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How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse


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What to do with your human waste?  Here are some ideas to get you started.


Personal Hygiene - List


  1. 100 soaps (different sizes)
  2. 20 liquid soaps
  3. 50 liter shampoo (different kinds)
  4. 100 small bottles of hand sanitizers (again it is better to have lot of small containers instead of a few big)
  5. 50 kg of washing powder
  6. 20 liter of washing detergent,liquid
  7. 100 disposable razors
  8. 5 old style razors (non disposable, full metal)
  9. 100 rolls of toilet paper (when I run out off toilet paper I will use soap and towels that I clean and use for it again.)
  10. 50 tubes of tooth paste
  11. 1 basic dental set, dental analgesic gels and few dental pliers
  12. 15x 500 ml mouth wash solution
  13. 2 manicure sets (nail cutters, scissors...)



Feminine Hygiene


The Diva Cup - They also have one for pre-childbirth - apparently these things work really good form what I read on the reviews, you might want to consider introducing to your wife/girlfriend now!




Diva Cup Model 2 is for Post-Childbirth and/or Over 30 Years of AgeThe DivaCup is approved by the FDA (USA) and Health Canada. It is made of soft medical grade silicone, which is latex-free, 100% hypoallergenic and odorless. For over 50 years, silicone has been safely and extensively used in products for the health care industry. Every DivaCup comes with a discreet drawstring carry bag, full instructions, and an extra pamphlet to share. They also include an exclusively designed Diva pin with silver accents, that they hope you can proudly wear to show your support and help them spread the word about this amazing product! Back in the 1930's the innovative menstrual cup was invented as a form of internal feminine protection. The DivaCup is a modern version of this proven concept that has been redesigned with the latest technology in moulding and materials. Since The DivaCup is reusable, it is very economical. As well, you can feel confident that you are doing your part in environmental conservation. Landfill and pollution problems are on the rise and continue to be a worldwide concern.



The Humanure Handbook:



The Composting Toilet System Book:



Off-Grid Homesteading: Sanitation - Handling Human Waste

VIDEO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBqlyHM93p0


Solar Composting Toilet by SolarCabin 

VIDEO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6jsMx9yGnw

Keep calm and question nothing.

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As always you are a wealth of information Sir.

Good stuff.

Not sure how you feel about Les Stroud, but he has a good survival book. My wife is sleeping or I'd go get it and tell you the name. :)

Just figured I'd tell you some stuff I've personally used.

Knife (I have a LOT) but for survival situations I really recommend the Gerber Lmf2. You really can't beat it for the price.

I have a Leatherman multi-tool that has help me out more times than I can count. They make quality tools, though they can get pricy.

As far a firearms go, don't underestimate the power of a decent air rifle to take game. I have killed Possum, racoon, squirrel and chipmunk with mine. It's a Gamo silent cat.


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I agree with you on the Air rifle. I need to get one, you have a recommendation? I need a good knife too, I'll look into that one.

I love Les Stroud, I've watched every single show he has made. Survivorman was the best.

I have the Gamo Silent Cat, comes with a fixed 4x scope. It gets decent reviews, but there are plenty of air rifle snobs out there that say it's shit. Trust me, it gets the job done. I've killed more varmint with it than any other gun I have. Lol

The gerber lmf2 is seriously quality. In fact let me get in and snap a pic or 2. Brb.


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My air rifle.

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Gerber lmf2

The sheath is very good, integrated sharper, dual leg straps, and the knife fits perfectly into the holder.

Blade is very thick. Handle has great grip. Can be turned into a spear if need be. The butt of the knife is pointed to break glass or heads, and the back side is flat to be used as a hammer.


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Is that knife a full tang?


That gun is on my shopping list for sure.  Looks like around $119 on Amazon, but I'll shop around. That an average price?





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Is that knife a full tang?

That gun is on my shopping list for sure. Looks like around $119 on Amazon, but I'll shop around. That an average price?

The butt piece isn't part of the tang, but trust me, It would be very hard to break, it's a beast. That made me hesitate to buy it, but glad I did. The hammer feature is awesome.

Hopefully I never have to rely on it, but I feel I could.


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I'm sure it'll do the job, I just got the other because it's supposed to be less noisy with lead pellets. Plus I liked the stock.


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If you are new to prepping, this is probably the best place to start for its ease of acquiring materials and price.


The Basics

Complete this list of preps and add to your food storage


Pack everything in 2 or 5kg small bags so you do not lose all your supplies if some bags get wet or contaminated or in any other way damaged. They are also easier to carry, trade with and store at different locations throughout the house.


