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Computer tech issue for you tech guys


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Okay this prob has been driving me nuts for the past few months. I know some of you guys like Dave and now that Justin is here are much more into computers than I so maybe you guys can help or at least offer advice.

I have had my desktop PC for about 2 years now. I purchased it from a local shop that custom builds PC's for a good price (like $500'ish 2 yrs ago) it has been great for the past 18 months. Now the past 6 months or so....I get the BSOD. But here's when I get it. Only when I first turn the PC on and go to something like Fb or some site that has hih drag pics on it. Forums are no prob. I can turn it on and come to FG and no issue, But turn it on and go right to FB....I get the freeze then BSOD and it reboots and I have to "start windows normal".

But if I turn it on and wait maybe 5 mins to go to FB, fine no issues. Almost like it has to "warm up" if that makes sense. Any idea what is causing that? If it were a hardware issue you'd like it would have done that from the get go right?


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BSOD are typically hardware related. I wonder if Facebook is using some sort of Flash or something your graphics card is flipping out over. 

You can open up the event viewer and see what type of errors it is reporting (if anything)

In the search box just type Event Viewer and open that up. Left pane will show some drop downs, choose Windows Logs, then System Logs. 

In the center top pane, scan down through the reports to about the time it last happened and look for Red icon errors. See what they have to say. I am thinking that if it is something to do with Facebook it might be a slow driver boot for your GFX card. Something that isn't initialized immediately upon boot up... but is after a bit (given your description). That seems odd... but... #Computers. hah

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Windows 7: 

Start > (in Search bar) type 'Event Viewer'. You will see the event viewer icon/program. Open that up. 

Windows 10: 

In the search box NEXT to the start button type "Event Viewer". Select Event Viewer and open it. 

Nah, you can look at Event Viewer anytime. It keeps a log of a few days or so. Just depends. 

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Yep windows 7. Okay that helps. I'm there, I found where it happened yesterday (I think this is it because it has the red mark next to it like you said and it was about the time it happened) I dunno if you can make heads or tails of this because I have no clue what this means, but it says..

Log Name:      System
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler
Date:          10/15/2016 4:48:00 PM
Event ID:      413
Task Category: Service critical error
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      owner-PC
Task Scheduler service failed to load tasks at service startup. Additional Data: Error Value: 2147942402.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler" Guid="{DE7B24EA-73C8-4A09-985D-5BDADCFA9017}" />
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-10-15T20:48:00.828433700Z" />
    <Correlation />
    <Execution ProcessID="292" ThreadID="1200" />
    <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
  <EventData Name="LoadJobsFailed">
    <Data Name="ResultCode">2147942402</Data>


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So... I am not exactly sure how to fix your problem. So, that sucks. However, it looks like others have had this issue


That is crap you don't want to get into. (other solutions were worse... hah) 

--So based on what I am reading both from you and from the solutions: on boot up the task scheduler (which controls all the crap and order things start in) is having issues with something ... most likely a graphics driver load or something given where/when it is dying on you... but if you wait long enough the scheduler 'gets around' to it and boots the driver. Some other guys may know more, or have cleaner easier solutions (I am not being much help). It would be easier if you had a friend locally that would take a look at it for a drink and some quality social time... lol or... if it ONLY happens within 5 minutes of booting... the lazy man says a) never reboot lol or 2)  when you boot up ... go grab a drink or something So it it is 'done' when you get back. 

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Well I take two things from that Justin....

#1- You deciphered from that mess I copied & posted where the issue is (graphics load issue) (more than I knew till now) so I now have a point to work from.

#2- If you got that...or ANY info from that stuff I posted, now I see why you work forensics and  please don't share the websites I have visited okay. lol:lol:

All kiddin aside, appreciate the help. At least now I can get a starting point where the problem is and tryin find how to fix it. Till now, I had no clue WTF was going on . I was thinking it maybe was a PSU till now, (that was the extent of my PC knowledge lol) But obviously it's more than that.



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Did you delete, edit or move some files recently? Get a virus and files got quaranteened?

 Error Value: 2147942402  which is what is in the log usually means file not found.  The system waits for a response when it boots up and eventually times out which is probably why the scheduler fails eventually. 

I think someone has a similar problem with their 7850 Video card where there was some windows update that screwed things up and I think he had to go to the AMD site, get the drivers and reload them

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On 10/16/2016 at 0:58 PM, Auptyk said:

If it happens again, and you have your phone on you or whatever... snap a photo of the BSOD. They will have an error code (typically) and sometimes those can be helpful. 


Will do. I don't remember the error code off hand but I do remember at the bottom of the screen it says something about some sort of memory dump or something like that.

Cyber- nope haven't deleted anything at all so that shouldn't be anything with it. I run Maleware bytes and spybot every few weeks and haven't had any sort of issues big quarantined outside of just the normal Benign little things they always find when you run them.

I'll tryin get some code info when it happens again.


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