered animal fats – If you find yourself with no means of producing light, tallow can be made from rendered animal fats. Note the smell tallow emits may not be what you expect, but it will do the job it is intended to do (Rendered animal fats can also be a means of producing alternative fuel for certain engines). Further, re-using fats from foods can also be used as a stand in for your normal fuel. For a more in depth review of bush craft lighting, click here. Light from water – That’s right, you can light your home using a clear soda bottle and clean water. The light it emits is comparable to a 50 watt light bulb. You can see the amazing video here. Night vision goggles – Investing in a pair of night vision goggles would be good not only for perimeter security, but also helpful in other situations where you do not want to draw any attention to yourself. The price of night vision tools vary from $250-$500. Night vision scopes are also available for rifles and could be an advantage for hunting. In online reviews, it was mentioned that some service members who used the night vision binoculars have said they prefer the monocular version. Because of the mass manufacturing of this product ensure that where you buy is from a reputable dealer. Generally speaking, the American lifestyle is largely dependent upon the power grid. When the grid goes down, our population’s Achilles’ heal will be exposed. With our inability to function in a realm without power coupled with the extreme stressful nature of disasters and emergencies, it can be a large antagonizer for chaos and unwelcome encounters with the unprepared. The following list is meant to be a comprehensive list of suggestions you should have in your preparedness supplies. My personal feelings are the more supplies, the better. And let’s not forget that the following items would make good bartering items. Find which items would benefit your family the most and invest in those. Preps To Buy: Long lasting candles Hurricane lamps Hanging lanterns battery powered,solar and/or gas powered Flashlight – hand cranked, solar, battery powered, or LED Solar garden lighting Light sticks Matches and water proof types Cigarette lighters Strobe light – as a signaling device Head lamps Extra glass mantels for lamps Extra candle wicks Extra propane or fuel Extra batteries for flashlights, lanterns and head lamps Solar panels Solar chargers Battery chargers Black out curtains Night vision goggles Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BO7H B4RRELS 2,456 Posted January 11, 2014 Share Posted January 11, 2014 Those crank flashlights (and radios) are great for emergencies. I keep one in my truck. spectre 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted January 12, 2014 Author Share Posted January 12, 2014 Day 3 Without Water - Frustration Grows Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted January 12, 2014 Author Share Posted January 12, 2014 "As of Saturday, FEMA has delivered approximately 1 million liters of water from its distribution centers in Cumberland and Frederick, Maryland, to the area for use by the state," the agency said. "FEMA will continue to deliver supplies to the state for distribution, as needed." (reference here) So, 300,000 people without water, 1,000,000 Liters delivered. That's just over 3 liters per person. Does that sound like it will help much? Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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