I stock items marked red also for trading.


• 200 kg flour

• 100 kg rice (same like flour, look for a late expiry date)

• 30 kg salt (to also pickle things, to dry meat, for preservation)

• 10 sets spices ( 1 set is around 20 different small bottles of spices, spicescan make a huge difference for your morale!)

• 200 kg sugar (smaller packages, was very valuable during the war)


• 200 kg coffee (raw coffee, can last longer, roasted coffee loses aroma easier) great for trading, coffee addicts, important for many people as asmall bit of normalcy

•  70 bags of 500g pasta, different kinds

• 300 bags quick soups (easy to carry, gets ready very fast, can just drink it from glass, if hot good when you feel cold)

• 30 kg of tobacco (not important if you are a smoker or not, good to store it with leafs of cabbage, keeps tobacco fresh, packaged in 1kg boxes with cabbage leafs, best case is to be non-smoker and use it just for trade) Also get seeds like these here!

• 50 boxes (10 000 cigarettes)


• 200 liters of Everclear(stronger alcohol makes sense because of it’s multiple uses)

•  50 liter olive oil

• 100 liters of sunflower oil (will use olive oil mostly for cooking and sunflower for all other purposes)

• 10 l vinegar (to pickle stuff, making salads)

• 15 kg of honey (to treat colds, pneumonia, natural medicine treatments)

• 5 kg cocoa powder (packaged in 250g)

• 10 kg of powdered fruit drink mix (multivitamin) 1kg baking powder


List compiled by Selco from http://www.shtfschool.com


My name is Selco and I am from the Balkan region, and as some of you may know it was hell here from 92-95, anyway, for 1 whole year I lived and survived in a city WITHOUT: electricity, fuel, running water, real food distribution, or distribution of any goods, or any kind of organized law or government. The city was surrounded for 1 year and in that city actually it was SHTF situation. We were all thrown into this and our allies were our enemies from one day to the next. Today I’m prepared but I learned a lot going through this hard time.




Feed a family of 4 for 1 year, for less than $300





You are out of excuses!


This plan is THE fastest, cheapest and easiest way to start a food storage program. You are done in a weekend. AND there are no hassles with rotating. Pack it and forget. It’s space efficient – everything is consolidated into a few 5-gallon buckets. You’ll sleep content in knowing that you have a one-year food supply on hand for your family should you ever need.


With the exception of dairy and Vitamin B12, this bean soup recipe will fulfill all your basic nutritional needs. It won’t fill all of your wants, but using this as your starting point, you can add the stuff that you want.


All of the food and storing supplies listed below plus 2 55-gallon recycled barrels to be used for rain catchment cost me $296, including taxes. I purchased rice, bouillon and salt from SAM’s Club. You can buy small bags of barley at the grocery, but if you don’t mind waiting a few days, special ordering a bulk bag from Whole Foods was cheaper. All of the beans I purchased from Kroger’s in 1-lb bags. Buckets, lids, Mylar bags and rain barrels were from the Lexington Container Company. Their prices are so good, with such a great selection that it’s worth a drive even if you are not in the local area. I went on a second-Saturday of the month because that’s when they host free food storage courses taught by Suzanne, an energetic, delight of prepping wisdom. http://www.lexingtoncontainercompany.com/


What you need:

8 5-gallon buckets

8 large Mylar bags

8 2,000 cc oxygen absorbers

8 gamma lids

A handful of bay leaves

90 lbs. of white rice

22 lbs. of kidney beans

22 lbs. of barley

22 lbs. of yellow lentils

5.5 lbs. of split green peas

5.5 lbs. of garbanzo beans

1 lb. of salt

A big box of beef and chicken bouillon.

A measuring cup



What you’ll do

Install the gamma lids on the bucket and insert Mylar bags. Place 2 or 3 bay leaves in the bottom and fill the buckets, adding more bay leaves after each 1/3 to full. Place an oxygen absorber in the top. Label buckets with the contents and date.



  • 3 buckets with rice (shake it down good. Get it all in there!)
  • 1 bucket each of kidney beans, barley, and yellow lentils
  • In 1 bucket store the split green peas, garbanzo beans, salt, measuring cup and bouillon. (I removed the bouillon from the box and vacuum sealed it as bouillon contains a small amount of oil.)
  • Yep, that’s a total of 7 buckets, so far.


