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Discuss the maps - Consulate


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This new series has been created to facilitate the gameplay, metagame, and strategy discussion that often gets buried or lost in the abundance of others posts that flood this sub.
The goal of this series is to not only give new players a primer on a specific map, but also for midlevel or competitive players a chance to share the knowledge that they have accrued in their experiences and maybe let people know something that they did not know before.
Today's map is Consulate.

The community has outlined a couple of things that they want to converse about with every map, but feel free to branch out should you feel a piece of information warrants its own discussion.

  • Overall map and team strategies for attacking & defending.
  • Secret areas, kill holes, and other techniques that can be used on the map.
  • The best operators to use on the map and different abilities that work & don't work with this map.
  • What strategies have you adopted while playing this map? What is something that a new player should know when playing this map, or what is something you know that would help a veteran player take that next step?
  • Does the map offer an unfair advantages to attackers or defenders?
  • Will Epi ever give us a release date for Bartlett University?
  • What is your overall opinion of this map?

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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  • When the objective is in garage, Jaeger should be sniping from the top floor.
  • It's easy to get a c4 kill in Visa. Just put a c4 underneath in the basement server room in prep phase. Then, at the start of the round, get on cams and watch visa. It's a popular place of entry. When they approach the hatch, detonate your c4.
  • The easiest room to defend has got to be the server room despite there being 3 hatches to drop from. There are only 2 doors you can walk through, and red hallway is a long line of sight that is almost always guarded closely.
  • The garage is easier to attack because you can destroy the ceiling from the piano room. If someone is camping in the corner behind white van, stick a breach charge behind the piano and you might even down the camper with the explosion.
  • 2F Cubicles are fun to fight in, I think. The desk dividers are all destructible and it creates a lot of tension when you don't know where the enemy is but bullets are being thrown at random, hoping for a lucky headshot. Castle is decent at defending 2F Cubicles as there are perfectly 3 windows to make use of his armor panels.
  • For defenders, peeking windows and roaming on other floors is key. Many rooms that seem impossible to defend (like the CEO Office top floor, above garage), but can be countered by opening up doors and windows on other floors. The balcony on the second floor especially is where I have gotten countless tons of kills because the attacking team is busy rappelling the windows right outside the objective, with no one watching flank. Even in a room like Archives in the basement, it is still essential to have someone watch the floor above to pick off defenders trying to use the staircases. Jager and Valkyrie rule here, but Kapkan also has lots of unique trap placements that trump anything Frost can do. Love this map because there can be such variety in defending.
  • Attackers, watch windows. Watch hallways & staircases. Watch everything. Realistically, there are some rooms on maps (like House) where droning is just not as necessary, but for this map, always drone out before entering the building, most likely someone is waiting by a window or door to spawn kill. Thatcher and Thermite are obviously essential for garage, but other rooms like the Waiting Room on the east side, w/ the vending machines, there isn't even really anything to reinforce. Ash dominates and Glaz can actually be a hell of a counter to spawn killers.


I rarely see attackers rappel from or around the grand staircase skylight. If you set up camp outside one of those barred windows overlooking the spiral staircase, you are likely to find a roamer or two passing by for easy pickings.


  • You can sit in the meeting room above lobby and make a kill hole in the floor just above the lobby door. Drop Smoke gas or C4 on them when they walk in. In ESL the lobby/piano room is a pretty viable defense because you force the enemy to try to take upstairs and even if they take that they still have to take the site afterwards.
  • Spiral stairs camera can be seen and destroyed from outside. You can walk behind the building aim up through the grated windows to see the camera. Just make sure you're close enough to the building to see it.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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