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Survive the Extinction


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There is an Ali A video on this (can't linky I'm on mobile)

You unlock the mode by completing the campaign so I guess I won't be playing this. Unless they release a patch that unlocks it like on WaW with zombies.

That's shitty. Haven't finished a cod campaign since blops 1.


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There's only pics to go on at the moment. The Ali A vid just talks about the mode. But there is links to the screenshots within the description on the vid. I won't say too much to save spoilers, but the aliens look pretty bad ass. Kinda reminds me a bit of Starship Troopers :)

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Is it me or is it getting a bit silly now? Zombies first then aliens...

Don't get me wrong it will be good I'm sure, and no doubt I'll play it, but I just feel if I wanted a space alien shooter I would go out and buy 1...

Perhaps I'm just being miserable, I don't know...


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Only part of CoD I like is the competitiveness, I found Mobas similar but not quite the same as what you get from CoD....that's why I'm still interested in it even if it may be a bit stale (is this like cod number 20??)

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This looks fun. Definitely prefer this than Spec Ops and a worthy rival to Treyarch's Zombies. I never understood how some people pay 60 dollars just for the multiplayer and never touch the campaign. COD's campaigns are always a lot of fun. Yeah, the stories are never going to be as good as BioShock or The Last Of Us. But, they are still a lot of fun, plenty of action, can provide "holy shit" moments sometimes, and always pretty short, so it never drags on. It'll take you 2-3 days to beat the campaign. I'm sure you will survive not playing multiplayer for that long! :rolleyes:

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IW makes some kick ass campaigns though! If you have never finished the campaign for MW3. Do it now! Some many awesome moments!

Yeah. I may check it out before ghosts. I liked cod 4 and mw2's campaign. Not sure why I skipped mw3...


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Aliens... Meh

That's the most excited i've heard you for this COD! :)

Fair play to them for trying something new. We always complain about the same shit being released each year. It might be complete shite but at least they're trying

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