I place a broom handle across the bucket and wrap the ends of the Mylar bag over the broom handle to give me some support. Then slowly and smoothly run a hot iron over the Mylar bag to seal all except the last 2 inches. Then I press out as much air as possible before sealing the remaining 2 inches. Make sure your Mylar is completely sealed from end to end. Now, stuff the bag into the bucket and rotate the gamma lid into place. This will protect your food for about 25 years. You’ll have excess Mylar bag at the top. Don’t cut it off, that way if you have to cut it open to get into it, you have enough bag remaining to reseal.


Where you’ll put it

It’s pretty easy to find a place for 7 to 8 5-gallon buckets even in the smallest of apartments. Discard the box springs and lay the kid’s mattress on top of the buckets, line the back of a large closet with the buckets. I made a couch-table by stacking buckets two high between the couch and the wall. The buckets are about 6” taller than the back of the couch. Add a shelf and drape and it looks fine; a convenient place for a lamp and books. Get creative.


Making your bean soup

Measure out· 8 oz of rice· 2 oz of red kidney beans· 2 oz of pearl barley· 2 oz of lintels· 1 oz of split green peas· 1 oz of chick peas/garbanzo’s


Add 6-7 quarts of water. Add bouillon or salt to taste. Then add any other meats, vegetables, potatoes or seasonings you have on hand. Bring to a boil and then let simmer for two hours. You should have enough to feed 4 people for two days. This is thick and hearty. You will be warm on the inside and full with one large bowl. Kids usually eat half a bowl.


When the emergency is over

This system allows you to open the Mylar bags, retrieve as much of the ingredients as is needed and then reseal everything after the emergency has passed. Just be sure to replace the ingredients used so that you always have a one-year supply.


The 8th bucket – other stuff I would want

This list isn’t included in the $300. This falls into the “what I want” category. As money and resources became available, I’d just go crazy adding all of my indulgences, starting with coffee! You can add what you want, but I’d fill it with:

  • Dry onion. Let’s face it, what’s bean soup without onion! Sprinkle on the onions just before serving.
  • “Just add water” cornbread mix packets. I just can’t eat bean soup without cornbread.
  • Beef jerky and Vienna sausages. Add protein and zest to the bean soup
  • Instant oatmeal. Do you really want bean soup for breakfast? Freeze the oatmeal for 3 days before packing to kill any bugs.
  • 10 lbs of jellybeans. Now, don’t laugh – it’s a bean. Jellybeans don’t melt like chocolate might. The high sugar content is quick energy, and a morale booster – with just enough of a high to help you over the really bad days. Easter is about here – stock up!

Before you fill the 8th bucket

Buy small bags of the ingredients and fix a big pot of bean soup for dinner. Eat the leftovers the second night, and 3rd night, until it’s all gone. Find out now – rather than later – what your family might like to add to it. Anything tastes great the first meal, but quickly becomes boring after the 3rd or 4th repeat. Don’t wait until the emergency happens to discover what you SHOULD have stored in your 8th bucket. … Maybe some Beano!





This item should be a staple to add to your preps. The superpails are designed for long term storage in mind. You can get a wide variety of grains, including hard white wheat,  hard red wheat, rolled oats, soft white wheat, rice, yellow popcorn, pearled barley, and more (or as mentioned above, you can make your own)


Single Superpails -example- cheaper to invest over time without breaking the bank.



Year Supply






In a collapse scenario, there might be times when we cannot fulfill our diet with all of the vitamins and minerals that are required.  It is therefore a great idea to stock up on some multi-vitamins for use to supplement your diet. 


Puritan.com offers very good prices.  Most items they offer have buy 2 get 3 free and similar deals.



more to be updated in this section...

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  • Mature in a couple months
  • Breed year around
  • No smell and relatively quiet
  • They hatch in about 23 days if kept at about 92 degrees and 45 to 60% humidity
  • Lay one egg per day
  • Their cages can be as little as a little chicken wire box with a shady side that you can move around the yard… and they eat just about anything. Bugs, plants, seeds, nuts, algae, fruits, veggies, dog food


Links and Sources





Yep, you read that right.  I am still learning about this area so this will be a very brief overview of what I've learned so far. Because this is an overview, if you plan on raising Guinea Pigs for food, you should do your own research on the matter. I'm only posting here to provide ideas for what you might have to do in a post-SHTF world.



  • Low Maintenance - food easily acquired from grass and weeds growing in your area.
  • Stealth - can be raised indoors away from predators and roving bands of marauders
  • Ideal for City Dwellers


  • Guinea Pigs require daily doses of Vitamin C. In a SHTF scenario, it may be impossible to "run down to the pet store".  It could be possible to make teas using Pine Needles and feeding that to them once it has cooled. Pine Needles have Vitamin C. in them.


  • Alfalfa hay should only be fed to babies 6 months old and younger, and pregnant or nursing sows, because they have a lot of extra nutrients that healthy adult guinea pigs do not require.
  • Timothy, orchard grass, or bluegrass hay should be fed for guinea pigs older than 6 months. It should be fed 'free choice,' which means they have some in the cage all the time.
  • Do not house your guinea pigs with rabbits or allow the two species to play together. Rabbits naturally carry a bacteria that can make guinea pigs very ill, and rabbits are bigger, stronger animals. Even a playful kick from a rabbit could kill a guinea pig.



  • Breed within 5-6 months - after 10 months pubic bone fuses together
  • Has litters of 1-3 babies - although 16-18 is possible
  • Put male / female in neutral territory (clean cage) female first, male after.
  • Keep together for 2-3 days
  • Gestation period is 2 months
  • Care for piglets - alfalfa hay and food available - plus they will nurse off mother.
  • Wean off mother at 3 weeks so they don't impregnate the mother which can lead to inbreeding.











Farmed tilapia production is about 1,500,000 tonnes (1,500,000 long tons; 1,700,000 short tons) annually with an estimated value of US$1.8 billion,about equal to that of salmon and trout.

Unlike carnivorous fish, tilapia can feed on algae or any plant-based food. This reduces the cost of tilapia farming, reduces fishing pressure on prey species, avoids concentrating toxins that accumulate at higher levels of the food chain and makes tilapia the preferred "aquatic chickens" of the trade.


Because of their large size, rapid growth, and palatability, tilapiine cichlids are the focus of major farming efforts, specifically various species of Oreochromis, Sarotherodon, and Tilapia, collectively known colloquially as tilapia. Like other large fish, they are a good source of protein and popular among artisanal and commercial fisheries.


A great type of plant that can be easily grown and fed to your Tilapia is called Duckweed.


Duckweed also functions as a bioremediator by effectively filtering contaminants such as bacteria, nitrogen, phosphates, and other nutrients from naturally occurring bodies of water, constructed wetlands and waste water


The Tilapia - Duckweed is your 2 part Permaculture Self-contained System.  There are numerous ways to set up an Aquaponics system involving these two and I won't be setting one up personally until I buy a house next year.  I'll leave you with a few videos on the subject. Presented here to just give you some ideas about what is possible.





20,000 lbs of Fish + 70,000 Vegetables per 1/4 Acre



DIY Solar water heater for aquaponics






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Seeds are a must have prep item!


If you have been following the news at all, you might have heard about the Bee Colony Collapse Disorder.  Many people would be surprised to know that 90% of the feral (wild) bee population in the United States has died out.  In the US, bee keepers are experiencing unprecedented die offs of bees some losing as much as 80% of their colonies. Commercial beekeepers in 22 states have reported deaths of tens of thousands of honeybee colonies. (reference HERE) 


Why are Bees Disappearing?


There could be a time in the future when we will need to hand pollinate our own garden in order for it to thrive and continue. 

Recommended Reading - Seed to Seed - This book covers everything you need to know about saving seeds and includes how to hand pollinate a wide variety of plants. Buy it, save it for later, you just might need it.


Heirloom Seeds VS Genetically Modified Seeds - hint, the GMO plants will produce seeds that are incapable of further germination. These seeds have been designed so that farmer's have to go back to the Corporations, year after year, to buy more seeds.


Where to buy Heirloom Seeds - HERE



Worm Castings



Red wriggler worms are the world's best soil generators, creating the highest quality soil by recycling newspaper, cardboard, and vegetable scraps and converting it into worm castings, the "black gold" of gardening.

Worm castings are stable, rich in humus and loaded with beneficial soil microbes that are ideal as inoculants and for restoring life to soil that has been depleted by chemical fertilizer usage and modern intensive farming methods. The proven benefits are:

• Earlier, stronger and increased flowering
• Reduced inorganic fertilizer requirement
• Greater uniformity in crop size and quality
• Better crop health and shelf life
• Increased root mass


Example of Worm Composting System



Make your own System



Indoor Composters




Pest Control

  • Soapy Water Insecticide Spray - 2 teaspoons in 1 quart of water is great for killing stink bugs, spidermites and aphids - Video Explanation - HERE
  • Use old CD's hung from fishing line to scare birds away from your garden - Video Explanation HERE
  • Also, hanging a black plastic trash bag over wire (for use as a scarecrow) will also keep birds away.
  • Grow vine type plants which will attract the Preying Mantis, natural predators of other insects.

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